65 – Episode 65 Magic Show (2)

On a sunny summer day in August, a body washed up on the shore of Nice, southern France. The body that appeared to have drowned was wearing a uniform, but it did not look like an ordinary person.

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Residents reported the body to the authorities as soon as they discovered it.

Lieutenant Pierre, an investigator dispatched from the Second Secretariat, examined the body closely. He examined the body several times and then shared his opinion with his superiors.

“The uniform of the body found in Nice belonged to a German military attaché. “But I don’t know if that’s their true identity.”

Captain Jorge Radu sensed that this was something unusual. If it is true that the German military attache drowned while on a boat, there was a high possibility that the documents found in his arms were genuine.

“Where on earth did this corpse come from?”

“Judging by the ocean currents, wouldn’t it be Italy?”

The captain immediately sent an official letter to the embassy in Italy. The captain hoped his suspicions were true.

Just one day later, a response came from the French Embassy.

“The information that there was a missing person at the German embassy appears to be true.”

“Then, the information discovered from Lee must be true.”

Lieutenant Pierre could not hide his fear.

This is because the document found on the corpse contained truly shocking information.

“The Germans are planning to surround our army through Belgium.”

Although the plan to calmly invade a neutral country is absurd, Germany had a history of trying to do such things.

The captain looked at the document carefully again.

“However, there is no benefit for the German army to gain by attacking Belgium. “The Germans are not fools, and would they do something embarrassing again?”

The essentials of Operation Schlieffen have already been analyzed in detail by the French military command. The French staff had long since finished calculating the order in which they should respond when the German army invaded Belgium.

It was even more strange that the defense failed unless Gamelin, who was the commander-in-chief of the French army during World War II, took command.

“By eliminating the Belgian army, you can open a big breakthrough. German friends are not stupid. You’re planning this because you’re calculating. Think about it there. “Where did this body come from?”


The lieutenant swallowed.

If Italy is planning something by joining in, the chances of the ‘German plan’ succeeding increase dramatically. If Italy and Germany are attempting a diversionary attack on France from both sides, the reality of bypassing Belgium increases greatly. Even if we knew about it, the difference in military strength would become so great that we would not be able to stop it.

“This is not the time.”

The captain hurriedly packed his bags and headed to Paris.

Captain Jorge Radu’s report passed through the Second Secretariat and reached the highest level of the negotiating powers.

The leadership of the negotiating countries did not dismiss Captain Radu’s report as a joke.

“It’s definitely a possibility.”

“A detour to Belgium. It would be something we could do if the Italians helped us.”

Nevertheless, there were many reports of Italy’s suspicious movements.

Of course, Italy still maintained its neutrality.

Even though Russia was defeated, their army did not move a single step from its current position.

But it was clear that the Italians could not be trusted.

“Is Rome’s attitude still unclear?”


After confirming the trends in Italy from the embassy in Rome, the Entente was convinced that this information was true.

In that case, it seemed better to prepare for Belgium first.

“Let’s redeploy our troops so that we can deploy a large army to Belgium in case of emergency.”

Once a consensus was reached, the Entente Powers began to prepare a defense plan focusing on the northern French-Belgian border.


“You idiots. “I’m sure you’ve been fooled by now.”

I laughed and laughed at the people from the negotiating countries who must have been astonished. In fact, the body that washed up on the French beach was a work prepared by Captain Rundstedt.

It started with the collection of corpses. The captain searched a morgue near Rome and selected bodies that were in good condition and of similar build. The first step is to select the ones that are not corrupted and put them in the prepared uniforms.

Next, the body was loaded onto a U-boat near Rome and then abandoned on a French beach under cover of night.

Fortunately, the U-boat was not detected and the body was safely thrown away. At this point, the operation was virtually complete.

And an agent disguised as an American checked the body that washed up on the beach, reaffirming that there were no variables in the operation.

Lastly, Rundstedt avoided any possible suspicion by hiding in a safe house.

If you don’t know it, you will see it as a picture of a German embassy attaché who lost his footing while traveling on a merchant ship while carrying confidential documents, fell into the sea, and drowned.

I was confident that the French would not be able to see the flaws in this creative strategy.

