Zhang Guoqing got up quietly at four o'clock in the morning. He picked up the toiletries, closed the door softly and walked into the yard. Seeing that the second child next door was also moving, he smiled knowingly, his second brother probably didn't sleep well all night.

There must have been a light snowfall late last night. The ground is covered with a thin white layer, and it is easy to slip and fall if you are not careful. After Zhang Guoqing washed in a hurry, he picked up the broom to clean up the yard, so that his mother would not fall down in the dark early in the morning.

Zhang Guoqiang, the second child next door, heard the sound of sweeping the floor in the yard. He couldn't lie down anymore, he didn't sleep all night last night, always afraid that it was a dream when he woke up. He was worried and excited at the same time, tossing and turning, he couldn't believe that he could go to work in the city, or was he in the bureau? You can tell it's Xiao Wu just by hearing the voice.

Zhang Guoqiang ran lightly to the yard and saw Xiao Wu sweeping the yard. He also found a broom, looked at the snow on the ground, and said in a low voice, You got up early enough. It snowed last night I don’t even know. Fortunately, a few days ago, my father asked us to hang a broken quilt outside the house to block the wind.”

Hehe... An old man is like a treasure. Our parents are not the old treasures of our family! I will get up early to see what I have prepared. We will go directly to Brother Qingshan and the others later. Go up the mountain early, so we can come back early to do business .”

Seeing that Zhang Guoqing had cleaned the front yard, they went to the kitchen with a lamp. Seeing that his second brother was about to wash up, he went back to his room and brought a pot of pheasant soup stewed last night to the kitchen.

Seeing Xiao Wu carrying the pot, Zhang Guoqiang asked him curiously, Isn't this what your wife ate? Why did you bring it here?

Jiaojiao cooked it last night, saying it was for the children at home. Second brother, look at the kitchen, there is nothing to eat, mother is all locked. Zhang Guoqing looked at the lock of the cellar and pulled the lock.

Zhang Guoqiang hurriedly stopped him, with all his strength, don't pull down the lock, his mother has to peel them a layer of skin. This lock was just bought, and his mother felt sorry for it for a long time, and talked about it for several days.

Looking at the empty kitchen, his mother is used to being locked in the cellar. In the end, the two brothers didn't want to wake up their parents, so they just found a few steamed buns, and when they were hot, they ate them with chicken soup.

Zhang Guoqing soaked the Wowotou in the chicken soup, looked at a few pieces of chicken, and sighed: Second brother, do you know what I hate the most? It is our family's Wowotou! The eldest sister said that our Wowotou has not been repeated for decades. .Fortunately, these are wild vegetable buns, if they are made of corn dregs, they will be really unpalatable.”

Zhang Guoqiang rolled his eyes at him and pointed at him resentfully, Fortunately, you can talk about it at home. You can tell it at the entrance of the village, and everyone will beat you to death. Just this Wowotou, there is no household in the village. Every meal is good. Why are there so many people who come to our house to help this time? They just love the corn bread. They are reluctant to eat it, so they bring it back to the children at home. It’s not bad if we have corn bread at home.”

Zhang Guoqing was deeply touched when he heard the words, You said it last time, and I paid special attention to it. In addition to our dozens of families at the foot of the North Mountain in the village, there are also families with more sons in the village who are in better condition. Those with more children are really struggling. It’s easy. There are still many children at the entrance of the village wearing unlined clothes with patches all over their heads and straw sandals on their feet. They are not afraid of the cold, and they are playing happily, which makes me feel sad.”

We were not like this when we were young? I still remember that as soon as the autumn came, my mother started to sew fur all night by lighting an oil lamp, and piece by piece to make clothes for us. In the winter, she couldn't bear to waste fur, so she shivered. Suodi never goes out. Others say that if mother does not smoke dry tobacco, she is not an old lady in the Northeast. But I know that even my father is reluctant to smoke, so I only smoke a few when I can't stand it. But it's okay, I can't stand the smell of smoke—we At home, my father took a few sips.

You said that you hate Wowotou the most, hehe...I hate coming to the kang to smoke dry cigarettes by myself. Especially in winter, thick old curtains are hung outside, the windows are tightly closed, and a few people come to the door and sit on the kang and smoke non-stop. When I met someone who was not particular about it, I coughed a few times and spit out a few mouthfuls of phlegm everywhere. Some people brought their children over, and they just squeezed their noses onto the kang. Every winter, I never sit on the kang in the main room.

Zhang Guoqing quickly took a sip of the soup and put down his chopsticks, Second brother, did you do it on purpose? I ate, but you said it was so disgusting. I won't eat. Finish eating quickly, let's go to the backyard and have a look.

Zhang Guoqiang laughed loudly, followed him out after eating quickly, and scolded: You are hypocritical! You are far away from fertilizing at home, so why are you still shitting?

The two brothers Zhang Guoqing were talking in a low voice, joking with each other. They took the broom and Tie Chu went to the backyard.

At this time, oil lamps have been lit in Father Zhang's room in the landlord's wing. Listening to the movement outside, Zhang's father didn't even need to think about it, he knew it was his fifth son, and the three sons were the first to get up every morning to help him with his work.

Mother Zhang put on her clothes and looked at him, Put on more, why do I think it's cold today? I heard the sound of sweeping the yard early in the morning, so it must be snowing.

