There is Always a System Trying To Bind Me

Chapter 82: good daughter system 6

The old house of Dong's family is divided into two, one is where Dong's mother lived, and the other is where Dong Wenhao lived before he made any money.

Xu Qingyang first entered Dong's mother's room. There was nothing in the slightly dilapidated house except a large wooden bed on the left half of the house.

Xu Qingyang's eyes fell under one leg of the wooden bed, and through her own eyes, she could see the boiling resentment and the distorted face of the baby.

She took a step forward, and it took a little effort to move the leg of the bed.

The legs of the bed were removed, revealing a brick below that was lighter in color than other floor tiles.

There is a small gap around this floor tile and other floor tiles, obviously this floor tile can be moved.

Xu Qingyang took a deep breath, her body is still too weak, but after doing such a little thing, she felt that her lungs were a little out of breath.

Fortunately, the hardest step has been passed, and the next step is much easier.

Xu Qingyang took out the floor tile, revealing what was hidden underneath.

Xu Qingyang's nose moved slightly.

It is cinnabar, and the best cinnabar is used to draw things on the tank.

In the Taoist lineage, cinnabar has the effect of warding off evil spirits.

It's just that the person who painted the talisman on the ceramic jar obviously doesn't understand metaphysics. Those ghost talismans look mysterious, but in fact they are just real "ghost talismans".

Xu Qingyang was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand and pulled open the red seal on the jar.

Then she looked over and her pupils shrank in an instant.

In the jar, a pair of **** eyes stared straight at her.

Xu Qingyang blinked, and the scene disappeared in the next moment, as if everything just now was her hallucination.

Xu Qingyang's eyes finally fell into the ceramic jar, a few small, whitish bones fell into Xu Qingyang's eyes, and further down, there was a small skull.

These are obviously human parts, but now they are stuffed into such a small space.

Just watching, Xu Qingyang felt uncomfortable for a while.

Her eyes suddenly became hot at this time, and the heat was so violent that she fell to her knees all of a sudden.

A drop of blood flowed down the corner of Xu Qingyang's eyes.

A picture also appeared in front of Xu Qingyang.

A little girl about one year old was sitting on the ground to play, and then a woman in gray cloth walked in from outside, she took a piece of candy for the little girl to eat, the little girl happily took it Candy, but after eating the quick candy, her body suddenly twitched.

Both eyes began to turn white, and soon he lost his breath.

The woman's hand trembled, and then she firmly picked up a knife.

Take a moment…


Three times…

At the end, a little girl who was originally white and tender was shattered under the sharp blade, and at the end was stuffed into a small ceramic jar by a pair of hands with her own blood, and buried it in A very dark place.

Xu Qingyang suddenly opened his eyes and pulled himself out of the suffocating scene just now.

When I saw that the ceramic jar was obviously the corpse of the little girl in the picture, I couldn't help feeling sympathy.

When she was in that ward before, she found that Mrs. Dong's body was wrapped with a very strong evil force.

The other party must have killed people before, and with the importance Chinese people place on having sons, Xu Qingyang initially thought that Mrs. Dong was the daughter who drowned her own.

But now that she saw this scene, she realized that there really are such wicked people in the world.

When Xu Qingyang read the Taoist book before, he saw that there is a widely spread crooked way that can help couples who want a man to have a son.

And this method is to use cruel means to kill his daughter, then chop up her daughter's bones into a jar, bury it at the foot of his bed, and let her suffer day and night Trample from parents.

In this way, these daughters will know they are afraid, know that girls are not welcome in their family, and they will not dare to reincarnate into their family.

In this way, their chances of having a son are greatly increased.

Xu Qingyang always thought that this was just a story recorded in a book, but when all this was presented to herself, she had to admit that human nature can really be so evil.

After walking to another room, Xu Qingyang found two other ceramic jars under the corner of the table in that room.

At this time, there were also voices outside, apparently Xu Sanliang and others who went to the Xu family's new house were coming over.

Xu Qingyang rolled her eyes and hid the three ceramic jars. Although Xu Sanliang was not very good at it, the spirit-enchanted soul on him still made her fearful.

Until there is not enough capital, Xu Qingyang will not turn against Xu Sanliang for the time being.

