No one knows what Zhou Jiao's grandpa's family thinks. Even grandma talks to grandpa privately about the remarriage of the youngest daughter-in-law. Is she afraid of bringing trouble?

As a result, 16 years have passed, and Zhou Jiao's mother still maintains celibacy, wandering around in the Northwest and Qinghai with the regiment year after year, but she just doesn't come to the Northeast.

I heard from Grandpa Zhou's comrade-in-arms that the child couldn't get over the grief of losing his lover, and he had to give her time.

Hehe, who will give Zhou Jiao time? Who gave her the childhood of losing her father's love and mother's love?

When she was a child, Zhou Jiao's personality seemed to be well-behaved, but in fact, her whole body was covered with spikes, she was sensitive and stubborn, she watched people coldly, and she was out of place with the so-called family members. Only after Zhang Guoqing, who was two years older than her, told her that she could lend it to her own mother, did they have any contact.

What she envied the most when she was young was Zhang Guoqing. In the nearby villages, he was the only one who still sat on his father's neck at the age of ten. Even if he made a mistake, his mother still found enough reasons to shirk his responsibility, even if he slapped him loudly, it didn't hurt at all.

The two of them were bullied by their children, and his mother could keep pointing at Sang and scolding Kui at each other's house until the other beat the child before leaving. When supplies are scarce, an egg is also very precious. If his mother secretly gives it to him, he will keep it and stuff it into her mouth.

After going to and from school, regardless of the wind and rain, the severe cold and heat, they discussed revenge on the cousins ​​at home, except for grandparents, that is, Zhang Guoqing grew up with her.

Last year, there was a quota for joining the army that everyone was fighting for, so I gave up for her.

She still remembers the sentence: Who will accompany you when I leave? If I leave you like your father, who will really love you.

After finishing junior high school at the age of 16, seeing that her grandparents were getting worse and worse due to old war injuries, she planned to marry Zhang Guoqing. During this period, her grandfather called Zhou's mother but couldn't contact her, and said that she had gone to the Northwest.

When she got married, her grandfather gave Zhou Jiao's father's pension to her. As for the ones sent by her mother over the years, she didn't expect her grandfather to give her. In her grandfather's heart, the eldest son and grandson are the most important. For her second-bedroom orphan, no one other than grandma and aunt sincerely arranged for her. Even my aunt wants to rely on my grandfather's family relationship to make several grandchildren serve as soldiers.

The four children of the uncle’s family are more pampered and domineering than her. They wish the Lin family belonged to their grandfather’s family. She was in poor health when she was young, and almost all the special milk powder and malted milk sent by the Lin family entered the stomachs of the four of them. He is tall and big.

When she was 10 years old, she was still as weak as a chicken, and her grandma couldn't stand it anymore, so her life was easier, and her body has gradually recovered in the past few years.

The honest uncle and the full-hearted uncle have been sucking the retirement pension of the two old people and the maintenance money sent by her mother these years. It was the eldest grandson who got married and built a house, and the second son married a tall girl who had to buy a three-turn ring, and even married a daughter who wanted to marry a three-turn ring. There was also a youngest son who had been in high school and had exhausted his grandparents' savings.

Fortunately, only four children were born. If there are some people, seven or eight will be born. It is estimated that the bone marrow will be sucked dry.

The grandpa and grandma of the rich family have been assimilated by the rural aunt, and they will never see the reservedness of the scholarly family when they were young. Fortunately, grandma still taught Zhou Jiao the ancestral medical skills and a kind of embroidery, and only at this time can he regain the capital. The shadow of the Huang family.

Grandpa was able to keep her father's pension, and it was already very satisfying to give it to her. What's more, grandma secretly gave her a small wooden box of jewelry without telling everyone.

Except for her grandma, she couldn't find a sense of belonging in that family, so she took advantage of her grandparents' poor health to marry into Zhang's family. Zhou Jiao was really worried that when her grandparents left, the aunt who had no bottom line would use tricks to persuade her Marrying into her natal family, no matter how good the grandpa's house in Kyoto is, it is not the place she wants to stay.

Zhang's mother was worried and looked at Zhou Jiao: Jiaojiao, there are no parents who are not right in the world. You have given birth to a child now. Do you think your mother will love your mother? If your father is gone, your mother will not be able to get over this. Hom.

Your mother is probably afraid of seeing you think of your father. Your mother, who was only 18 years old at the time, couldn't accept it. If she really didn't want you, she wouldn't send things and money with your grandma. ,

We all know that your grandma's family supports the entire Zhou family, and I guess all the wages she receives are subsidized for you. Besides, if your mother didn't value love and righteousness so much, she would have found someone else to marry. You can see that she has status and status, and she is also beautiful. When I got married that year, I came back with your father. The two of them wore military uniforms and held a banquet. It caused a sensation in the villages. They are really talented and beautiful. We have never seen such a perfect match.

Later, even the cadres in the village came to have dinner at the door. So many years have passed, not to mention your mother, even if we think about it, we can't think about it, it's a pity.

If they were here, you are now intensively raised in the city. I heard that your father sent a telegram to say that you were very happy when you were just born. Only my little five sons are lucky enough to marry you, otherwise you are grown up now, you can go to the capital to arrange a job at your grandpa's house and you don't have to stay in the countryside.

Zhou Jiao smiled and said: It's okay, I don't blame her, I don't even know what she looks like, where can I think, even if I meet a stranger on the road.

Besides, letting me go to the capital is also dependent on the Lin family. Who knows if those aunts are good or not, my household registration is in the capital, and I haven't seen them really come to pick me up.

If you are interested, why did you go early. To announce the good news tomorrow, just tell my grandpa directly. They are connected, and her leader is still my grandfather's old comrade-in-arms.

Zhou Jiao quickly changed the subject. For her, Zhou Jiao's life experience doesn't affect her. Now she is married, has children, a lover, and a home of her own.

If Zhang's mother is still single when she grows old, she will support her. She must have been sending money here until now. As for the rest, let's wait until we have the opportunity to meet each other.

I have avoided it for more than 10 years, and it is possible to continue to avoid it. . How do you pull out people who live in your own world? It is estimated that the grandfather's family has also tried various methods.

As for her grandparents' high-ranking family, they don't need her anything. They have provided supplies to support her to grow up. Does the other party have to pick her up to live in a compound?

Besides, Lin Lishan, Zhou's mother, Zhou's courtyard house under her father's name, has been transferred to her name. Who is willing to depend on others.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Lin family, their father and daughter are the main cause of harming her daughter. She should be lucky that Zhou Jiao is married to Zhang Guoqing, otherwise what would we do if our husband and wife crossed over?

Zhou Jiao thought about something, she should tell Zhang's mother earlier, and she also revealed her thoughts by the way. After thinking about it a few times in my heart, I calculated Mother Zhang's reaction next.

In order to improve the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, she also had to talk about her plans. Besides, as for Zhang's mother's preference for the couple, she was not worried that Zhang's mother would be jealous.

The most important thing is that people who are too short of food and clothing these days will be eye-catching if they send things over for a long time, and those who will be less calm and unpredictable in the next few years will save trouble if they can save trouble. After marriage, her in-law's house is where she will live in the future.

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