Zhang Guoqing brought hunting gear such as wooden barns, bows and arrows, and sneaked out of the back door with a bamboo basket on his back, avoiding pedestrians all the way, and walked quickly to Daqingshan.

He doesn't know how long Daqing Mountain is. The peaks are connected one after another, and there are villages in the middle of some peaks. From the age of five, he followed his grandfather up the mountain from the south to Laohugou, and he can also see the distant peaks to the south. From the north to Linxian, you can also see hills and hills. Daqingshan does not belong to their county, and the neighboring county is also in the northernmost part of Daqingshan. Rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and rely on the water to eat the water. Every household living in the mountains relies on the Daqing Mountains to feed their generations.

Zhang Guoqing headed towards the northernmost point. In his memory, there was a small mountain in the direction of Linxian County, and there was a mountain depression there. The entire col is very large, with a dense forest and a small stream not far away.

After passing by several times, I found a group of pigs looking for food in the Zha forest. The old sow often played with her young piglets by the stream. Run to the jungle as soon as you hear something. A herd of wild boars is easier to deal with than a lone pig. If an orphan pig were to appear, he would have to weigh whether it was worth it. People often say one pig, two bears and three tigers is a lonely pig.

Zhang Guoqing was a little terrified when he thought of the solitary pig weighing eight or nine hundred catties, the long tusks, and the aggressive wildness that would rush towards people and animals whenever it saw them. This time I went up the mountain to fight wild boars, because I was thinking that these pigs would be easy to deal with. When he thinks that the pigs like to come out for a walk at dusk, he is very happy.

Zhang Guoqing walked lightly, always paying attention to the movement around him. The further you go to the destination, the more lush the trees become. In the past few years, there have been fewer hunters around, and the earlier trails have gradually disappeared. Now it is overgrown with weeds and thorns. Zhang Guoqing used a hatchet to open the way. Along the way, many common medicinal materials can be seen everywhere. Even in humid and dark places, there are many wild mushrooms, fungus, and various wild vegetables on the ground.

Zhang Guoqing, who deeply feels that there will be a lack of material in the future, secretly regrets that he did not bring Jiaojiao. If you have her space, you can receive it at any time, and you are not afraid that you will not be able to take it back if you gain too much.

When I think of the heavy snow closing the mountains until the beginning of spring. Turnips and cabbage, no green vegetables, frozen meat and air-dried game every day, just thinking about it is unappetizing. He couldn't help slowing down, paying attention to his surroundings, and secretly took note of the markers. I plan to bring Zhou Jiao over next time. In addition to mushrooms and wild vegetables, a thick layer of fruit has fallen from the chestnut trees, and ripe pears are still hanging on the wild fruit trees not far away.

Seeing the destination, Zhang Guoqing moved his hands and feet and tidied up his tools. Then walk lightly towards the creek.

It may be that this area is close to Lin County, and it is a small mountain, so few people come here. A piece of prey is much less alert. Before reaching the creek, I killed a few wild hens and a few fat rabbits. He must have encountered more than these, but time was short, his goal was the wild boar, and he let go of all the small animals he saw along the way.

He found that walking in the forest was particularly easy, his hearing was more sensitive, and he also had a premonition of danger, as if he was born to be a hunter. He hasn't hunted in person since crossing, and now he understands why he is in the forest, and he feels very happy.

Now he was used to his great strength. Gradually get used to the strength of the hands, and won't break the heads of pheasants and hares like at the beginning, and the scalp will also be broken. The bloody prey hit was horrible. Now a stone passed by, the skull was broken and the skin was not broken, and no blood flowed out. The bows and arrows brought seem to be useless.

Autumn Rabbit, Cured Duck and Spring Pheasant, people in the mountains pay great attention to this point when hunting. The hares in autumn are the fattest, the wild ducks in the twelfth lunar month are the most moist, and the pheasants in spring are very tender.

Recently, Zhou Jiao was in confinement, and the pheasant just happened to give her bones. Zhang Guoqing doesn't care about these details anymore. As long as it is nourishing, the taste will be discussed next time. Next, he beat a few pheasants vigorously with the small stones in his hand, let go of most of the wild rabbits, and stole nest after nest of wild eggs frantically, but finally he was afraid that too many wild eggs would break. give up.

The sound of animals came from the grass in the distance. Zhang Guoqing's ear tipped, and when he heard the rough breathing and the movement...——this was a wild boar.

