99 – Episode 99 Season of Civil War

The most bizarre country on the European continent was the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The division of the country into Germans and Hungarians, who had equal power, was an aspect rarely seen in modern nation-states.

If anything, the German and Hungarian ruling territories where power was divided in this way had the appearance of a nation-state, and they did not.

Sisraitania, ruled by Austria, was divided into numerous ethnic groups and feudal lords.

The only factor that united these disparate empires was the cause of Habsburg.

If it were not for the name of the great ‘Habsburg family’, there would be no reason for them to be tied together as the same country.

In the past, the legitimacy of rule could have been gained based on the ruler’s bloodline alone, but since the rise of nationalism, this has become impossible.

The Italians in the empire wanted to merge into nearby Italy, the Serbs wanted to merge into Serbia, and the Romanians wanted to merge into Romania, and the remaining ethnic groups were not quiet either.

This phenomenon became more evident as the empire waged war.

The interior of the empire was slowly being torn apart by irritation at the defeat of the empire, dissatisfaction with the increasingly difficult economy, and succession to the throne by collateral imperial family members.

The imperial government considered its own response to these problems.

‘This can’t go on.’

Austrian Emperor Charles I began to consider his uncle Franz Ferdinand’s ‘Greater Austrian Union Plan’.

“If anything like the United States of Austria comes up again, the Kingdom of Hungary will not sit still.”

“The German community in Austria will not simply follow. “Your Majesty, reform is good, but we must avoid the risk of the empire collapsing into civil war.”

Most of the officials expressed active opposition to the ‘United States of Austria’ plan.

“If that’s the reality, I won’t insist on it either.”

In the midst of this, Germany handed over its North African colonies.

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“I will gladly accept the favor given by the Kaiser.”

“Instead, please understand that Germany is exerting influence over Ukraine.”

Nevertheless, Charles I, who needed achievements to build his prestige, did not reject it but accepted it.

However, Germany’s gift was a poisoned apple.

The Austrian Parliament of Cisraitania actively accepted this, but Hungary did not view it favorably.

“In order to maintain a colony, it is inevitable to strengthen the navy. “It is Austria that benefits from such an expanded navy, so why should Hungary bear the cost?”

“If we have interests in North Africa, we can also share them with Hungary.”

“I have no intention of agreeing to a few superficial interests.”

The large rice cake that fell unexpectedly created a big crack in the empire.

“We, Hungary, have no intention of allocating more budget to strengthening the Imperial Navy.”

“However, it is a large territory that the empire has secured after a long time. “Isn’t the Navy essential to manage that?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Sisraitania will take care of that. And Austria tends to monopolize too much of the share of this war, so we need to increase our share as well.”

“What do you mean?”

“If we took over North Africa, wouldn’t it be balanced if we handed over the joint territory of Bosnia-Herzegovina to us?”

Hungary must have felt sick when North Africa fell into Austria’s hands, so it pressured Vienna to increase its territory.

“We must never accept Budapest’s demands. “The territory and sphere of influence secured from Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania fell from the sky.”

Emperor Charles also had no intention of backing down from this issue.

Once he was looked down upon, it was obvious that he would continue to be dragged along.

When Vienna ignored their demands, Budapest also took a hard-line stance.

“I will refuse to ratify the 1918 national budget.”

Although the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary actually lived separately, they jointly spent on defense and diplomacy.

However, Hungary has threatened to cut this budget.

“These guys are crazy.”

Karl I sent someone to Budapest to tell the Hungarian government that they should pass only the ‘urgent budget bill’ and talk about it slowly.

“I don’t believe your Majesty’s promise.”

First, Hungary’s message was to show sincere actions.

Karl felt the limit of his patience here.

Nevertheless, there were complaints from Hungary, which had been bothering the imperial government with budget plans during the war.

Karl thought that the old Emperor Franz Josef had granted Hungary too much.

‘The essence of the problem is that we have given away what we should not have given.’

But the situation was completely different between then and now.

‘Is there any reason for us to be dragged around by those f*cking Hungarian bastards?’

Germany was behind the empire, and Hungary had no country that could support it in case of emergency.

There was no better time than now to put to rest the Hungarians who were only hindering imperial reform.

‘It’s best to avoid a civil war, but if you want to rebuild the empire, you can’t do anything without first dealing with those damn Hungarian bastards.’

Karl decided to start a civil war.

However, he did not recklessly bet with the fate of the empire.

Karl I first sent someone to Berlin and asked if the German Empire would provide support in case of emergency. He planned to move after receiving a guarantee that Germany would support him.

Kaiser’s answer to this was concise.

“There will be no direct intervention by the German Empire. However, we are willing to send ‘friendly young people’ who were active in the Caucasus.”

It was a satisfactory answer for Charles I, who knew what those kind young men had been doing in southern Russia.

Karl I presented the ‘Imperial Reorganization Plan’ to the Imperial Diet. It was a reorganization limited to Transraitania, not Cisraitania.

“Transraitania reform plan? Uh, this.”

At this point, Charles was planning to reduce Hungary’s power by tearing away Slovakia, Transylvania, and Croatia-Slavonia, which were pressed by Transleitania.

If you accept it, it’s fine, but even if you don’t, it was enough to borrow Germany’s power and trample on it.

“Your Majesty!”

The Transraitania reorganization plan was nothing short of a direct challenge to Hungary.

