There is a 100% explosion rate at the beginning of the mythical world!

Chapter 441: The ghost attacks, Chu Bei shows his might

This should be the first time that Chu Bei and his companions have faced the army of the Yin Ghost Realm.

And this time, the Four Heavenly Kings directly asked Bai Yuan to bring 50,000 elite Yin Ghosts to deal with Chu Bei.

Adding Bai Yuan's own 10,000 elite Yin Ghosts, Chu Bei and his companions have to face a full 60,000 Yin Ghost army.

Basically, one has to fight ten.

But Chu Bei and his companions have an advantage, which is flexibility!

The group was divided into hundreds of small teams, and then they slowly killed towards the position of the Hun Tianzhu in a staggered manner.

Soon, after crossing a valley, Bai Yuan's army had set up a defensive formation, waiting for Chu Bei and his companions to arrive.

Everyone looked at this army with a solemn face and prepared for battle.

"What a big momentum!"

"After all, this is a mission of hell difficulty. I hope everything goes well for us!"

"They are 60,000 elite Yin Ghosts, and we are only a few thousand people. We must be cautious!"

Everyone whispered to each other at this time, and then discussed the specific details of the battle.

"Xiaoyao Beifeng, you don't have to hide, come out." Bai Yuan suddenly stood up and waved his hand!

The sky suddenly became very heavy with yin energy, and countless ghosts appeared directly in front of everyone.

Of course, these ghosts were just cannon fodder.

But the number was terrifying, covering the sky and the sun, and it was impossible to count!

There were also some monsters with no IQ, and they rushed directly towards Chu Bei and others.

These monsters were so dense that people's scalps were numb!

"Okay, a terrifying number!"

"Oh my God, a level 75 monster came up right away!"

"Fuck, my legs are shaking!"

"Quick, warriors, set up a defense formation quickly, I need time to cast a spell!"

The players who were still thinking about how to ambush Bai Yuan's army were furious.

Long before they set out, the spies of the Advent Faction told Bai Yuan about the players' movements, so Bai Yuan was well prepared.

However, Li Haoran shouted: "Hold on, we can win, attack!"

The members of Doutian Gang took the lead in attacking, and many of them flew in the air or rode flying pets to fly high in the sky, killing the ghosts.

Afterwards, these players who had seen big scenes reacted.

The magic of the magician appeared, and the group magic shield had already attacked them with various magic attacks.

For a time, various lights burst out in the sky, illuminating the world.

But the monsters on the ground began to climb up the mountain at this time, and their speed was very fast.

The warriors who had set up a defensive formation blocked the passage up the mountain, and then countless axes, hammers, and swords were swung at the monsters. The scene was very bloody, and the blood of the monsters splashed everywhere.

The whole battlefield was filled with killing sounds, and Chu Bei was not idle either, and directly asked Monkey King, Su Daji, Xiao Hei and Xiao Zi to attack!


The roar of the fairy beast Shenlong shook the world, and the dragon power of the superior was overwhelming, shocking the monsters!

Xiao Hei's huge dragon body hovered in the air, with lightning flashing all over his body.

"What a terrifying real dragon pet!"

"This is the real dragon pet with the Xiaoyao Beifeng logo, what a strong aura!"

"This dragon seems to be stronger again!"

Many players saw Xiao Hei on the scene for the first time, so they were all amazed.

Xiao Hei drilled into the clouds, and the sky was suddenly covered with thunderclouds, and then countless thunders bombarded the ghosts.

These ghost cannon fodders were really wiped out immediately.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Zi roared in unison, and the two dragons used dragon magic to summon various elemental dragons to appear, and they appeared directly in the center of the monster army.

These monsters were turned upside down by the summoned elemental dragons, and they could not take care of the head and tail, and were attacked from both sides.

Two real dragons hovered in the air, and those monsters were already panicking under the awe of the dragons, and they were more afraid of the real dragons.

As soon as Xiao Hei and Xiao Zi attacked, the battlefield situation began to lean towards Chu Bei's side, and Bai Yuan's vanguard was wiped out immediately.

At this time, Song Nishang and Huang Yiyi were looking at the screen on the computer nervously as always.

"Every time I see Xiaoyao Beifeng fighting, I think he is so handsome, and those two dragons are so majestic. I like them so much and admire them so much!" Huang Yiyi has been crazy about him for a long time.

At this time, Bai Yuan finally let the elite Yin Gui troops attack!

Chu Bei was also standing on Xiao Zi's head at this time, rushing towards the Yin Gui elite, and wherever he went, he was invincible!

Song Nishang's eyes also showed admiration.

This is the man she wants!

You see those ordinary people, they only know how to show off, like idiots.

Xiaoyao Beifeng is different, he is heroic and rides a dragon, invincible.

Such a man, ask which woman would not be obsessed with him?

In the picture, even if it was an elite Yin ghost army, those Yin ghosts would die immediately when they met the Thunder Dragon, and they were killed instantly.

Suddenly, Bai Yuan's first wave of attacking troops was completely cleaned up by Chu Bei and others.

"The Great God Xiaoyao Beifeng is still as powerful as ever, and he should win this time!" Huang Yiyi exclaimed.

Suddenly a huge stick appeared in the picture.

Sun Wukong also transformed into a huge ape, and then began to harvest!

With one stick and one foot, countless Yin ghosts were either beaten to death or trampled to death.

Moreover, Sun Wukong turned into a giant ape, and his body was still flexible. Soon he turned over and rushed directly to Bai Yuan's army.

"Quick, quickly set up the formation!" Bai Yuan also commanded immediately.

"Even that monkey is so strong, how can I not love him?" Huang Yiyi still had a face full of infatuation.

Yes, not only the dragon, but also the monkey, are all terrifying pets, Song Nishang couldn't help thinking in her heart.

"If I can push Xiaoyao Beifeng down, won't all these pets call me mistress!" Huang Yiyi said with stars in her eyes, and began to fantasize in her mind.

Song Nishang immediately poured cold water on her and said with a smile: "I guess there are at least 99.9 million female players who think like you, if not 100 million. May I ask where you rank?"

Huang Yiyi rolled her eyes and muttered: "Okay, hit me again!"

"This is to let you return to reality." Song Nishang smiled.

"So, you should not have such fantasies in the future." Song Nishang continued.

But Song Nishang thought about herself again, and then a bitter smile appeared on her face.

How could she be qualified to say Huang Yiyi, she was still very obsessed with Xiaoyao Beifeng.

As the two were talking, the scene suddenly changed, and a divine dragon flew across the sky, merging with dragon flames to sweep across the incoming ghost army, instantly repelling this wave of ghosts.

Everyone was extremely shocked by this scene.

"This fucking dragon flame is too terrifying!" The players on the scene exclaimed while resisting the ghosts.

At this time, Bai Yuan also managed to block the attack of the giant ape Monkey King. He immediately regrouped and reorganized the camp of the ghost army.

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