In the early hours of the morning, Ping An woke up on time, Zhang Guoqing made milk powder, held his son to breastfeed skillfully, and changed the diaper prepared last night after drinking. Looking at it with the weak light, the son drank milk with his eyes closed, fell asleep after changing the diaper, he saw it was funny, and kissed the top of his son's head. After listening to the inner room, there was no movement. It is estimated that I was tired a few days ago, and adding red wine will help me sleep. Zhang Guoqing gently hugged his son and put him on the kang, and slowly lay down beside him, tucked up with a quilt.

Before dawn in the morning, the rooster crows. Zhang Guoqing looked at his son excitedly, and saw that the time was almost five o'clock. Later, his father and mother would also get up, and today his mother-in-law had to get up to take the train. He gently moved away from his son, and pulled down the small quilt towards his neck, fearing that his son's face would be covered, and surrounded him with his own big quilt to keep out the wind. Just put on clothes, took towels and toiletries, carefully opened the door, squeezed out, and then quickly closed the door.

The weather is getting closer to the end of the new year, and it is getting colder and colder. It is no different from the winter in the south of the Yangtze River. I don't know if the winter will be like the winter in previous years. It came out in one breath, and it was all fog. The wind in the morning was so cold that it made people shiver abruptly.

Zhang Guoqing immediately entered the kitchen in the dark, skillfully turned on the kerosene lighter brought back from the provincial capital, and lit the kerosene lamp. He ran to the well to draw a large bucket of water. This well was warm in winter and cool in summer, which he was most satisfied with, so he quickly washed it.

The kerosene lamp was already lit in the east wing of the main house, he went to the window and whispered hello inside. He quickly ran to the outside of the west wing with his things, and only dared to approach the kang to look at his son after his whole body warmed up. I checked that the briquette stove is not in good condition, and the indoor temperature will not freeze my son, so I can rest assured.

Then I went out, took down the two hares on the eaves, and went back to the kitchen. I took off the iron pan on the stove, supported the hares on an iron frame, and put them on top to roast slowly. From time to time, I have to turn the iron frame, and then run back to see my son. Fortunately, the firewood was used at home, so there was no need to stare at it. After half an hour, the aroma of the stewed meat slowly covered the smell of the meat, and another wood was taken out and placed in another stove. I baked it slowly, and in the scent, I scratched it with a small knife a few times, and ran back to see my son. He felt that he was very busy. If there was an oven, he would buy it no matter how much it cost. I was exhausted, I was busy for an hour, and finally cooked it. I put it on a plate, put it on the iron pot, added water to the pot, and went back to the room with the plate. The smell immediately filled the nose, and the room was full of barbecue. scent.

Zhou Jiao fell into a drowsy sleep. In her dream, she had just bitten a chicken leg, when suddenly bursts of fragrance came, like a dream but not a dream, she woke up with a jerk. After staring at her mother for a long time, I remembered where it was. I saw that the door of the outer room was ajar, and Zhang Guoqing was poking the briquette stove there. Afraid of waking her mother, he hurriedly shook it with his hands.

Zhang Guoqing always felt that someone was staring at him from behind, so he hurriedly turned around to look, and was immediately amused, seeing her shaking her hands vigorously, staring at her for something, rolling her eyes again, and shouting silently.

He returned to the kang and hugged his son with the quilt, and returned to Zhou Jiao's place, giving her a wink to move her in. He put his son directly and lightly outside, and then quietly built his quilt into a fence outside his son's body. When it was over, they breathed a sigh of relief, and the two smiled silently.

Afraid that she would be hungry, Zhang Guoqing pointed to her stomach and mouth, and then to the action of drinking soup. Seeing Zhou Jiao shaking her head, Bibi went to bed with them, and pointed to her son, telling her to be careful. Seeing her nodding, she indicated that she was going out.

Zhou Jiao wanted to ask him, what is so fragrant? But after thinking about it, forget it. Seeing him gesticulating, I couldn't hold back my joy, and shook my hand to let him go out.

Zhang Guoqing breathed a sigh of relief, this is exhausting. I went out the door and walked towards the kitchen, but I didn't see his mother. It was almost six o'clock, and I usually got up. I went out to see that the landlord's wing was a little lit. Worried and anxious, he entered the room, only to see that they were about to get up.

Father and mother, is there something uncomfortable? Zhang Guoqing looked at his father worriedly, and then at his mother.

Zhang's mother laughed and said strangely: What are you thinking, I didn't go to work today, there is meat stewing in the pot, and there is no rush to make breakfast. I will let your father lie down and rest, he can't lie down, we are planning to get up and forget it.

Usually you all get up at five o'clock. I see you are lighting the lamps. What do you think? Dad, I'll go to the backyard to see if there is any work to be done. After finishing speaking, he left first.

There is no food in the backyard now. He has not been at home for the past few days. It seems that the potatoes and sweet potatoes have been dug up, and even the Chinese cabbage has been harvested. Zhang Guoqing thought about what he was doing at this time in previous years, looked around, walked to the woodshed, picked up a hoe and tried to turn over the ground. This body is good at farm work, good at farm work, good at hunting, and has great strength. One person can do more than three others. Fortunately, he came here with memories, otherwise, he would not know how to farm or hunt.

