After returning from an overseas inspection trip, not only do I have to hand in a lot of reports, but I also have to deal with delayed official duties, and of course I have to attend countless meetings.

It's only been a month. If it doesn't last long, or for personal reasons, Zhou Jiao really has no interest in going abroad. This would delay her leisurely life.

Was this inspection effective?

There must be some, but don’t submit too many reports.

From agricultural development, industrial development, to the overall economic development of Western countries, a team of twenty people can publish a book with one vision.

The thing is, borrow two words.

The system is different, the more time is spent in meetings to discuss ink marks.

Of course, this is a matter of official business, a temporary matter, related to the national affairs, even if it is handed over to the leaders above, no one dares to make an immediate decision.

Compared to others, Zhou Jiao was surprised and delighted by the opportunity that suddenly appeared this time.

She seemed closer to her goal.


She was invited to a meeting of the Economic Research Office department.

It was a recognition of her personal abilities that excited her more than having vast wealth.

Because according to what her father said, she has already entered the national think tank. Although she is still a small soldier, whoever starts from a small soldier does not want the right to speak.

Therefore, what Zhang Guoqing has seen recently is a proactive daughter-in-law who goes to work in the morning, works overtime at night, and sometimes talks even in her sleep.

He guessed that his wife must have adhered to the principle of saying too much and missing something during the meeting. As a result, some of the words she said could not be hidden in her dreams and she kept mumbling.

Look at this pitiful strength! When will I be able to be like myself, slapping the table on the table in displeasure, glaring with eyes, and making everyone shrink in fear?

In order to eliminate the pressure for his wife, Zhang Guoqing worked hard. Although he disdained those who used pens and pens, he was not as clean and neat as the soldiers.

But, it would be okay to let his wife divert her attention for a while.

Daughter-in-law, do you want to have a date this weekend?

In the study, Zhou Jiao put down her pen, raised her head and looked at the man leaning against the door, Where are you going?

Go around, it's the best time of year for outings.

Zhou Jiao smiled apologetically after being reminded by him. This was when she begged him during the Qingming Festival to take her up the mountain to take pictures during the golden autumn season.

He still remembered, but he had forgotten.

I've been too busy during this period and I've neglected you. Brother, this time it's just the two of us.

Okay. I'll carry you up the mountain.

Zhou Jiao smiled and nodded. As for carrying the mountain on your back, it is impossible, but occasionally carrying someone on your back and lying on his back is not a problem.

On weekends, in the late autumn of Jinxiang Mountain, the forests are dyed with color. Stepping on the soft fallen leaves and breathing the fresh air is simply refreshing and beautiful.

Seeing his lovely wife next to him smiling like a flower, Zhang Guoqing had something to say that he could use the opportunity to express.

Do you like it? It's a pity that I don't have time to accompany you for a walk. Sometimes, I often wonder why this person works hard, but misses the good scenery along the way?

A gust of wind blew by, and Zhang Guoqing took a leaf from her shoulder, Like this maple leaf, no matter how beautiful and gorgeous it is, it must end when it's time to end.

The same is true in this life.

Optimistic point of view. Is his wife pessimistic, or is he not good at words? Humans are really different from this leaf. It has seen all the mountains and rivers around it since it was born, but what about us?

Zhang Guoqing took her hand and put it in his pocket, Busy! Young people are busy giving birth to children. When the children grow up, they are busy working. Finally, they are stable and busy again.

I often miss the first few years. Daqingshan was our paradise, and the small yard was our home. As soon as I received my salary, I would queue up, and when I was free, I would find someone to drink with.

It's simple and comfortable, but when I come here, my thoughts are more complicated. Year after year I tell myself that I can be free next time, but in the end, I'm still busy...

A lot of pressure?

Zhang Guoqing shook his head, I'm okay, it's you. Daughter-in-law, the word pin doesn't suit your pace of life. When I'm here, you don't have to rush. We will be fifty soon. Enjoy life. The rest of the time, it should be calm and leisurely.”

Zhou Jiao looked at him funny. Can she say that she is not tired? Can she say that her current living condition is already very good?

But it really can't be done. This man still has masculinity in his bones, and he still wants to put him first, put less energy on work, and care more about him.

She really needs to reflect on this.

In a family, if the husband and wife really want to work together, they will inevitably neglect him. Although Auntie can cook, there is a light waiting for him at home when he comes home late at night.

But whether in his heart or in his own heart, the person he loves deeply is waiting at home. That is the real home, the home that makes people most expect and feel warm.

I was in a hurry. Fortunately, you reminded me. Brother, I won't work overtime in the future. When we are free on the weekend, the two of us will go out for a walk.

Aren't you going to accompany your daughter-in-law?

This tone full of complaints made Zhou Jiao suddenly laugh, No, they just happened to be with mom. When dad has time, our family will go out for a walk.

Zhang Guoqing glanced at her sideways: He wants to be a two-person world, so why are he pretending to be stupid?

There is a role that you must not have considered. As a mother-in-law, can you play with your daughter-in-law as little as possible? All your limited time is taken up by those two girls.

Zhou Jiao blinked, it was true.

For several good weekends, either her parents or the two girls stayed by her side, but what could she do? For the sake of her family and her two sons, she had to take the opportunity to give them a few words so that she could get away from housework when they came in, right?

Hmph, you have a beautiful idea! With your mentality, if you can't let go of your son, you will have to let go of your grandchildren in the future, plus work, I will be abandoned by you sooner or later.

Zhou Jiao tried her best to hold back her laughter, No, you will always come first in my heart.

Zhang Guoqing raised his eyebrows, What's the point? Who can stay with you forever. But you have to remember, what did you say to your mother?

Zhou Jiao rolled her eyes. Did she talk too much to her mother-in-law?

I knew you had forgotten. Zhang Guoqing stopped and squinted at her, Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. This time it's not as simple as just talking.

Zhou Jiao pulled him and continued walking forward, smiling and saying, Okay, I'll keep it in mind.

Do you see the difference between the two cousins? One neatly left the little one in the capital, and the other is like an old mother who is always worried that her daughter-in-law can't take care of her grandson.

But look, whose child is the most capable? Even if her aunt was still alive, she would always boast that her cousin did a great job. Can the little chicken guarding him have a future?

Zhang Guoqing said, squeezing her hand, We will be the same in the future, just watch from the sidelines. The more we control, the more we get entangled, the more we will end up.

Zhou Jiao expressed her tentative agreement. Because, she wanted to wait for him to be slapped in the face!

It's a pity that I didn't record it in time to use as evidence!

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