Early the next morning, a group of people followed Zhao Chuanguang and his wife into the car.

Mr. Lin outside the window smiled and waved them away.

Zhang Guoqing knew that he asked him to go out together again and again, but he was determined not to go. I understand that the old man has made up his mind.

It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married. Let him go...

Alas... is his grandpa still alive now?

Seeing that Zhang Guoqing had been distracted, Zhou Jiao squeezed his palm.

Zhang Guoqing turned his head to see those big worried eyes, and then looked at his son. He shook his head and laughed straight away, he had actually learned to be sentimental.

When they arrived at the provincial station, a group of people bought tickets to City H and boarded the train.

Along the way, Zhang's mother took her grandson's finger and pointed out the window, Ping An, look at those stoves, aren't they a lot? I also took this train last time, and there are no stoves outside...

It's not just here. We came from the capital. Last time we saw many places were barren mountains and wild mountains. Now there are many large and small earthen blast furnaces.

Cheng Ruzhu heard her sister-in-law mention it, and said with a smile: It's not surprising. Even the small courtyard of our unit has built a one-meter-high clay furnace.

Passengers in adjacent seats in the carriage heard about ironmaking and began to chat about this topic.

A passenger who had just returned from a business trip in other places talked about the grand occasions and rumors he saw in other places.

I heard that there is a lack of fuel in some places, and the locals even burned the coffin boards in the cemetery to smelt iron.

Zhou Jiao looked out of the window worriedly, wondering if the trees in the Gu family's ancestral grave could be kept.

For a moment, thinking of the future, she couldn't help laughing, what trees did she care about—it seemed that she should find a chance to talk to Mrs. Cheng.

In the afternoon, the group finally arrived in City H. Under the leadership of a friend of Zhao Chuanguang, we stayed in the guest house and started a two-day tour.

The other party's surname is Mu, and Zhao Chuanguang asked Zhang Guoqing and Zhou Jiao to call him Uncle Mu.

Uncle Mu is very talkative and enthusiastic. When he heard that it was Zhou Xiaozheng's daughter and son-in-law, his attitude immediately changed. That topic was full of strange things, almost even picked out what kind of underwear Zhou Xiaozheng liked to wear.

Zhou Jiao knew at a glance that this was her father's fanboy. The other party does not belong to her father's twelve brothers, but the relationship should be relatively close to the thirteen brothers.

As for her mother, Lin Lishan, the other party still smiled and called her sister-in-law, and treated her no differently from others.

Zhou Jiao reckoned that anyone with a little friendship with her father would know about some of the messy things about her family.

She has seen too many uncles fight for her, and she is no stranger to it. Just don't be rude.

After eating, Uncle Mu called his wife and eldest son Mu Hai over.

The irony is that he suggested that Mu Hai also live in the guest house, and let his eldest son entertain Zhang Guoqing and his wife, and let them young people play by themselves.

After Zhang Guoqing thanked him for his refusal, he sat aside with Mu Hai and chatted. No matter what the other party is thinking, since he wants to make friends with the next generation, then he will give in.

It didn't take long for Zhang Guoqing to find out the details of Mu Dacheng's family from this young man in his twenties.

It is not an exaggeration for Zhao Chuanguang to ask the couple to call him Uncle Mu. The other party looked older than Zhou Xiaozheng by more than ten years, but in fact he was one year younger.

Mu Dacheng is now the head of a fishery company, and his wife is a second-generation red. For such a background, Zhang Guoqing is not surprised at all. There has never been anyone who can associate with Zhao Chuanguang.

However, from the conversation between Cheng Ruzhu and Aunt Mu, Zhang Guoqing did not intend to get a piece of news. The smiling fox he had been paying attention to finally showed his tail—it turned out to be Mu Dacheng's wife-in-law.

Zhang Guoqing couldn't help complaining from the bottom of his heart. The world is so fucking small.

In the older generation, there was only one surnamed Yi. The old man didn't tell himself that he drank together last time, but now he was making a living under his son. It was so uninteresting, he decided to pour old man Yi hard next time.

Zhang Guoqing glanced at Mu Hai enviously. With Mr. Yi around, this idiot would have no worries for the rest of his life. As long as you don't die, you won't be involved in any big wind and waves.

He rolled his eyes, and handed his son into Mu Hai's arms, If you like the child, you can hold it for a while. This year, you must hold a fat son. If you don't believe me, ask these elders.

Haha... I want to have a daughter. Let your son be my son-in-law.

Zhang Guoqing quickly shook his head, That won't work. My son will have to look for it by himself in the future. If your daughter looks like you, my son will be at a big loss.

After speaking, he couldn't help laughing out loud. Hey, he wants his son to cling to each other's blessings, not to send him to the door. What kind of in-laws, what kind of marriage, he doesn't want to.

Mu Dacheng laughed when he heard it from the side: You kid robbed our daughters-in-law, and you will still despise my son. If you hadn't acted quickly, I would have to take my second child to the capital to ask for a marriage. My father-in-law is Having said that, he has pre-ordered your son's daughter-in-law.

Zhao Chuanguang hurriedly said: Take a rest quickly. Your second child is fifteen years old like my eldest. You miss my Jiaojiao baby.

As soon as this was said, everyone burst into laughter.

Zhao Chuanguang glanced at Zhang Guoqing and shook his head when he saw him motioning. Knowing that Ping An did not have such a marriage, he immediately felt relieved. His grandson is no ordinary child, and the choice of grandson-in-law cannot be settled.

Although Jiaojiao and his wife have been keeping it secret. But he often sees children, so how could he not know. Every time he sees himself, the child definitely recognizes him, and he doubts that the child can understand. Otherwise, why do you always purse your lips and smile every time you talk about happy things.

Speaking of which, a large society has been established, and the fishing village has become a big pot. We won't come in vain, right? Lao Mu, you should hurry up and make arrangements for the next arrangement.

After Zhao Chuanguang finished speaking, he stood up and looked at Mu Dacheng. It's better to go out and avoid these topics. If you accidentally go around your children's in-laws, you will be finished. Even his elder brother can't spare him.

Mu Dacheng stood up and said with a smile: Since I asked you to come, there are still some arrangements. Let's go, I promise to let you have a good time, and go back happily tomorrow.

Zhang Guoqing took his son and went out with everyone. He glanced at Zhou Jiao beside him, and found the teasing in her eyes. He chuckled—he was careless just now, and his son was almost sold out by his father.

The men go out to sea with the fishing boats, and the women drive the sea. After playing to the fullest, I ate a big pot of the fishing company. Those delicacies made Zhou Jiao wish she could stay and work.

In particular, Zhang's mother told Zhou Jiao that no unit is as good as a fishery company. This job has nothing to worry about food and clothing for the rest of my life. I eat things from the sea, wear work clothes, and get paid.

As soon as she said these words, Zhou Jiao didn't forget to look back several times before leaving.

Zhang Guoqing was so scared that he hurriedly pulled Zhou Jiao away. If his mother continued talking, not only would his son be lost, but even his wife would become someone else's.

From the early morning of the next day, Mu Dacheng took his family and accompanied the group to visit the surrounding attractions. The group of people finally got on the train with big bags and small bags contentedly.

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