After Baili Xiao had finished tidying up, he quickly started to blend in with the players.

Baili Xiao was also very generous, constantly taking out fairy wine, fairy tea, and various fairy fruits, and soon he became one with a large group of players.

"I say, brother, do you feel good about being suppressed by the Great God Beifeng?" Baili Xiao quietly asked a player next to him.

"It's great, super great, the Great God Beifeng is my idol, what's wrong with that." The player said while gnawing on a chicken leg.

Baili Xiao grabbed the half-eaten chicken leg directly after hearing this.

The player was confused, what the hell, I haven't finished eating it yet?

"Brother, I have a fairy sword here, take a look, do you like it?" Baili Xiao found another player.

"Wow, this is a fairy weapon, it looks like it's worth a lot of money, much better than my weapon." The player also stroked the fairy sword in his hand.

"If you recognize me as your big brother, this fairy sword will be yours!" Baili Xiao said very proudly.

But the player threw the sword directly into Baili Xiao's hand the next second.

"No, in my mind, my boss will always be Xiaoyao Beifeng. Although he doesn't know me now, I will become his little brother one day." The player said very seriously.

XX you OO!

Did Xiaoyao Beifeng give you drugs? He doesn't even want the magic weapon?

"Brother, I see that you are very imposing and you are not an ordinary player." Baili Xiao walked up to a player with a wine glass.

"Excuse me, excuse me." The player was also very humble.

"I think you should be the boss of Kui Village. What do you think? I think you have the potential to replace the great Beifeng. If you are willing, I can help you." Baili Xiao took out some magic weapons and showed them to the player.

"Get lost!" The player didn't even look at it, and then shouted at Baili Xiao.

"Damn it, if you don't like it, then don't like it. Why are you shouting so loudly?" Baili Xiao covered his ears and walked away.

After a round, a lot of fairy wine, fairy tea and fairy fruit were thrown out, but these players didn't even bother with the conditions he proposed.

In this day and age, there are still people who are not moved by his conditions? What the hell.

This is the power of faith.

The representative came over again at this time.

"How is it? How many people have you won over?" The representative asked in a low voice.

"Fuck you, these people are all fools!" Baili Xiao said after spitting.

"Humph, since your reputation is so high in Xiaoyao Beifeng, well, I will lower your reputation first." Baili Xiao also said viciously.

"Lulu, and Nana, you two come here, can you get close to Xiaoyao Beifeng?" Baili Xiao said with a smile.

"Get close to Xiaoyao Beifeng? What do you want me to do?" Lulu frowned and asked.

"Just go and chat with him, just talk about your heart, go, by the way, wear the sexy battle robe I bought you last time." Baili Xiao said while hugging Lulu.

"Go ahead. If you go, I'll buy you a Ferrari after you complete the mission this time, okay?" Baili Xiao continued to coax him.

Get close to Xiaoyao Beifeng? It's not impossible. After all, Xiaoyao Beifeng is the number one person in the world of sentient beings, and he is so handsome. What if Xiaoyao Beifeng falls in love with me...

It's a million times better than following Baili Xiao.

Even if Xiaoyao Beifeng is not interested in me, at least I can get a Ferrari in the end.

Nana next to him thought the same.

"Okay, okay, I'll go. I don't know what you're doing." Lulu said, then changed her clothes and walked to Chu Bei's tent with Nana next to her.

"Haha, we'll enjoy a good show later." Baili Xiao smiled evilly.

Chu Bei was continuing to enjoy Su Daji's service at this time.

After all, he forged so many immortal weapons and fought with Xiao Dao. Chu Bei still felt a little tired.

But fortunately, Su Daji was by his side.

As soon as Chu Bei opened his eyes, he saw Mantou looking at him lovingly.

Uh, forget about Mantou...

"Excuse me, is the Great God Beifeng here?" Lulu came with the fairy fruit.

"Yes, come in." Sun Wukong was like a guard.

Lulu and Nana walked in, and then saw Xiaoyao Beifeng, and then they also looked crazy.

"Great God Beifeng, we are your fans, so this time we brought the fairy fruit to comfort you." Lulu said, and then put the fairy fruit in front of Chu Bei.

"Ha, not bad, thank you beauties, you are thoughtful." Chu Bei said with a smile.

Although the two beauties in front of him are not as good as Su Daji, in terms of appearance and figure, Lulu and Nana are both among the best in the mythological world.

"Great God Beifeng is too polite, this is what we should do." Lulu also looked at Xiaoyao Beifeng with admiration.

This man is much more handsome when seen up close than in the video and photos.

In comparison, that Baili Xiao is really weak.

"Hey, Great God Beifeng, can you take a photo with me?" Lulu lowered her head and said weakly.

"Of course, come here." Chu Bei also stood up from the armchair, and then sent Su Daji and Mantou away.

Lulu and Nana rushed to Chu Bei like the wind, then turned on the system and started taking selfies.

"Ah, I look so fat in this photo, I want to take another one." Lulu said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, let's take another one." Facing his fans, Chu Bei was also very amiable.

"God Beifeng, um, um, can I hold you and take a photo?" After Lulu took the photo, she still looked unsatisfied.

"It's a small matter." Chu Bei also opened his arms.

Lulu leaned in, and felt her heart pounding.

Damn, I can actually hold Xiaoyao Beifeng, this is awesome, I can brag about it for a year!

Lulu felt like she was about to drool.

Nana on the side saw it, and then said coquettishly: "I want it too, I want it too."

"Look at Brother Bei, he has a lot of fans, and Brother Bei has always been so gentle to his fans." Su Daji looked at Chu Bei with pride.

After taking the photo, Chu Bei also gave Lulu and Nana a head pat.

"You guys should keep working hard, I will keep working hard too."

Lulu and Nana's eyes were about to turn into hearts at this time.

Xiaoyao Beifeng will really be their idol in the future, and they will also help him set up a support organization!

Lulu and Nana were about to say something when Baili Xiao suddenly rushed in with his men.

"Okay, Xiaoyao Beifeng, I came to you sincerely, but you immediately seduced my girlfriend behind my back!"

"You guys, you guys are still hugging each other!"

"Xiaoyao Beifeng, I didn't expect you to be such a hypocrite. Today I finally see your true face!"

"Lulu, Nana, don't worry, I'm here."

Baili Xiao pointed his sword at Xiaoyao Beifeng, Lulu and Nana and said.

Lulu: "???"

Nana: "???"

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