Zhang Guoqing followed his memory and relied on his own eyesight to start hoeing the sweet potato fields. It is good to have great strength. When his father came, he would go through all the sweet potato fields. It was dawn, and he didn't chat with his father. If he did more work, there would be fewer family members, and the family members would not be free when building a house. When it snows and freezes, the hoe won't be able to hoe the ground anymore, and it will be too late to cry at that time. Then, he went to the cabbage field, be careful with that one, the cabbage root is the fucking thing, so he slowed down and didn't go to pick the cabbage root. After the second sister-in-law feeds the pig, she will come up to help.

When his father also took a hoe and started working from there, he had already quickly reached the potato field. The two of them occasionally talked a few words without chatting, and were busy working. Wait for his second sister-in-law to come out, cook and feed the pigs. When the bamboo baskets were used to store cabbage roots in the cabbage field, their father and son had already hoeed the back yard. He just waited for the fattening at night, which he refused, because Zhang Guoqing didn't like fertilizing in the past.

Father, it's all done, and then I will fertilize at night, so I won't interfere. Can you see if there is any work to be done? If not, I will go up the mountain to collect firewood. There must be not enough firewood this year.

Go, come back before breakfast, don't go too far inside. Your brother and I will go to the private plot, and we have to hoe the plot over there. The three of us are enough, and we have done half of it. Father Zhang looked at the garden in the backyard. He sighed, and looked at his youngest son enviously. This strength is really good, one person is three. Yesterday, the three people in the private plot were still halfway to work before starting work. The backyard is so big, just seeing how he felt when he got up early in the morning, he did not take a breather, and finished the work easily.

Zhang Guoqing put away the hoe, took the machete, rope and pole and entered the back door. Many women in the village like to go to Beishan to collect firewood, so there is no dry firewood in the surrounding area. He walked forward along the mountain road, found a place, put down the pole and rope, and went straight forward without using a machete. In the dead trees, there was a crackling sound of thin hands and thick feet. Moved to another place in no time.

After a while, he guessed it was about the same, looked at his watch, it was time for meal, and he had to go back to see Jiaojiao's confinement meal. Quickly gather the firewood in a pile, trim the machete, and tie it up with a rope. Five bundles were tied, and four bundles were hung on both ends of the pole. When they were picked up, they carried one bundle in their hands, and easily entered the back door of the house.

Zhang's mother stood at the back door watching him come back, and called him from a distance, and when he unloaded the firewood and put it in the firewood room, the firewood room was full all at once.

Xiao Wu, you have already hoeed the backyard earlier, why are you still going to collect firewood, don't rest, go back to the main room to drink water, and have to eat. You are a real kid, work slowly, look at you You won’t be tired after carrying so much. Don’t be stupid next time, you still have two older brothers.” Zhang’s mother pointed at him with her fingers.

Zhang Guoqing smiled and didn't say anything, he knew that his mother loved him, she couldn't bear him to do heavy work, and always forgot that he was strong.

After breakfast, Zhang Guoqing looked at the wild boar meat outside the kitchen. It had been drained, and he packed it directly after he took the wrappers. He packed them into one bag. In addition to yesterday's three, there were four packages, all of which were close to 400 catties. Heavy, he shed tears for his mother-in-law. I have to send a telegram early in the afternoon, otherwise I really can't take it home. When the time comes, he will directly ask the conductor for the four parcels and ask him to send them out of the station. Pack precious things like wolf fur and ginseng and take them with you. Afraid that there would be too many people to build a house later, he put all four packages in the car and locked them. After thinking about it, he went to get two hares and put them next to him.

Looking at the time, it is now 6:30, he changed his clothes, asked his mother to clean up, and was about to leave. When he arrived in the provincial capital and bought a ticket, he had dinner first and then boarded the train. The time was also very fast.

Zhang Guoqing came to the West Wing and saw that his mother-in-law was already packing her luggage. The soldiers were indeed packing well. He cut the roast rabbit with a knife, removed the head of the rabbit, left the thigh and meat, wrapped it in oiled paper, added the pastry brought back from the provincial capital, and wrapped it with a few apples given by Jiaojiao, and took it with him to eat . Mom, this is for food. You can sum it up. We will leave at about 7:00.

Lin Lishan took it, she hadn't found the package in the car yet, so she was saying goodbye to Zhou Jiao. The two mother and daughter spoke with teary eyes and reluctance. They left after Zhang's mother found her. Zhou Jiao watched her mother leave and couldn't hold back the tears. Lin Lishan came out of the west wing, wiped her tears, looked back, listened, and left cruelly.

Zhang Guoqing carried her luggage and packages, and comforted her while walking: Mom, you will come back to see her in a few days, and when you are safe, you can go to the capital to find you. You see, we will meet soon. Wait a few years. You are not busy with work, Jiaojiao and Ping An go to the capital, and you can see them every day.

Mother Zhang also wiped her tears and comforted her.

Zhang Guoqing took the car keys and drove the car. After they got into the car, he said goodbye to everyone. Lin Lishan expressed her thanks repeatedly and asked them to take care of Jiaojiao as sisters-in-law. Everyone bid farewell reluctantly, and then dispersed to work after the car was out of sight. The two sisters-in-law Huang Cuilan and Lin Juhua went into the west wing together to look at Zhou Jiao and comfort her.

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