Mother Zhang went out, thought for a while and returned to the main room, took some money and put it on her body. He looked at the clothes on his body, straightened them, smoothed his hair, hurriedly talked to the two daughter-in-laws in the kitchen, and went out.

After leaving the yard, he walked quickly to the Xiao's house at the entrance of the village. When he got outside the Xiao's courtyard, he didn't know if there was anyone at home during working hours. Shouted outside: Sister-in-law Xiao, are you at home?

Here, who is it? Come in quickly. A voice came from inside, and Zhang's mother happily pushed open the courtyard door.

Xiao's yard is not big, and it is kept clean. Their family has been handed down in a single line. Xiao Shitou is the only son. Everyone in the village thought what happened, and everyone knew about it.

Sister-in-law, you didn't go to work today? I was afraid that you would not be at home. How is your health? Will you continue to take the medicine? Zhang's mother looked at her preparing lunch and coughing from time to time. It's an old problem when it's cold.

Aunt Xiao smiled and handed her a bench for her to sit on, I'm fine, it's just my old man who made a fuss. This bronchitis is an old problem, and I cough when it's cold. Why do you come here when you have time? The new yard is busy. .”

I just heard yesterday that your Dashi caught a few fish. I want to see if there are any left at home?

Aunt Xiao dragged her to the big water tank outside the kitchen, Look, there are a few more, and you'll catch them all. It's cold, and if you don't eat them, they will freeze. Give your little daughter-in-law milk. ?”

Zhang's mother happily looked at the fish in the water tank. The weather is not dead yet, they are fresh, Give me three, and you can keep the rest to eat slowly. Sister-in-law, your fish are worth a lot of money, why didn't you take advantage of them? Sell ​​the fish alive?

Aunt Xiao took out rice stalks from the kitchen and skewered four fish to Mother Zhang, Anything you want to eat is available in the river. It's because your family is busy, otherwise you don't need to come to my house. Is four enough? My family is small, so many I can’t even eat it.”

My sister-in-law is just being polite. I can't eat it anywhere. I guess she's planning to make cured fish. I'm not being polite to you, but I have to ask for the money that should be given. I'm in a hurry and go to my house to chat when I have time. After finishing speaking , Mother Zhang put a dollar on the table, and hurried out with the fish.

Aunt Xiao chased her with the money, and stopped to hand it to her. She had to put away the money, or she would leave the fish, My family has eaten a lot of meat from your Xiao Wu. You are settling accounts with me. Hurry up! Go back and come back to pick it up after eating. My Dashi said that I have to catch fish in the next two days, and there is no shortage of fish at home.

Mother Zhang has no choice, and it’s not good to refuse any more. She will ask the child to bring some bacon over later, “Hehe, that’s fine, I’ll accept it, don’t stuff it indiscriminately, it’s all my itch.”

Hehe, go back early to catch lunch, I won't keep you. Aunt Xiao watched Zhang's mother leave before going back to her room. Secretly envious of Zhang's mother, the three sons are all promising and filial, the youngest son is capable and has a grandson, so there is no need to worry, no wonder she is happy to find things to make up for the youngest daughter-in-law. But Dashi in his family is also filial, and she is not jealous. She cooks more fish at noon and waits for the children to come back to eat.

In the kitchen, Lin Juhua was surprised to see Mother Zhang come in with four fish, Mother, where did you catch the fish? If you are old, you will catch four big fish when you go out.

Zhang's mother was amused and laughed, You silly daughter-in-law, your mother still has this ability? Xiao Shitou's family took it, and you don't need money. In the evening, you will send the child a piece of bacon.

Well, we'll go there after dinner. Mom, how do you cook this fish? They're all alive, do you want to save one for Jiaojiao to breastfeed tomorrow? Lin Juhua took the fish and looked at it and said.

Mother Zhang thought about it, and the children in the family haven't eaten fish for a while, and Xiao Wu said that children are smarter if they eat more fish, Three fish are used to make fish pots, and if there are still ones, we can add tofu and stew them for Jiaojiao. There is no need to keep them. Such a big fish is probably only her cat's stomach, and she won't be able to finish it tomorrow. The whole fish is stewed, and it tastes better after stewing for a long time.

Seeing Huang Cuilan coming out of the cellar, Boss, what's missing?

Huang Cuilan carried the wild boar thigh, Mom, I think the house is full of bone soup, and there are some ribs. Uncle Zhou and the others came back at noon, afraid that there would be not enough meat. What do you want to cook with the thigh meat?

Are the bone soup and Wowotou ready? It's fast enough. Let's let them help to eat first. You and Uncle Zhou probably won't come back for dinner. It's almost time, so we should eat it in the county. When we leave I said that I don’t need to prepare lunch. Hey, look at my memory.”

