After leaving the station, Zhang Guoqing took Zhang's mother and sat directly on the co-pilot. Looking at the few white hairs on her head, I felt sour. His mother's life is really not easy. From dawn to night, I went to work in the fields, cleaned up the housework, and took care of my family. I lived until I was old, and I didn't enjoy a good day. He stayed in the village for most of his life, and it was his first time even visiting the provincial capital.

Driving the car, Zhang Guoqing thought to himself, take his mother to have a good meal first. Driving here from the hotel street, he has paid attention to it. There are both Friendship Mall and Department Store, which are very lively. He planned to spend a good time with her today, go shopping slowly, and see the big provincial capital. It just so happens that the car still has gas, so I will drive to the military area to return the car tomorrow, and it will be convenient for me to go back empty-handed.

Mom, my mother-in-law has finally left. Now let's go to eat first. After eating and drinking, I will show you the best shopping mall in the provincial capital. Jiaojiao gave me a lot of overseas remittance coupons and ordered you to take a look. Pick what you like.

Mother Zhang looked at the car and touched the glass with her hand. Just now her in-laws were there, so she didn't have the nerve to take a closer look. Let's send a telegram to his grandma's first, or else we'll forget about it later. Just eat something at noon, things are expensive in the provincial capital.

You will always listen to your old son. First go to the post office to send a message, and then take you to eat delicious food. I will not return the car today, and I will drive here tomorrow. I will accompany you to see the big city today. Zhang Guoqing stopped the car, asked pedestrians for the direction of the post office, and drove there.

Zhang Guoqing sent a telegram at the post office, specifically stating: Arriving in Beijing at 5 o'clock on the 23rd, Lin Dan alone brought a 500-jin heavy load and urgently needed to go to the station to pick him up. In order to avoid the other party's misunderstanding, he didn't omit the comma. There's no way, the old man just left yesterday, and when he gets home, he doesn't know if the train is delayed or not, and if he arrives at the station before and after, he always asks his family to pick her up.

Mother, the telegram has been sent to the capital, and their family will receive it tomorrow night at the latest. Now let's go to dinner first, and you just wait for your son to take you to play. Your son has a big pocket.

Mother Zhang was sitting in the co-pilot seat, looking curiously at the people on both sides who got off work. Seeing that there are a lot of people riding bicycles and few people wearing patched clothes, I just sigh that it is better to be in a big city, where there are more people and cars. It is enviable that their family has two bicycles in the village. There are hundreds of them here. There is no need to work in the fields to earn work points, and the skin will peel off when the farming is busy. Looking at the people in the city, they are not dark, full of energy, full of air, and all of them are smiling. The children are clean, carrying schoolbags, running around, and say that the city is really nice.

It's off-duty time now, and there are a lot of people and cars, all of whom are workers from nearby factories. This is the busiest city center, the standard of living must be better, and children's education is also important.

Mother Zhang didn't see the remote places in the city. Those people's clothes, food, and housing are not even comparable to their village. At least the yard in the village is big, unlike a dozen families living in a yard in the city, where generations of grandparents and grandchildren live on the same kang. If there are a lot of people in the city, with young children, and relying on wages to support their families, even food and clothing will be a problem. However, Zhang Guoqing didn't explain it, so he just let her watch the excitement and be happy.

When he arrived at the restaurant, he took Zhang's mother to find a seat, went to the counter to order by himself, and ordered several dishes in a row. If you can't finish eating, you can put it in a cup and take it back to his father.

Zhang's mother watched him bring several plates of meat dishes, and took them happily, while complaining in a low voice. She knows that she can't embarrass her son outside, and her Xiao Wu is the one on the cards. Look at the enthusiasm those people have for him today, it's different from ordinary people. Besides, I have given money, and it is not easy to refund, I will eat less later, and bring it back to my family to taste the dishes of the provincial capital.

After eating and drinking warm lunch, the two of them took the leftovers, got into the car, and went directly to the Friendship Mall not far away.

Zhang Guoqing showed the overseas remittance voucher, and after the inspectors had seen it, he took Zhang's mother into the hall.

Facing the completely different environment, Zhang's mother was a little nervous. He looked around at the glass windows, glass cabinets, and at his clothes. Heaved a sigh of relief, looked around carefully, and said in a low voice: Xiao Wu, I don't think you can go in without this ticket.

Zhang Guoqing patted her hand lightly, telling her not to be nervous, That's it. Here are mainly those overseas Chinese and some leaders who come here. They don't have overseas remittance vouchers. They don't let them in. I guess it's for safety. Mom, let's start from the first floor. Starting from the third floor, there is everything, and the price and quality are better than those outside. Xizi said that you can take all the good things and invoice them, and then settle the payment together. Unlike the supply and marketing cooperatives, you have to invoice and pay first, and then go back to get the things. trouble.