The Kingdom’s parliament in Budapest was seething. They were so enraged by Charles’ plan to reorganize Transleitania that they even suggested depriving Saint Stephen of his crown.

Hungary’s Prime Minister, Sándor Beckerle, hurried to Vienna after calming the angry voices in parliament.

“I want to know if this is truly Your Majesty’s will.”

“That’s what I mean.”

The Hungarian Prime Minister felt embarrassed by Karl’s answer.

I even had doubts about whether the young emperor was sane. He would go to war and risk civil war not long after?

“Do you know that your Majesty’s actions will break the promise the Empire made in 1867?”

“How could you not know? “I just want to change the old empire a little bit.”

From Charles I’s answer, the kingdom’s prime minister, Sandor Beckerle, knew that the emperor was determined to strangle Hungary.

Now there was no room for compromise.

If the Habsburgs came out like that, they were not worthy of wearing the crown of St. Stephen.

So, it’s war!

Shortly after Sandor Beckerle returned to Budapest, the kingdom’s parliament unanimously stripped Charles of the ‘Hungarian throne’ and ordered mobilization.

“There is nothing to be afraid of just because we are. Order mobilization!”

Karl issued an order to mobilize the joint territories of Sisraitania and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

57% Of the population of the Habsburg Empire was in Cissraitania, and only 40.6% In Transraetania.

At least the subjugated peoples of Transraetania tended to prefer the relatively tolerant Sisraetania.

Both sides began to call back soldiers who returned from the Great War into the army.

“War again?”

Nevertheless, the control of the empire was loosened due to the war.

In the midst of all this, it was natural for people to become dissatisfied as the Empire, whose sense of belonging had diminished, kept trying to tell them what to do.

Carl didn’t know that this kind of problem would arise.

No, I knew better and planned to end this war in a short period of time.

During the war, Hungary mobilized 3.2 Million men, but Sisreitania and the joint dominion mobilized 5.8 Million men. The empire’s numerical superiority was clear.

“Please let Archduke Frederick take over as commander-in-chief.”

“I understand.”

Austria prepared its lineup one after another.

Both sides were eating together, so they knew the other side’s situation as well as the palm of their hand.

It was Hungary that took the lead.

“Considering the difference in weight class, Austria is overwhelming. Additionally, we don’t know what attitude Germany will show if the war prolongs.”

For Hungary, there was no reason to delay.

The Hungarian Army immediately attacked Vienna, the capital of Austria.

When the Hungarian Army crossed the Laita River, the border between the two countries, Austria also responded.

Svetozar Boroevich von Vojna, commander of the Austrian 1st Army, blocked the Hungarian army’s advance.

“Von Vojna is the enemy general.”

“He is a dangerous person.”

“I don’t know that.”

The Hungarian army commander, Baron Samu Hajaj, hesitated to attack after hearing the name of the enemy general. Although von Wojna’s last name may seem like a Hungarian nobleman, he was not actually Hungarian but a South Slavic person. He was one of the few generals in the imperial army who received a title and the rank of marshal for his achievements in war.

The Baron spent two days in place, hesitating to attack for a moment out of respect for the enemy’s name. Meanwhile, von Wojna had completed his defense preparations.

“I made a mistake.”

The Baron felt ashamed at the fact that he had been overwhelmed by the name value of his enemy, but the opportunity that had passed did not come back. Austria strengthened Vienna’s defenses and launched an offensive along all fronts.

“Magyar horsemen. “Feel clearly the price of rebelling against the empire.”

The Austrian army launched a large-scale offensive surrounding Hungary in a semicircle from Galicia to Bosnia.

In the meantime, Romania saw an opportunity to expand its territory again and sent people to Vienna.

“If your Majesty guarantees just a part of Transylvania, we will also help in the war.”

“Stop saying this nonsense.”

Although there was a civil war with Hungary, attempts to cut off the empire’s territory could not be tolerated.

Anyway, as even Romania showed suspicious signs, Hungary had to divide its insufficient troops.

Austria took the initiative and pushed Hungary without hesitation.

“This means we don’t have to ask for support from Germany.”

Karl I was relaxed enough to joke.

The prospect that Budapest would raise its hands in one month at the most instilled confidence in the imperial government.

However, the Austrian army had chronic diseases.

“I have completed my mandatory military service, but I don’t know why I have to fight.”

There was no ‘motivation to fight’ for the Austrian soldiers.

But it wasn’t a problem when we were winning.

The problem was the Hungarian army’s counterattack.

It was great when they were pushing without hesitation into the vast plains of Pannonia, but this area was the perfect battlefield to maximize the destructive power of the Hungarian cavalry.

“Keep maneuvering!”

Instead of confronting the enemy head-on, the Hungarian Army penetrated the flanks of the Austrian army and persistently attacked its supply lines.

The Austrian Army could not keep up with their mobility.

“Poison gas. “At least spray poison gas!”

“But they are cavalrymen.”

It is the same for horses to die from poison gas, but cavalry groups are basically fast and the columns are not densely packed like infantry.

This means that the effectiveness of using expensive gas bombs is low.

The Austrian army had a difficult time before the Hungarian army’s maneuver. If things continued like this, the civil war would drag on for several years.

If that were the case, let alone subduing Hungary, the empire could have been torn apart.

Karl I could no longer bear it and decided to ask Germany for help.

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