After receiving the letter from her father Zhou Xiaozheng, Zhou Jiao read the newspapers of the previous period one after another, but her whole body became more and more calm. Seeing that many things are a foregone conclusion, it is like a stone falling on the top of the head, but it is at ease.

After posting the reply letter to her dad, she looked from the yard into the house.

I started to keep the basic daily necessities, and the rest of the superfluous things, even the old things of Professor Liu in the warehouse, were all put into the space.

Zhang Guoqing came back with his son in his arms. Seeing this, he whispered in her ear: Take your time, there is still a month. Make a list and show me what is missing. I will make it up for you.

Zhou Jiao nodded, pulled him into the study, took out two densely written papers and handed them to him.

Looking at the many things added behind, Zhang Guoqing knew that this was the masterpiece she brought her son into the world some time ago. Anyway, the tool for committing the crime has been confiscated by him, so he is too lazy to bring up the old story again.

In addition to the preparation of fine grains, the most necessary thing is firewood. I always worry about our family's briquettes, and I really neglected this. There is also toilet paper. It doesn't matter if it's nothing, we can't live without it.

Zhou Jiao was taken aback when she heard the words, and said quickly: Don't buy fine grains. It's not the right time to come out now. Smart people will wake up afterwards. We can't keep the things we keep, so don't wait for the coarse grains in the backyard. You arrange a When the time comes, we will go back and deal with it secretly, and tell our parents to give it to others to eat fresh.

Following the reports of several examples of good harvests, he knew that it was getting harder and harder to find food, but last year he had been waiting for this year's harvest, how could he let it go.

Zhang Guoqing frowned and thought about it. After a long time, he took out a blank paper and listed the schedule on it. Since fine grains cannot be purchased openly, he will look for the black market and the snakeheads from last year.

Zhou Jiao tapped the table with one finger, and said, There is another way for you to buy food. Keep your name anonymous, and I have potions to help you disguise yourself. If you don't open your mouth, others won't find out.

If you go to Captain Liu, the license plate of the car will be taken off. When contacting the black market and smugglers, one must disguise himself, and the use of all vehicles is prohibited.

Zhang Guoqing squinted at her, he really knew how to hide things, no wonder he ran out with his son and bought so many things. He just said, how could his daughter-in-law have the courage.

Hehe... The prescription my dad gave me has just been formulated. It works well.

Hehe... I'll talk about these things with you later. The backyard in the village, the things inside and the firewood need to be dealt with for a day; I will find the snakehead in the evening for the fine grains. For Captain Liu, I have to find a way to borrow the unit truck, and there will also be a day there. Time. Godfather’s Bian Sanlun is going to be returned to him, and I just went to the provincial capital to buy some odds and ends.”

Zhou Jiao nodded upon hearing this. This is the most reasonable arrangement at present, and the details will be added later.

After the discussion was settled, Zhou Jiao saw that it was still early, so she decided to go to the kitchen to make dumplings and buns. And Zhang Guoqing went to Zhao Dashan's house with his son in his arms.

Zhang Guoqing didn't mention anything else, just said that he needed to go to the provincial capital to bring some things back.

Zhao Dashan was more talkative, and directly took two keys from a bunch of keys and handed them to him, telling him to remember to bring spare oil.

Zhang Guoqing was taken aback by his quick action. Then I remembered that today is a day off, and even those on duty ran back to the busy farming season. It seems that his plans are about to change again.

As soon as she got home, Zhang Guoqing explained the situation, and Zhou Jiao hurriedly put away the things in the kitchen and took over the child. After a little tidying up, I held my son and waited for him at the intersection.

Speeding all the way, drove not far from the village, took off the license plate, and after a family of three changed their clothes, they came to Captain Liu's village, still parked in front of the last warehouse.

Zhou Jiao sat in the car with her son in her arms, and Zhang Guoqing negotiated with Captain Liu throughout the process.

After more than an hour, many sacks were moved into the rear compartment one after another. In the end, all the miscellaneous fruits and vegetables were loaded into the car.

Zhou Jiao watched Zhang Guoqing hand over four hundred yuan to the other party, and secretly wondered what good things were in the sack. She glanced at the rice on the drying ground, drooling enviously.

Zhang Guoqing got into the car and waved his hand, and drove a certain distance from the village before stopping at the side of the road.

He smiled and said: The last time Dad came over, the fine grain was twenty-five cents. I directly asked twenty-six cents. Captain Liu was a little hesitant, but the person next to him agreed first. The other party said that except for the fishing village, it is sold loose anyway, and whoever sells it. The rice was just bought this morning. Grind it out, we came at just the right time, not too early.

A thousand catties of flour, five hundred catties of rice, and they will have nothing more. Exactly three hundred and ninety yuan. There are ten yuan I refused to ask for coarse grains. Everything can't be done absolutely, it will hurt the harmony of nature. I asked for extra fruits and vegetables from their village.

Well, it's up to you to decide. It's better not to collect the coarse grains. Then I'll go and collect them first.

Zhang Guoqing took his son, hugged him and followed Zhou Jiao to observe the surroundings.

The husband and wife kept collecting all the fine grains of twenty-six cents. Except for a small number of villages who have just harvested rice, the harvest is still full.

For ten or so villages, Zhang Guoqing paid about 2,000 yuan. In the end, according to Zhou Jiao's statistics, in addition to fruits and vegetables, as well as eggs and duck eggs purchased later, the amount of rice and white flour was close to three tons.

So much fine food is enough for the family to survive the difficulties, and the couple are satisfied. The remaining villages were either too far away or too remote. After discussing, they decided to give up. Next, follow the orchard in Province K that Liu Sanyuan said to see what other special products there are.

As soon as they drove to the city, the couple started playing the family dress-up game again.

Eat local specialties and understand some local conditions.

After analyzing the information obtained, the car drove all the way to the countryside.

The couple knew that this was the last good chance, and there would be no such shop beyond this village. Encountering villages along the road, Zhang Guoqing still began to buy crops and agricultural products at high prices in addition to coarse grains.

Near dusk, the couple finally got their wish and bought two black pigs at twice the price. After taking the stunned pig into the space, he also came to the orchard.

The melons and fruits in the orchard are fragrant, and the apples, grapes and other fruits hanging high in the garden are mouth-watering. Unfortunately, no matter how much the stock is, the staff inside are determined not to sell it to the outside world.

Zhang Guoqing, who used money all the way to clear the way, had a headache when he encountered a thorn. He also had no intention of entanglement, and declined a few rotten fruits presented by the other party.

Under Zhou Jiao's teasing, he wandered around the village with a radius of ten miles without giving up. Since there is such a large-scale orchard, he believes that there will be a few fruit trees in the yards of every household in the surrounding villages.

After all, Zhang Guoqing expected to get the news from the children at the price of a few candies. He started going door-to-door, and accidentally bought a batch of eggs.

The sun was setting, and it was getting late. The couple embarked on their way home with the excitement of returning home with a full load.

Return the truck. In the following days, except that the family went back to their hometown twice and went to the provincial capital, the family's life returned to quiet and leisure.

The materials crowded together in the space really make the family have no worries about food and clothing. But both Zhang Guoqing and Zhou Jiao knew that what they faced next would be even more difficult challenges.

After one after another hurdles have passed, that will be the real time of having enough food and clothing, and being stable in this world.

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