On a rare fine day, Zhou Jiao went out for a walk, and returned humming.

She was in a good mood when she heard her own telegram not far from the intersection.

It's really joyful and joyful——Zhou Jiao rushed forward, took the telegram from the postman, opened it, and it was indeed sent by Zhou Xiaozheng. After reading the content, she was so happy that she smiled.

The bright smile on her face was just in her prime, and she was standing there in a brown cashmere coat and a bright red scarf, smiling like a flower.

The postman turned his head frequently, and Zhang's mother who went out was happy to see her.

Zhang's mother knew that there were telegrams at home, and nine out of ten telegrams were taken by in-laws. It must be a great thing to see my daughter-in-law laughing so hard that her dimples are deep.

Zhou Jiao said cheerfully: Mom, when my dad said he was very good, he meant very good. Good, it's really good if everyone is good.

What she didn't say was that the main reason for her joy and excitement was that her father was not in danger, and her grandma's affairs went smoothly.

Mom, where are you going? Where's Dad?

Hearing this, Zhang's mother was also happy, she smiled and said: Your father went to find someone to chat with. Mother hasn't gone anywhere, so let's see if you and Xiao Wu are back?

Mother, do you want my brother to find your old sister to accompany you?

Zhou Jiao followed her inside. Her mother-in-law stayed in the house every day, and the county town was not attractive to her, and she always wanted to go back to the village.

Now Zhang Guofu works at the grain station and earns a lot of money every month. This regular job was used by Zhang Guoqing secretly, embedding flowers and grafting wood, and thirty-six tricks. Taking advantage of the company's internal recruitment, Mr. Zhang entered in a dignified manner, which made the neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Chen, like to discuss with Zhang Guoqing when they had something to do.

For the past few days, Xizi and the others stayed at her house during the day, and sometimes stayed here at night. She also had to tutor their three brothers with homework. There is no way, seeing that Xizi will transfer to another school next year, Xiao Zuoyou will go to school in the county. In order to keep up with the progress of education in the county, the three Xizi brothers can only stay at her house often.

Fortunately, they are well-behaved and sensible, and they also like this family. With these children, the family is suddenly much more lively. With them taking care of Ping An, she can slip out and go shopping.

No need. They all have work to do. Call them here. If we are troublesome, they are also troublesome. Mother just wants to go home.

Zhou Jiao heard the words, and said with a smile: Isn't this your home? Even the stones are here, why go back. In two days, I will let my brother take you and dad to the provincial capital. Doesn't it mean that there is a flea market in the provincial capital? The night market? You go and help me find the way first, and then take me there. Let's play by ourselves.

Mother Zhang was a little moved by what she said, but she still shook her head after thinking about it, I don't feel relieved that your elder sister-in-law and second sister-in-law are at home. I don't know what's going on at home these days.

Zhang's mother doesn't want to go back either, she eats and sleeps well here, and lives comfortably. But she was worried that the two daughter-in-laws in the family were the first to head the family, and they would not be able to handle human relations well.

In particular, she was most worried that the second child's family would gossip about her son's things. After a long time, her natal family saw that she was not at home, so what would they do if they went to her house?

Last night, she and her wife thought about what would happen to the yard at home when all three children would be in the county town in the future? The old couple had to stay in the village to look after the yard.

It's okay, I'll be back in a few days. I'll call you a car. Mom, there's a big show tomorrow, and I'll be at home looking after the kids. You and the elder sister go to see if there is anything you like?

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law entered the living room and saw Xizi writing, even the smallest stone was flipping through the comic book, and when they didn't understand, they asked the little ones around them, and Mai Miao was looking after the safety in the cradle.

Zhang Guoqing specially prepared a lot of comic books for them, just because he was afraid that they would sneak into the street and run away. Now he even found a newspaper to ask Xizi to write big characters every afternoon. He believes that practicing big characters can make children calm and calm. Now for two consecutive noons, Xizi is practicing calligraphy in the study.

Zhou Jiao picked up the baby and went back to the bedroom to feed it. She came back just now to catch up with her son to breastfeed. Now she can use breast milk and never use formula.

She is getting healthier. Every morning Zhang Guoqing dragged him out for jogging and punching, and he just woke up safely when he came back. When she was exercising early, she was worried that Taekwondo, which she was good at, would attract criticism, so she switched to a set of boxing. It's a pity that she still didn't perform well in her strength. Fortunately, in the past two days, there was an old man who couldn't see her eyes and gave her a few moves.