Father Zhang nodded, tidied himself up, I went to the backyard to have a look, and I don't know if it's snowing or not. I built a grass nest a few days ago, so the chicken won't freeze to death, right?

Mother Zhang smiled softly, Don't worry, our chickens are smarter than humans. They have already run under our window and shouted in the cold. This morning, I only heard the rooster crowing. I think it's all right. I'll prepare in the morning How about white porridge and steamed buns? The guests are here, how about some salted duck eggs?

It's okay for you to order whatever you want. Our family is not poor and fastidious, so just do whatever you want. Yesterday, brother Zhou said that he wanted to pick up Xiao Wu and them to live in the county town in two days. The couple planned to take Xiao Wu and his wife in the county town. Put an eye on it, so that the child won't be bullied later. I promised, I didn't talk to you about it too late last night.

Zhang's mother looked at him in surprise, Did you really buy a yard for Xiao Wu and his wife? I said why didn't I see their couple stop, no wonder they were so busy. Last night, old Dobu probably left it in the city. Yes, no wonder you say you are in a hurry. Shall we go to the city to help clean up? Do you know where it is?

Father Zhang smiled and shook his head, I already asked, and they said no, they have already found two mothers and daughters to help clean up and clean up. I think it will be all right for a day today. They said that there is no need to move everything in Xiaowu's house. Move to the small courtyard next door. Now everything in the city is new, and even the rice is ready. Brother Zhou is afraid that he won’t be able to take a vacation next year, so he packs it up first, and then the couple can just bring their clothes and live in it. Everything is properly arranged , really hurt my daughter.

Mother Zhang clicked her tongue, It's really worth it. It's just a baby Eggy, don't pamper me for fear of being wronged. That is, Jiaojiao is married to Xiaowu, and the couple get along well. Otherwise, look, Brother Zhou will Don't you know how to drag your daughter back? Didn't you see that brother Zhou took his girl back to the back room as soon as he came back last night, just because he was afraid that she would be tired. He also asked the older sister to cook something for his baby's egg pad, for fear that the child would Hungry. A person who usually looks quite deserted smiles when he sees Jiaojiao. Ouch, I have learned a lot, and the two fathers and daughters are so hot.

Father Zhang laughed in a muffled voice, Hehe, why do you think he rushed to the city in such a hurry? He just wanted to pack up early and take his daughter to stay for a few days. He will go back with peace of mind only after he has made arrangements for the child. .”

After finishing speaking, he thought about his wife's tight mouth, and then said: Yesterday, the second child secretly told me that brother Zhou is more prestigious than Mr. Lin. They were halfway through eating outside, and it was midnight. Two cars came from the provincial capital. The top down is full of military/officials. Those people are all shouting, respectable. As for the work of the second child, we don’t need our little five to talk about it. The boss has already asked the second child to go through the formalities today, and let the fifth Take the second child to get acquainted with colleagues.

I guess Xiaowu knows a lot of people in the county, and he enjoys it very much. The second child said that those who came from the provincial capitals all called our little five son-in-law. Their attitude is no different from that of their own son-in-law.

Don't talk about the second child's work. When I go to work next Monday, when someone asks me, I will say that my beautiful father-in-law will introduce me. Zuo Lin, who came back to our house last time, is the leader of the second child. He and his beautiful father-in-law are close buddies. Originally, the in-laws asked Zuo Lin to tell Xiao Wu about this job. We must also remember this favor.

Mother Zhang nodded after hearing this, and thought for a while, Then why does the second son go to work without a car? Has he made up his mind?

Xiao Wu and his second brother have discussed it. He will help his second brother find a bicycle ticket. Xiao Wu reassures me that he will make arrangements. He said that when the boss goes to work, let us go to the city with him. I think Come back and stay for a few days, and we won’t be allowed to work in the fields. Hehe... Wife, you are enjoying the blessings, and you don’t have to work after giving birth to an old son.” Father Zhang joked.

Zhang's mother raised her chin, That's right, the village said that I was partial to my old son. What do they know? My old son is worth dozens of them. I put some food in my mouth. The better ones are rare. You don’t know that our Jiaojiao is even more considerate to me. I can use the things in her house as I like, and she even took my hand to secretly point out where the secret compartment of her house is. There Tickets, money, let me take it myself. I can put it in any drawer or box, so I can take it as I want, don’t be reluctant, and don’t lock it.

I wake up laughing from a dream. Our father said when he was alive that I have an old son who will be blessed in the future. But I really don't plan to go to the city, my home is so nice, I've lived here all my life, I can't bear to leave here even thinking about it.

Father Zhang nodded in relief, Jiaojiao is a child who protects us and treats us dearly. Compared with the eldest and second family, he is more like our girl. It's just that money is too loose. Last night, I promised Xizi and the others to wear clothes. Can you persuade us? Hold on.

It's useless. I said a lot, but she forgot later. But don't worry, look at Qingshan's daughter-in-law and Qingfeng's daughter-in-law coming, she will hide it. When they bring their children, she will also If you give a few hard candies, she won’t take out the soft candies. She knows it in her heart, and she is willing to be the only one from our own family.”

Father Zhang picked up his coat and put it on, and said as he walked, That's good. I'll go to the backyard first, so keep your voice down so you don't disturb Brother Zhou.

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