‘Actually, the origin of this is from the UK. ‘It’s a pity I can’t tell you.’

The British army created this fake corpse just before landing in Sicily to deceive the Axis forces. The Axis forces were clearly deceived by this and were caught off guard by the Allied forces. If you think about it, the Allies tricked and toyed with Germany with all kinds of magic shows.

It was funny to think that he had returned the same trick to the original.

Of course, I did not think that I had completely deceived the enemy with this one attempt.

The trick is to continue until the other person is 100% sure.

I created a lot of circumstantial evidence that the opponent could be convinced of.

Digging an underground tunnel in Alsace-Lorraine was also part of such an operation.

If you really want to launch an offensive in Alsace, you won’t use time-consuming methods like mines.

A picture like this should be enough for the enemy to be confident.

While I was reading the report for a while, I heard that Falkenhayn had arrived in the conference room.

When I went to the conference room, Falkenhayn was there.

Falkenhein was putting the finishing touches on the map, moving his symbols around on the map before I arrived.

“Your Majesty, when did you come?”

“I just arrived.”

I looked down at the symbols that Falkenhayn had moved.

Falkenhayn explained while looking at the symbols crowded into the German-French border.

“If the invasion route is so narrow, 80 divisions is the limit no matter how many divisions we add. “Even if the soldiers are so crowded that their sleeves touch, it is difficult to increase the number of troops further.”

Then just put that in.

“The problem is that our divisions, which must advance to Alsace-Lorraine, total close to 200 existing units.”

Wouldn’t it be better to have 120 reserve units?

“Ultimately, we have to give the first proper victory, and if that happens, there is a possibility that our military’s impact power will end around Franche-Comté.”

“Then shouldn’t we just rotate the echelons?”


I decided to pass on the culture of the future to Falkenhayn, who cannot read the trends of the times.

In the Cold War era, the communist empire called the Soviet Union used the doctrine of deep operations against a huge enemy called NATO.

What is the doctrine of deep operation?

The key is to consistently maintain impact force.

The first echelon is exhausted and the breakthrough power is lost?

The 2nd echelon continues the offensive beyond the 1st echelon.

When the 2nd echelon is used up, the 3rd echelon is sent into battle, and when the 3rd echelon is used up, the reorganized 1st echelon is sent into battle.

This is how the Soviet-style steam roller works, rotating each echelon and continuously pushing it.

If you ask whether this method is successful, the answer will be no, but there is no better doctrine for running a large army.

The strategic positions of the German and Soviet troops were similar.

For us, it was the same in that Alsace-Lorraine and the Soviet Union had to pour enormous troops and equipment into the ‘Fuld Gap’ to break through.

“What about the logistics issues in a situation where each echelon is crowded?”

The Soviet Union also provided a good example.

Supply only needs to be concentrated on the units that have succeeded in breaking through. In the Soviet Army, there was no unit that failed. We also needed to take the same policy temporarily.

No food to give to the unit?

Northern France, the most fertile region in the world, is the operational area. Even if you buy food locally, you will never starve to death.

The basic conditions are different from Renya Mudaguchi, who entered the Green Hell.

Of course, if local requisition is used as a rule, civil operations will be somewhat hindered, but it is enough to distribute military tickets to civilians. In the drama Jumong, the usefulness of military tickets is proven just by looking at the distribution of food tickets on a supply wagon.


The Prussian general also seemed shocked by my words. This is your specialty, so I don’t know why you’re acting surprised. I’m not asking you to eat grass like Renya Mudaguchi, but this is a noble person.

In any case, this method is most suitable for the doctrine promoted by poison gas.

If you think about logistics and everything else and do mathematical calculations, you won’t get anything done. Unless you cheat like in the United States, it’s natural to fight with insufficient circumstances.

“Wouldn’t it be better to play against Belgium?”

“That can never be done.”

It feels like a prostitute’s chastity theory that says you can kiss but not kiss, but that’s what I thought.

After simulating the Alsace-Lorraine route on the road, we concluded that it could be used in real combat if a few problems were resolved.

Well, that’s the end of the story.

I formally instructed Falkenhayn to prepare for an invasion of France.

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