Zhang's mother was dazzled since she came in, and she nodded without answering Zhang Guoqing's words. She looked at everything and found that the things were really good, even the prices above were not bad.

Mother Zhang followed him from the first floor to the third floor, looked all the way down, picked out some things that were cheaper than the supply and marketing cooperatives, and hurriedly dragged him away. She is not used to this place.

After leaving the gate, Mother Zhang secretly let out a sigh of relief, Xiao Wu, where shall we go next?

Zhang Guoqing drove the car and stopped not far away, Mother, this is the largest department store in the provincial capital. Like the supply and marketing cooperatives, some require tickets. I have a lot of tickets here. You can buy what you like. Don't buy it. Worried about not having enough money.

The department store is nothing more than a two-story red brick building. At the intersection of two roads, the wall is covered with slogans.

Fight/pour down US/imperialism and realize communism.

Workers and Peasants Alliance, Urban and Rural Mutual Aid!

Hard work, diligence/frugality/construction/country!

Take the road of cooperation/cooperation/transformation to achieve common prosperity!

The big red letters are very conspicuous, and the doorway is very lively with people coming and going, and no one comes out empty-handed, they are all big bags and small bags. The two entered through the gate, and as soon as they arrived, they heard the radio playing: Today, there is a special offer to buy Jiefang shoes, and each person can buy a pair. There are defective products in the textile area on the second floor, and you can buy them without a ticket. If there are stocks, you don't need a ticket on the first floor. Buy.

Zhang's mother listened to the radio and hurriedly dragged Zhang Guoqing to the inventory counter on the first floor, but she didn't ask anyone else. If you see the most people from a distance, squeeze in. Zhang Guoqing finally protected her and squeezed into the crowd, watching her excitedly choose. After all the selections were made, he went to line up to pay and collect the tickets to the salesperson.

Squeezing out of the crowd, Zhang Guoqing followed his mother closely, and his mother felt so excited now, she hurriedly listened to the radio and went up to the second floor, asked where the defective product was, and went there.

Zhang Guoqing looked at the crowded crowd with a headache, and it was still women who were picking, and shouted loudly for the salesperson to bring it to her. The counter was full of people, each of them said a sentence, and they didn't listen carefully, and they couldn't figure out what was said, it was a mess. There is no other way but to follow Mother Zhang and wait outside. After she picked out the most satisfactory towels and fabrics with few defects, and waited for the salesman to issue an invoice, it took more than half an hour. He hurriedly took the list and ran to the first floor to line up for payment. building.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately the disposal items are over. Next, you can look at it slowly, it's like a fight to buy, I'm afraid I won't be able to buy it, and they are all women, he is too embarrassed to squeeze in.

Mom, we all have tickets, I'm ready, don't worry.

Zhang's mother happily looked at the things in his hand, You don't understand. If we had known, we would have come here first. Maybe there would be good things if we came earlier. They have all been selected. It's really cheap.

Zhang's mother thought about it. She should be familiar with the buying and selling process of the supply and marketing cooperative. She dragged Zhang Guoqing to the left counter on the first floor and began to look. The two of them spent a long time, and finally Zhang's mother was satisfied and planned to go home.

Zhang Guoqing looked at the things in the hands of the two of them, but there were not many things. Most of them look at the product instead of buying it. I don't know what fun it is to see if you don't buy it. He found that it was better to go shopping with Jiaojiao, aiming at the target, took it and left.

In the past, I often heard friends complaining, saying that they should never go shopping with his mother, and they would not go there next time if they were beaten to death. He also finds it strange that it is a great thing to be able to accompany his mother to go shopping, carry bags for her, and watch her happily and happily go shopping. He still regrets that he does not have a mother.

Now it's a slap in the face, if he can see that friend, he will definitely express his deep sympathy, and give that buddy a hug, especially his mother, who just looks at it or buys it, he is worried for her, In the end, Zhang Guoqing, who looked like she liked it and was reluctant to spend money, paid the bill directly.

He also felt more and more that his Jiaojiao was actually not squeamish at all, her temperament and habits matched his temper, the two of them changed from being ordinary to getting rich, and she hadn't changed much, whether it was shopping or being a person, it was the same as before. Live seriously and never waste time doing useless things. It is estimated that letting her go shopping like this, she must be in a hurry with you.

