For this day, Zhou Jiao had already made secret plans.

Miao Tianming took her plan with him when he went abroad. Over the past year, the child did not disappoint her, integrating foreign assets and achieving her initial goals.

So Zhou Jiao quickly gave the result: After the integration of foreign assets, in addition to the real estate and part of the equity left by grandpa, the liquidity is 150,000.

Zhou Xiaozheng nodded understandingly.

No wonder this silly girl would be so happy every time she received news from Miao Tianming. She probably made money again in the past two years. She was worthy of being his mother's direct granddaughter and had inherited the Gu family's business experience.

In addition to raising 50,000 yuan from home, it will be controlled at 200,000 US dollars. I have no plans to let them know about the remaining funds at home in the short term.

Zhou Xiaozheng smiled approvingly, That's right. You should always keep a trump card. There is nothing wrong with Miao Tianming and Lawyer Xue's character, but you can't give 100% trust to anyone at any time.

Well, behind the key cousin is the Miao family.

Zhang Guoqing listened to the conversation between the father and daughter and nodded in agreement. It's easy to get infected if you stay in a capitalist country for a long time, but don't look back because his younger brother has betrayed you.

Especially when he heard that his wife suddenly used such a large amount of money, he had already guessed the outcome. You can't just throw everything at one person.

What are the advantages of a time traveler?

Some people may forget many details of historical events, but his wife has the gift of photographic memory, which is simply awesome.

If she had not stubbornly adhered to her principles and disdained the capital of the rising giants in the future, then the Nobel Prize and the world's richest man would have been easily obtained.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with that.

As she said, everything in the world has a cause and effect. Unless all goals are based on kindness, the cycle of nature and retribution will cause future generations to lose their fortune and longevity.

Zhang Guoqing strongly agrees with his wife's statement. With his family's current status, there is no point in jumping around any more. Is it possible to restore the imperial system?

After all that, you haven't told me the investment area yet.

When Zhou Jiao heard what Zhou Xiaozheng said, she patted her forehead and smiled sheepishly, Dad, I want to do futures.

What futures do you want to buy? Oil?

Zhou Jiao's eyes widened in surprise. You must know that at this time, only a small number of people abroad are playing with futures, and most people do not understand it.

Not to mention China, so many people are very unfamiliar with futures. And her father actually said oil came out when he opened his mouth. She suspected that she had heard wrongly.

Zhou Xiaozheng glanced at her sideways, I looked through the books you brought back from abroad, and I understand a little bit!

Zhou Jiao could only raise her thumbs up with both hands to express her admiration for her father, like a surging river, continuous, and like the Yellow River flooding out of control.

Even though she is busy with everything, she never forgets to study. As expected of her, she is so good!

Zhou Xiaozheng glanced at his son-in-law with a look of dismay - look, his daughter still admired him the most.

Zhang Guoqing burst out laughing when he saw this, and raised his thumb at him, throwing nice words at his father-in-law as if they were free of charge.

Zhou Jiao waited for a while and corrected: Dad, no, what I want to buy is gold. Gold will rise in the next few years, so I want to make some money from it.

Well, tell me your analysis.

Zhou Jiao glanced at Zhang Guoqing, and then explained: Well, actually, you should be aware of the current international situation. There is some inflation in the U.S. economy, and the relationship between Lao Maozi and Afghanistan is tense. These may cause factors for the rise in gold prices. However, the specific increase depends on the situation, which is difficult to predict.

Zhou Jiao paid attention to his expression as he spoke, and did not dare to speak too carefully. After all, many things have not happened yet, and her father is still busy.

Zhou Xiaozheng raised his lips and smiled, Go on.

Uh... Zhou Jiao glanced at Zhang Guoqing who was watching the theater again and swallowed her saliva, In order to curb excessive inflation, only the depreciation of the US dollar is effective. The US dollar is linked to gold, and if the US dollar depreciates, then gold will appreciate. Bray The Dayton Forest System stipulated the positive and negative proportions between the two from the very beginning.”

Zhou Xiaozheng touched his chin, picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Zhou Jiao looked at Zhang Guoqing again, received a comforting smile from him, and then looked at Zhou Xiaozheng, Dad, my analysis should not be wrong, right?

Zhou Xiaozheng raised his head and nodded approvingly, Don't worry about losing money, just make more or less. After you said that, I'm thinking about whether the country should also invest part of it.

Zhou Jiao blinked when she heard this.

The country is poorer than her, no, all she has left is money.

Anyway, the country has fought a counterattack and is so poor that it can barely afford the pensions for the fallen soldiers. How dare you take risks if you still have money? Besides, the leadership team is not her own, so I guess no one would dare to vote for it.

Zhang Guoqing, who had been acting as the background wall all night, finally spoke, Dad, the two parties have not yet communicated well, so we should take it slow.

Yes, Dad, why do I take so much trouble to invest our family's apparent cash abroad? I just want to make some money to do charity in China.

That's the reason. Our family doesn't play with those people now. Dad, wait a minute, once Jiaojiao really achieves what she wants, you don't need to suggest it, there are many people who will rush to give you suggestions.

After listening to his daughter and son-in-law's advice, Zhou Xiaozheng sighed and dropped the topic and never mentioned it again.

After confirming this matter, Zhou Jiao explained her plan in detail, especially how to get 50,000 domestic funds into Miao Tianming's hands. This issue must be justified, and there must be no worries about future problems. It must not be careless at all.

After handling these matters before the business trip, Zhou Jiao returned to her daily routine of going to and from get off work every day. She spent time with her family on weekends and lived her days in an orderly manner.

An interesting thing happened during this period.

Regarding investing money in foreign futures, Zhou Jiao did not announce it to the outside world, and naturally did not hide it either. Fortunately, there are only a handful of people who can get information about her family.

Compared with the inner sneers of some people who couldn't hide it, Yi Jiefang and Wan Dayong immediately brought 40,000 yuan and handed it to Zhou Jiao as soon as they got the news.

In the words of the four of them, this is their coffin book, and the girl can do whatever she wants. It's better to lose money. If you don't have food to eat in the future, you can go home alone. What's the profit?

The money earned is naturally theirs!

Of course, this is a joke between close friends.

Five people, including Zhang Guoqing, all have extraordinary family backgrounds. For those with background and power, money is just the same thing if it is too much or too little.

After knowing each other for so long, Zhou Jiao and Zhang Guoqing still trust their conduct, not to mention that they have never failed to support their buddies.

Zhang Guoqing and Zhou Jiao didn't say much when they saw this, and they were transferred abroad the next day.

But not everyone has the courage to liberate them easily.

Just like the Cheng family and the Wen family, after Zhou Jiao made it clear that the elders were not allowed to interfere, no one in the second generation dared to take out the money.

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