That was the Wing Chun boxing she had learned from working in the martial arts gym. In the two lifetimes, she had the advantage of her memory, which was the best favor from heaven to her.

Zhou Jiao put her son back in the cradle in the living room, watched him staring at her, and said with a smile: Mom is going to cook, and Ping An obediently plays with my brothers and sisters. Mom will be back in a while.

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and kissed his little face, and found that he was not staring at her nervously. Zhou Jiao couldn't help but kiss a few more before going to the kitchen.

When Mother Zhang saw her coming in, she knew that she had settled down for the child. Every day when the time comes, her daughter-in-law here will cook for herself. If she can't let her mother-in-law do the housework, she will never let her do it.

The daughter-in-law here is outstanding everywhere, but it's a pity that if you don't raise chickens, you are afraid of chicken shit. If you can not be afraid of dirty, it is perfect. She and Xiao Wu were destined to be husband and wife by nature, and Xiao Wu from his family was afraid of fertilizing, so they happened to be a couple.

Thinking of this, Mother Zhang shook her head and laughed.

Mom, why are you here again? I use a briquette stove very quickly, and I don't even need to burn the fire.

Mother Zhang pointed to the stove, I can't help it. I'm used to it. I feel uncomfortable if I don't sit in front of the stove for a day.

Many habits die hard when people get old. She can't hear the crowing of the rooster or the crowing of the pig, which is not a good taste. My wife said that she suffered a crime. Isn't it?

Now her husband doesn't need her to mend his old clothes if he doesn't wear them, she feels very uncomfortable empty-handed. Seeing her accepting shoes, Xiao Wu immediately ran to the market the next day and brought back several pairs of shoes for her.

Alas...she is bored.

Mother, you see that the family on the road didn't hold an entrance ceremony when they moved in, but just set up two tables in the yard. Do you think it's too simple?

Mother Zhang shook her head, Everyone has their own ideas. Some people don't pay attention to these things. Xiao Wu's grandfather doesn't believe in these customs when he is still alive. He pays attention to Feng Shui.

He said that there are books dedicated to Feng Shui, and there are Feng Shui masters. This is to say that there is something to be said. Do customs have custom teachers? Not to mention the whole country, just the three northeastern provinces, and every few villages have the same custom.

He said that customs are to deceive and comfort people, and some customs are even used to make money. Let's be casual, don't care about customs, customs.

So look at Xiao Wu and his cousins, except for choosing the foundation and finding a Feng Shui master, your uncles and uncles can do whatever they want for other things.

Zhou Jiao laughed after hearing this. Quite an interesting old man, no wonder he brought out Zhang Guoqing.

Aunt Wang next door rushed into the kitchen from outside, and Zhou Jiao was so scared that she almost lost her plate. As soon as she came in, she dragged Zhang's mother out. When did these two get so close?

Follow me to Chen's house, Huang Juan will wait for us. The defective products this time are all good things, so bring more money.

When Zhou Jiao heard this, she quickly took out money from her trouser pocket and stuffed it to Zhang's mother, Don't push it, I know mother has money. With me at home, you and Aunt Wang can rest assured that you can buy whatever you like. After finishing speaking, she immediately Slip into the kitchen.

Aunt Wang took her all the way to Chen's house, and said as she walked, Sister-in-law, you stay here, don't go back. In a few days, take the supply book, and the three of us will line up together. When you know more people, you will stay in the village. Not used to it.

Besides, what are you doing back in the village? The old son and the two daughters are all here. Xiaowu and Jiaojiao pull you again and don't let you go. When everyone goes back to work, who will accompany you?

If you go to work, your Xiaowu will have to jump. Don't go to the other son's house, just stay with the old son, and if you want to see other sons, just go and have a look. Listen to my advice, from now on, you and your elder brother will spend time with Xiao Wu.

Zhang's mother has been hearing her say this for the past few days, and she can already recite it. What the other party said made sense, but what if her Xiaowuxin yard was empty? The two daughters-in-law have just started the family, so she has to watch.

Now she has begun to worry that the eldest and second son bought the county yard, what about the three yards in the village? She was too embarrassed to say it. After getting in touch with their two families a lot, I know that their conditions are very good, especially the Chen family has everything.

They are in charge in the unit, and they are all capable people, but her old son can make them look down on her, which shows that her old son is also capable, and she can't let people laugh at her for being reluctant to part with the village yard, and make people look down on her old son.

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