After Zhang Guoqing got into the car with his mother, he thought about it and went in to buy some face cream, Harry's oil and soap. No woman doesn't like these. Besides, his mother is only 46 years old, not old at all, that is, in the countryside , no maintenance. Besides, when I come to a big provincial capital, I always bring some gifts for my sister-in-law and sisters at home.

Mother, these are given to my sister-in-law and sister, and you share a share. All the extra is for you to use. It's cold, it won't crack your hands when you put it on, and it also takes care of your face. I think those women like these.

Oh, my old son. I thought you bought it for what. These are precious, and they are all rare things. You took them back for Jiaojiao's use. Why did you buy so many? Zhang's mother was happy and distressed Looking at these things carefully, not to mention that she really likes them, they smell delicious after applying them.

Zhang Guoqing looked at his mother amusedly, don't think he didn't see her expression, he fondly touched the box. That's right, even if her monthly salary is not high, and she bought high-end foreign cosmetics for Jiaojiao, she still feels distressed and can't put it down.

In which book did I read those words: Women do not love cosmetics, and women want to have a young and beautiful appearance. No matter how old a woman is, after the age of 18, she is always reluctant to hear her age being asked, which is even more difficult to say than hearing about private money.

Mom, Jiaojiao's mother gave it to you. You can use it with confidence. Your old son knows it well, and he won't pretend to be fat. I really have money in my hand. Tell you secretly, don't tell it, Jiaojiao's mother gave it to you. A lot of money. I gave her the rent for 6 years in the capital, 50 yuan a month. How much do you think? In the future, as long as the house is rented out, it will be 50 yuan a month. My mother-in-law said, let us spend it hard, but we can’t spend it. End. How much is my brother-in-law’s salary, 36 yuan a month. So, let me tell you secretly, we really don’t lack money, you keep it for yourself, and tell me what you want to buy.”

Zhang's mother snapped her fingers in shock, her heart was pounding, and she couldn't calm down and figure out how much it was. He whispered incoherently: I, I still don't count. Xiaowu, don't say such a large amount of money, don't even say your father. Remember, don't say it. My mother, my mother Grandma Tian, ​​you really are a golden baby. No wonder your mother-in-law buys carts by carts without blinking an eye.

Zhang Guoqing laughed loudly, probably his father guessed that he was not short of money, he knew that Jiaojiao had a big yard for rent, and he knew his mother-in-law's temper, so he knew it well. But regarding these, both of them tacitly kept silent. This also depends on his mother's reluctance to part with this or that. He just told her. As for the rest, he didn't intend to tell anyone else, not even his mother.

Don't worry now. Well, if there is anything you want to buy, let's go and see.

Mother Zhang nodded temptedly, and then shook her head again, Forget it, you can't waste money if you have money, keep it for Ping An, and you will have children in the future, and the days will be long.

Zhang Guoqing took out the tickets, put them on the spot, and picked out all the tickets that were close to expiration, I will find all the tickets that are close to expiration, and we will buy them according to this, otherwise it will be a pity if they expire.

Zhang Guoqing locked the car and took his mother into the department store again. This time, Zhang's mother was obviously relieved and bought what she needed. He and Zhang Guoqing used up all the bills they picked out.

After shopping, Zhang Guoqing drove Zhang's mother to the park to have a look. Then he took her to the movie theater, but his mother refused to pull her out. Zhang's mother said that it would be dark after the movie, and the family was worried. There was no way, so Zhang Guoqing took her and asked someone on the street, where to buy old bookstalls and tapes?

After driving around, he finally found a place. First, he went to look at the tapes and bought some tapes of revolutionary songs. I asked his mother and bought operas and storytelling. Zhang Guoqing knew that these opera and storytelling tapes would never be found in the future, and no matter how expensive the price was, he bought a large stack and told his mother in detail what those tapes were about. Otherwise, she must be in a hurry, it's really expensive, and now his eldest sister only earns a month's salary. The most expensive tapes cost 1.5 yuan, and the cheapest one was 0.50 yuan, which cost Zhang Guoqing almost 50 yuan.

After that, Zhang Guoqing took her to a place not far away, where there were old bookstalls all over the place. After all, it is the provincial capital, and the two alleys are full of second-hand book stalls. He picks out good books quickly, and the prices are cheaper than those in the county. He took two trips back to the car before finishing.

Okay, it's getting dark soon. When we go back, your father must be in a hurry, and Jiaojiao doesn't know what to eat at night. Let's go. I've done enough shopping in the provincial capital.

Mother Zhang is afraid of him now. I've never seen someone who spends money like water, good guy, those people are looking at it stupidly, if there is not a small car parked there, it is estimated that someone has robbed it.

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