And she had observed it when she came in just now, these three ghost babies are just because of the heavy rain in Dong Wenhao's home these days, the quality of the roof of his old house is not very good, and the rainwater flows directly from The roof was exposed and fell onto the floor tiles.

For this reason, the feng shui of this old house, which was created by Mrs. Dong by mistake, was broken.

The ghost babies who were already dominated by resentment and turned into evil spirits naturally followed their last memories and instincts to find the culprit, Mrs. Dong.

It is not a good thing to be haunted by resentful spirits, so Mrs. Dong was originally a chubby person with a kind face and turned into the ghost she is now.

It can be said that if Dong Wenhao hadn't found Xu Qingyang by mistake, in the end, this old lady Dong would not have escaped this retribution.

Of course, she can't escape now.

Xu Qingyang couldn't turn a blind eye to this kind of thing in front of her, obviously she already knew the truth of the matter.

While Xu Qingyang was thinking about it, Xu Sanliang and others had already walked to the door of Dong's old house.

As soon as Xu Sanliang entered the door, he saw Xu Qingyang standing in the middle of the yard, looking at a place without moving.

He frowned and glanced behind him, Xu Qingmiao's ignorant eyes collided with his, obviously he didn't know when his sister disappeared, of course maybe he If you know it, you won't care.

It's just a girl's film, it's gone when it's gone. Unlike him, but now the only boy in the Xu family, he will inherit the family business of the Xu family in the future.

Xu Sanliang coughed heavily, but Xu Qingyang who was standing in front of him still didn't respond.

Dong Wenhao and his wife were embarrassed watching from the side, so they could only reduce their sense of existence as much as possible, for fear that Master Xu would lose face and not show them Feng Shui.

"Xu Qingyang!" Xu Sanliang shouted angrily, "Whoever allowed you to run around, don't hurry up and come to me."

Xu Qingyang, who was standing not far from the crowd, seemed to have recovered.

She turned around a little stiffly, and her pupils seemed to glow green for a moment.

Xu Qingyang pointed to the room where the old lady of the Dong family lived, and said in a cool tone: "Dad, that sister is crying so pitifully."


Where did you come from?

Dong Wenhao and his wife were a little puzzled when they heard this sentence. Because of Dong Wenhao's relationship, most of the young people in the village where they lived also carried the same dream to work outside to earn money. Go into your own business.

Because the conditions in the city are much better than those in the countryside, and with the help of Dong Wenhao, their life is much better, and most of them bring their parents, wives and children to the city to live there.

Only a small number of elderly people like Dong's mother who are unwilling to be too far away from home remain here.

So, where are the kids here?

Yin Yang Eyes! Their Xu family actually had a natural yin and yang eye.

He has to quickly tell the news to several ancestors in the family.

Because there was something in her heart, Xu Sanliang resolved the matter of the Dong family much faster.

This time he did not directly arrest the three ghost babies that caused Mrs. Dong, but arranged a simple feng shui array in the old house of Dong's to save time. , so that those few ghost babies dare not come out to make trouble again.

Originally, what he promised Dong Wenhao was only to get rid of the dirty things wrapped around his mother, but now this thing has been sealed by him, and Dong's mother has returned to normal, so his task naturally Already done.

Now Xu Sanliang is more concerned about Xu Qingyang's eyes. Since Xu Qingyang can see those ghost babies, it means that her yin and yang eyes have been successfully opened, which makes Xu Sanliang excited. .

"I have something to do, so I will go back first." With something in mind, Xu Sanliang immediately resigned to Dong Wenhao and his wife.

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to pull Xu Qingyang, but when his hand touched Xu Qingyang's shoulder, he suddenly shouted.

For some reason, Xu Qingyang's body was actually cold, not the temperature a living person should have.

There was no expression on her face.

Suddenly, a strange smile appeared on her face.

"Dad, those three sisters are crying so sadly."

Xu Sanliang took Xu Qingyang's hand and walked out the door.

Just when passing by Dong Wenhao and his wife, Xu Qingyang suddenly raised his head and looked at Sun Qin, who was dazed.

"Auntie, you are my sister's mother, why don't you coax her?"

Xu Qingyang's tone was innocent, as if this was just a normal problem for a child.

Sun Qin broke out in a cold sweat at this moment.


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