Three police cars came outside the door, and six policemen came, including Uncle Lin Langtian who also rushed over.

Lin Tianxin saw twenty gangsters lying down at the door of Lin Chendong's house, crying out in pain. He knew that these gangsters must have come for Lin Chendong.

It's just that he didn't expect that Lin Chendong actually knew a police captain of the provincial department. His official position was several levels higher than the director of their small town. Give each other a warning salute.

It's good if you come here. I don't criticize you for the security situation in this small town, but these gangsters brought murder weapons to my friend's house in broad daylight. You can figure it out. Captain Long is now in a very good mood , I don't want to do the work of criticism and guidance, I just point to these bastards on the ground who were beaten to vomit blood, and let them deal with this matter properly.

Captain Long, don't worry, we will handle this matter properly. These subordinates didn't dare to say anything, even if there were relatives among these gangsters, they didn't dare to talk to them.

For these badly injured gangsters, I can only sympathize with them, and now it is an extraordinary period, and they are running out to cause trouble, isn't this the rhythm of courting death?

Ah, ah, it hurts, my hand is broken! A gangster was detained and screamed in pain.

Don't worry about them, just throw them all in the car and take them away. Their director scolded these gangsters who caused him trouble all day long.

Lin Chendong is a good friend of mine. If necessary, take good care of him. He has a bright future, and it's good for him and you. Captain Long, like these police officers, treated these gangsters like dead chickens and threw them into the police car go.

Ah, it hurts, it hurts...


Hehe, it's no wonder they didn't feel any pain, they were all beaten up like this, they didn't even have a chance to bandage them up, so they just threw them into the police car and took these bastards away.

Inside the police car.

Uncle, I have broken a calf and five fingers, can you take me to the hospital first? asked a gangster in the police car with a bruised head and face.

We're sending you to the hospital right now, bear with it. The police officer shook his head and said, I told you before, don't be with Gou Ziqiang, something happened now, alas, I see How did you tell your mother!

Uncle, will we go to jail? He thought of the attempted murder this time and asked, feeling extremely regretful in his heart, tears streaming down his face.

It depends on whether the other party sues you. If you don't sue you, you will be locked up for a few days at most. He replied to the gangsters, I can't help you with this matter. You have gone too far. You went to other people's villages to cause trouble. No one will sympathize with you.

Colleague, this matter will not be so simple. Just now you saw that the other party is from the provincial department. Do you think our director just locked them up for a few days? He said to this colleague.


Originally, Captain Long planned to spend the night here, but now that he got what he wanted, do you think he will stay for the night?

He has already taken out his mobile phone and applied to his boss for a few days off, intending to find a quiet environment to practice this Overlord Alchemy, and then he will be admitted to the special warfare department of the country.

Lin Chendong, I'm going back to the provincial capital first. If there is anything, please call me. Captain Long said at the door.

Oh! Lin Chendong's voice came from the room.

Lin Ruoyun and Lin Lanhua heard Lin Chendong's voice, hurried into his house, became concerned about Lin Chendong, and asked him if he was injured or something.

You guys talk first, I'm busy. Lin Langtian looked at the message from the bank on his phone and said.

Lin Chendong knew that this good brother was giving them their private space, and he didn't want to disturb the problems between Lin Chendong and Lin Ruoyun; as for Lin Lanhua, Lin Langtian didn't think about the relationship between them.

I'm fine, do you think I'm fine? Hehe, don't worry about me.

Lin Chendong said with a smile to the two of them.

It's fine, I was worried to death just now, why did your family get into trouble with these gangsters. Lin Ruoyun asked concerned.

Chendong, I don't think your father's matter is that simple. Do you want to call the police? Lin Lanhua also asked with concern.

The police are dealing with it now, don't worry, after this incident, they dare not act recklessly. Lin Chendong knew what they were thinking.

Because of Lin Ruoyun's presence, Lin Lanhua didn't dare to have too much intimacy with Lin Chendong.

The same is true for Lin Ruoyun, and there are so many villagers chatting together outside the door, she doesn't want to quarrel with her mother.

It is said that Lin Ruoyun didn't want to quarrel with her mother, but her mother ran to Lin Chendong's house after finishing her farm work. She learned about a group of gangsters beating Lin Chendong outside, and even the police were dispatched.

When I ran to Lin Chendong's house, I saw my daughter sitting very close to Lin Chendong, and that shrew's character began to go wild.

Before Lin Chendong could speak to Lin Ruoyun, she scolded:

Why did you mess with those gangsters? It doesn't matter if your family is poor, but you also dragged my daughter and you poor? What if I hurt my daughter? Lin Chendong, let me tell you, don't look for my daughter in the future, I won't I agree with you to be with my daughter...

Before the shrew finished speaking, Lin Ruoyun became angry and said, Mom, what do you mean? Lin Chendong and I have been childhood sweethearts since childhood, and he is a college student. He will find a good job in the future!

You have no place to talk here. Go back with me. You are not allowed to be with these poor people in the future. And you, Lin Chendong, don't look for my daughter in the future, or call the police and say that you abducted my daughter. Lin Ruoyun's mother grabbed Ruoyun He pulled his hand out of the house and said, If you insist on being with him, don't call me mom in the future!

Mom, can't you be reasonable?

Mom is also doing it for your own good. You will know in the future that you will not have a good life if you are with the poor. Do you still want your mother to raise your nephew?


It has to be said that the woman was furious, she was the only one to speak, and no one else was allowed to speak, making Lin Chendong next to him unable to get in a word, looking at his little girlfriend with white eyes, and was dragged home by her mother just like that.

Originally, Lin Chendong wanted to transfer several million yuan to Lin Ruoyun, and let Lin Ruoyun settle the matter between her and her mother, so that he could get along with Lin Ruoyun in the future, and even if they couldn't get along, he still wanted to keep her and make her his personal pet.

By the way, Lin Chendong, just now I talked to my father about contracting. He said that all the land in front of the village will be contracted to you. There are a total of more than 1,000 mu of land, and each mu of land is 200 yuan. Lin Lanhua knew Lin Ruoyun's mother very well. A character said.

Oh, two hundred yuan per mu of land? So cheap? Lin Chendong thought it was four to five hundred yuan per mu of land.

But it’s right to think about it. Now all the rice fields in front of the village have been turned into weeds. It’s better to rent them out cheaply to see if there can be a local tyrant in the village.

How about this, I'll give you three hundred yuan per mu of land, and you'll be responsible for this matter. Finish the land contract and hand it over to me, and I'll transfer the money to you now. Lin Chendong didn't want to talk to Lin Ruoyun's mother. He explained too much, and he believed that everyone in the future would see his bright side.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if others see you as poor, as long as you are not afraid of being poor, suffering, or tired, you will become rich one day; as the saying goes, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully young people to be poor!

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