Immediately holding his breath, he moved forward cautiously. I saw that on the large grassland with a small stream, there were two big wild boars and their piglets looking for food, drinking water, and playing together.

Zhang Guoqing found a place against the wind. Choose a good location. Point the arrow at the largest one, and think about picking up the ax and placing it on the right hand side. With a slight pull, the bow and arrow were aimed directly at the biggest wild boar. His shot was without fail, and the largest wild boar's skull shattered and fell to the ground. The other three wild boars were so scared that they ran on a rampage and ran straight to the dense forest not far away. Zhang Guoqing immediately picked up the ax and threw it over, and fell down again. The remaining two little pigs ran into the dense forest and looked around. He didn't intend to chase after them, and he had reached his goal.

The two wild boars that fell weighed a full 600 jin. The biggest wild boar weighed three to four hundred catties. If it walked through the village ostentatiously, someone would definitely see it. He didn't bother to pay attention to other people's gossip.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhang Guoqing immediately dragged the wild boar away to the stream. He untied the bamboo basket, moved the sharp knife for slaughter, and moved his hands neatly. The wild boar was quickly cut into two with a knife, and the bones and ribs were not even removed, leaving the pig's head, except for some edible offal, which was thrown away. Roughly wash it with stream water and tie it with hemp rope, lest people will see the clues. Before binding, some dry branches and thatch were placed outside the wild boar to surround it, and then tied into a ball with hemp rope.

After packing up, while it was still daylight, he picked up the wild boar, carried the bamboo basket, and walked out quickly. After leaving the periphery, after it was dark, there were few people walking on the road, so I immediately avoided everyone and got home safely.

He tensed up all the way, and he packed up the wild boar weighing more than 500 catties on his back. He was also very strong, and Zhang Guoqing felt a little tired when he relaxed for a while.

In Zhang's kitchen, everyone came up to watch and help. When Lin Lishan heard Xizi's report, she also rushed over to have a look. She heard that Zhang Guoqing was very strong, but she didn't expect to bring back two wild boars within a few hours of going out. You must know that when fighting wild boars in the army, there is no wooden warehouse, and it takes three or four people to kill a wild boar.

Even though he was very tired, Zhang Guoqing still asked Zhang's mother and sister-in-law to put the iron pot on the stove. At the same time, two pots of water were boiled, and they quickly poured water on the black skin of the four wild boars carefully. The knife is cut while it is hot, and the pig hair is quickly shaved clean.

After burning an unknown number of pots of water, all four wild boars had lost their hair. He cut out the spine and ribs first, then divided the pig's head, pig's tail, pig's trotters and pig's knuckles one by one, followed by the pig's leg bones, and the remaining It's all meat.

Wild boar is mostly lean meat, but there is still some fat, just as there is no oil at home.

Zhang Guoqing asked Zhang's mother to find out the clean sand basin, cut out half of the fat and put it in the basin. It was white and very attractive. The fat of these two pigs can boil a lot of oil, which is enough for Zhang's mother for a year. There is always no oil in the food at home.

Zhang Guoqing put together four ribs, eight knuckles, and pig heads, and put the rest into four bamboo baskets one by one.

Seeing that her son was finally busy, Zhang's mother felt her heart pounding when she saw the meat, and she hurriedly asked him, Xiao Wu, when did you go out? Why did you kill so much meat? These are two wild boars.

Lin Lishan also asked him: You didn't go there specially for me to go back to Beijing tomorrow, did you? It's dark, how dangerous. That's Lao Linzi, don't die. You kid is too courageous.

Zhang Guoqing saw that everyone was very excited and worried, so he quickly comforted him: Don't worry, you have seen that there is no danger before, and I have no time to go up the mountain. It doesn't matter that my mother-in-law will go back tomorrow. It just so happens that the wild boars only come out in the evening to find food. I It’s not dangerous if you think about it. I’ve never hunted anything else, just found the land. The good guy has four, and ran away with two small ones. Wait until they grow up and then hunt them, as we keep them. They’ve already returned , came out of the woods, and came back when it was dark and there was no one left. Hehe, it’s all right, how many times have I shot wild boars.”

After hearing this, everyone was relieved. He didn't act out of order. Since I've seen it before and it's not dangerous, it's a good budget to come back so soon.

Zhang's mother asked the elders to clean up and put them into the water. The braised pig's head, pig's tail, pig's trotters and two pork knuckles from the second's family brought two knives of meat and some bones to Uncle Zhang and Uncle Zhang's.

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