There is Room for Rebirth in the 1950’s

Chapter 37 Mother's Love (1)

I took out the letter from the space, there were more than 30 unopened ones, and about 10 unopened ones. She remembered and simply told her where the letter was sent, what activities there were, the local scenery and customs, how are you doing? There are also details of the items sent by mail. Tear open the envelopes in order and pull out the letter paper. This is the first letter from the age of 10.

Mom's baby, mom can't face you. Looking at your photo, I can't help but hate him. He said you are his Jiaojiao, and he wants to keep it in his palm for the rest of his life. Watching you babbling He said that if a man can't protect the land under his feet and the woman in his arms, he is not a man. But he guards this land, no Guard us as promised.

You have to learn to wait, just like I learned to wait. Now in Yunnan, I try to follow your father's footsteps to find his mood at that time, waiting will become expectation. You are still young, when you grow up, you will understand when you fall in love with someone. Missing is the most painful. I have been surrounded by our family countless times in my dreams, but when I woke up, it was still an empty dormitory. Since your father left, I I don’t have a home anymore, I’m floating around like this, I think I might return to you when I’m tired, but now I can’t do it, I’m restless and restless... Zhou Jiao sighed, At the age of 10, she may not be able to understand, but now she understands.

Opening the second letter, along with the letter paper tickets came down a dozen brand-new first-version RMB. They are all carefully changed into small denominations.

,,,,,, baby, Xuezhen from your second uncle's family has the same birthday as you. On her 10th birthday, your father once said that he will work hard to make money and start preparing dowry at the age of 10, but where is he now? I Follow your dad's footsteps, follow his wish to collect things,,,,,,

If one day your mother never returns to you, you have to learn to wait, just like I always believe that your father and I are breathing under the same sky.

This time I will mail you clothes and sweaters according to Xiao Xuezhen's height, and leave the rest to your grandma for storage. Your grandfather found out about your situation, so I put the money in the letter. I don't know if you have received it. A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem. You can spend it at ease, besides the regular remittance to your grandparents every month, our family is not short of money,,,,,,

Zhou Jiao took the next envelope and opened it. The earliest letters contained money, later there were military supply bills, and the last three 200-yuan overseas remittance coupons. Each letter wrote what was remitted each time, but she really Not received. Looking at a bunch of things, I found that her mother has the same cleanliness as she does. The stationery, money, and tickets were all white and new.

After reading the letter, she sorted out a bunch of tickets, and these tickets had no time limit. The overseas remittance coupon is from the provincial capital, so I don't know how she got it? This was only issued by the provincial capital at the end of last year.

Baby, look at this ticket, it's all given by your grandma, you have to grow up quickly, you can eat delicious food, your grandma is rich, and the problems that can be solved with money are not problems. People are really stupid and have a lot of money. Don’t learn from this in the future, our baby is a good boy and needs to be diligent and thrifty in managing the family, you know that.”

The mother-in-law tapped lightly under the window, Jiaojiao, are you asleep?

Zhou Jiao saw that there were only letters in the box, nothing else, and there was no need to avoid her, No, mother, you came in to talk, and Ping An didn't sleep.

Oh, grandma, darling, you're awake, what are you thinking about when you're not sleeping? Zhang's mother came in and saw her good grandson first, You got this pile of tickets from your mother's letter, right? Stubborn, I only opened the letter now, it seems that your mother is also afraid that your grandfather will be harsh on you, so she will give it to you in private, so she is not afraid of losing it. This is really big.

Zhou Jiao has a deep pocket in private, so she doesn't care about these extraneous things, Mother, they are all military supply tickets, you can just take whatever you want to buy, the three are the most valuable, 200 yuan each.

If you want to buy them at the Friendship Mall in the provincial capital, those are bought by overseas Chinese and foreigners. The things are cheaper than department stores, and they are called Overseas Chinese Remittance Coupons. This is an Overseas Chinese Remittance Commodity Coupon, which was only available in the provincial capital last year. Only with this can you enter the Friendship Mall. You can take a 200 yuan ticket and ask your father to take you to see it. I have never been there. I heard from my classmates that the things there are very cheap.

You child, I just wanted to come over and tell you that Xiao Wu bought so much wool and things. You will need money everywhere to live a small life in the future. You can't spend it like this anymore. You can use it yourself. , I will go with you to have a look when the confinement is confinement later. Mother Zhang pushed away the receipt she handed over.

Zhou Jiao didn't push it back and forth. Thinking about her parents' clothes when they went out, they were all made of homemade cloth and patched.

That's fine. If you see what your family needs for the New Year, just let me know and ask Brother Wu to buy it. I plan to make clothes for you with these cotton and fabric receipts.

No, keep it for yourselves and make it safe for me, son Feibu. I don't think you should wear those old clothes safely. I don't know how much cloth tickets and cotton are needed. She said and laughed, My little Ping'an is blessed, my grandson wears new ones, this little padded jacket is embroidered, and even the diapers are white.

Zhou Jiao thought about it this afternoon when her sister-in-law stared at Ping An's diaper change. Fortunately, she was not a talkative person, otherwise, the whole village would have come to see Western paintings.

Mom, you've eaten, why are you so fast?

When your father sees the wine and beef, he won't leave the table with Xiaowu and the others. We'll leave the table after we've finished eating.

Lin Juhua thought about it in the room, came out holding the little girl Maisui, and knocked on the door of the third sibling.

Jiaojiao, is mother here? I'm going in.

Second sister-in-law, come in. Our mother is here.

Zhang's mother quickly wrapped up the pile of money bills in front of Jiaojiao and put them under the pillow, and gave Jiaojiao an annoyed look, this girl just has no heart.

Zhou Jiao smiled at her flatteringly, there was no way this was her mother-in-law's love for her, and she was afraid that the second sister-in-law would come in and beg for her.

Lin Juhua came in with her daughter in her arms, Mom, you're here. I think Jiaojiao's confinement is boring, and Xiaowu and the others are here with dad, so I come here to chat. Jiaojiao, I will wash the sheets and clothes for you today. If you have anything to wash later, ask Xiaowu to bring it to me. You can take care of your health this month. I made an agreement with my sister-in-law. Now it’s easy to get off work, and it’s going to be winter in a while. You have a good confinement month Do.

Then I really want to thank you and sister-in-law, good second sister-in-law, you and sister-in-law have helped me a lot. You put the ears of wheat on the kang, so you can sit down and rest, mother, help me make a cup of milk powder for me. Let the ears of wheat drink.

Zhou Jiao teased the little girl, Xiao Maisui, my aunt will give you milk powder, so you can be my daughter.

Maisui sat on the pit, looked at her mother, and her mother shook her head, No, I am my mother's daughter. The little brother belongs to my aunt. Little aunt, my little brother is so small, much younger than me, my sister said It will take a long time for him to grow up, and now he can only drink milk, not porridge, so I am anxiously waiting.

Listening to the immature and adult-like words, all three of them laughed, Don't worry, I can play with you soon, and Xiaomai will be a little sister by then, and take my younger brother to play.

Maisui, who was drinking vigorously, nodded repeatedly. She was looking at the baby bottle of her little brother, so beautiful.

Fixed a mistake, the foreign exchange certificate and overseas remittance certificate are different, the first draft did not pay attention.

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