Huang Cuilan carried the pig thighs back to the cellar, came out and said to Mother Zhang: Mother, we won't make any extra preparations at noon. Let's cook less fish. Cook it later in the evening. We will have all the food at home at noon.

It's okay, cook a fish pot for the children, one stewed fish for Jiaojiao, and save two to cook in the evening. Chrysanthemum, you can watch and make it, so there is no need to deliver food. Your sister-in-law and I will deliver it.

Well, I heard that. Mother, don't worry, I will clean it up. Sister-in-law, the last pot of corn bread is not ready yet, and I have to wait a while. I asked Xizi Shitou and the others to come over to call dad, and I guess they will come to pick it up later. Serve vegetables and soup. Lin Juhua saw that the sister-in-law put away the steamed bread first, and hurriedly stopped her.

Mother Zhang looked at the two daughters-in-law who were helping to pour the soup and serve the vegetables, and sighed: There are so many buns and vegetables, we are exhausted. They say that the house is peeled off, and it is really tiring. Fortunately, it is not summer. It’s very hot to build a house, otherwise you will have heat stroke. Fortunately, it’s just a few days of busy work, so I can be regarded as relieved.”

Huang Cuilan and Lin Juhua also heaved a sigh of relief, with so many meals every day, the three of them alone were too busy. After serving the dishes, Huang Cuilan watched Lin Juhua's nimble hands and feet about to stew fish again, and took the time to ask, Juhua, have you found a good person for carpentry? The second child will be too busy if he does it by himself.

Lin Juhua was too busy to look up, I don't know, I don't care about these things, I just listen to the child's father. I should do woodwork with Xiaowu's family. I haven't seen the wood yet, and I don't know what to do with it. woodwork.

Hehe, you don't have to worry. Move the things in your house to the new yard for use first, and add what is missing later. Now you have to tidy up the yard before the ground freezes, and wait for the spring to plant a crop of corn and sweet potatoes , such a big backyard, you and the second child should dig the ground hard, but you will pass the next year by yourself. After Zhang's mother finished speaking, she laughed when she saw Lin Juhua's worried face.

Lin Juhua looked at her sadly, Mother, how can I take care of such a big yard? I'm not afraid of digging the ground, you can help me find out where is suitable for growing vegetables, which piece of land is suitable for planting sweet potatoes and corn, I saw all of them I don't know if the crushed stones can grow crops, and the child's father said that if the land is plowed, he must fertilize the land.

Well, it's a wasteland in the first place, so don't rush to raise it slowly. The backyard is the same as here, and you don't need to make other arrangements. If you don't raise pigs, you can plant less sweet potatoes and more corn.

Huang Cuilan looked at them worriedly, Mother, second sibling, what do you think about Xiaowu's yard? I'm worried for Jiaojiao. I guess she will cry.

Mother Zhang and Lin Juhua laughed when they heard this.

Lin Juhua put the tofu into the pot, and said with a smile: Sister-in-law didn't tell me, I haven't thought about it. It's a pity that the yard is so big. Even if the two of them go to work in the county, they still don't want to leave the yard empty. I will ask her later and see her. Will the brain come up with a good idea?

Mother Zhang said with a smile: Jiaojiao doesn't know that Xiao Wu has already planned it. Let me tell you, Xiao Wu said to plant more vines in the front yard to save effort. There are three plots in the back yard, a vegetable garden and a sweet potato field. , corn field. Most of the remaining land is planted with fruit trees, and the vegetable garden is planted with nothing else, just watermelons, melons, tomatoes, cucumbers, and loofahs, wax gourds, and pumpkins in the corners. The four seasons change, and they will all be planted in autumn Chinese cabbage and radishes, whichever saves effort can be planted.

Huang Cuilan nodded, It's pretty good, it saves energy and doesn't take much effort. Otherwise, Xiao Wu alone won't do it, but no matter how strong he is, he can't stand it.

Lin Juhua's eyes widened, and she said in disbelief: Then there is no need to raise chickens and ducks?

Huang Cuilan nodded her, The chickens and ducks need to be ready to eat, the couple don't want to burden their parents to take care of them. Besides, if they go to the county town, they can raise them in the yard by themselves.

Mother Zhang didn't say anything, and the couple would definitely not raise chickens in the yard when they went to the county seat. The yards in the city are not as big as those in the village, but Jiaojiao's little temper is afraid of getting dirty. She has made a plan. When they go to the city, she will catch some chickens and raise them in the backyard. When she has time, she will go to see them and feed them. It doesn't take much effort. Besides, when the house is empty, they will come back to see them every now and then. , look at the yard.

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