There is a 100% explosion rate at the beginning of the mythical world!

Chapter 406: There is fresh air in the ghost world

Not only can it resist the erosion of the Yin Ghost Realm, but it can also counterattack the Yin Ghost Realm's attacks!

This pair of unarmed hands is not only useful for this mission. In the future, when facing the enemies of the Yin Ghost Realm, if you take out this pair of unarmed hands, it will probably directly anger them to death.

Chu Bei was quite satisfied when he saw this attribute. It was definitely the level of a fairy weapon!

In other words, if the Yin Ghost God-level hits you, you will also receive a 5% rebound of your own attack.

This is too cool!

As long as your blood is thick enough, you can stick to these big guys in the Yin Ghost Realm and run away in minutes!

In addition to forging this pair of unarmed hands, the skill experience value increases faster, and Chu Bei's forging skills are actually upgraded directly.

With this upgrade, Chu Bei can also successfully recast, transform and evolve the existing, forged weapons.

Looking at the pair of unarmed hands without the anti-injury effect next to him. Chu Bei's mouth curled up a smile. Now he just needs to pick some pair of unarmed hands and let these hands evolve into pair of unarmed hands with additional attributes.

"Daji, let Monkey King quickly bring the red luan stone over. I'm going to continue to work hard." Chu Bei turned his head and smiled at Su Daji.

Su Daji was stunned, then nodded firmly, "Okay!"

In order to help Chu Bei, Su Daji secretly decided to do her best to assist!

Soon, under the whip of Monkey King, the five ghost snakes pecked out a pile of red luan stones.

"Okay, let's continue!" Chu Bei smiled.

The intensive knocking sound of Dingdangdang sounded again, and five minutes later, another fairy light shot up to the sky!

The five ghost snakes, who were still spitting venom, looked at it and said, "Why did another fairy weapon appear?"

Seeing that the surrounding Yin Qi was a little weaker, the five ghost snakes felt even more incredible.

This is the first time this has happened since the Yin Ghost Realm began to erode the world of all living beings!

Two minutes later, another fairy light shot up to the sky.

The time has become shorter!

"What's going on? There's more? And it's even faster?" The five-headed ghost snake was stunned at the moment, thinking that it was dreaming.

What happened today? Why did it seem that my worldview was completely destroyed?

The five-headed ghost snake forgot to continue pecking at the cliff next to it.

Soon, this time it was estimated that less than a minute, a fairy light lit up...

The five-headed ghost snake felt that the air there had become fresh.

"My God, in the territory of the ghost world, there is actually fresh air, this..." The five-headed ghost snake no longer wanted to talk.

This kind of strange phenomenon that has never been seen before now appears once every minute, making people have to wonder if there is something wrong with their eyes.

However, if there is really a problem with the eyes, then the problem is too serious.

"We must have seen it wrong!"

"That's right, snakes don't have good eyesight!"

"But, there is really a smell of fresh air, my tongue can't be wrong!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

The boss nodded stupidly and said, "Yes, how can there be fresh air in the territory of the ghost world? This is impossible..."

"But, but the tongue can feel it, it can't be wrong! Although we snakes are blind..." The snake head next to him was puzzled.

"Hey, maybe it's really an illusion, it must be too hungry." The boss shook his head firmly.

Think about it, this kind of thing is too incredible, it's impossible to happen, forging so many immortal tools is impossible, and it can also purify the air of the ghost world? Stop it.

A few snake heads were chatting while spraying venom, and another fairy light shot up into the sky, and the time was less than a minute.

"There's more?!" The five ghost snakes looked up.

At this time, a whip hit them from behind, and Monkey King shouted fiercely: "Why don't you work quickly? The boss is waiting to use these red luan stones!"

"Uh, Great Immortal, we, we are just curious, what exactly caused this fairy light?" The boss asked.

Monkey King looked at him with contempt and asked back: "Don't you see it? You said you have lived for thousands of years, but you can't recognize the fairy light of the immortal weapon?"

Hearing Monkey King's answer, and he still looked normal, it seemed that he was no longer surprised by such things.

"Don't think about it, dig quickly, dig here, and continue to dig inside!" Monkey King said coldly.

Monkey King's words were like a basin of cold water poured on their heads.

Five ghost snakes: "..."

Time is passing.

Basically, all the nearby red luan stones have been dug up, and Chu Bei's gold beads have been used up, so the five ghost snakes can finally rest.

Damn, the work I have done in half a day is more than what I have done in the past thousands of years!

At this time, the five ghost snakes dragged their fat bodies and moved towards Chu Bei.

"After today's work, I will probably lose a few hundred pounds..." The boss said as he looked at his smaller belly.

"Boss, that's not right. The smell of fresh air really comes from over there."

"Could it be that these humans have recovered the lost land of the world of all living things?"

"No, you see, the barrier hasn't moved!"

The more the snake heads walked, the stronger the smell of fresh air became, and the snake heads felt extremely shocked.

"Go, go faster!" The boss also spoke at this time.

First, it was really curious. Could it be that someone could forge a fairy weapon at will?

Second, where did the fresh air come from?

Besides, there was a Monkey King behind him urging him to go!

After the five ghost snakes turned the last corner, an extremely shocking scene appeared!

Hundreds of ornaments were piled on the ground!

Around these ornaments, green grass and fresh air appeared!

You know, this is in the territory of the ghost world!

This should never happen!

However, the fact is right in front of it.

The five ghost snakes were all stunned at this moment!

They are all fairy weapons! And they have additional functions!

The five ghost snakes spit out their tongues frantically, fearing that they had seen it wrong.

After all, snakes' eyesight is not that good.

But when they looked at it at the same time, they found that they were not wrong. They were indeed all fairy weapons!

This is a pile of fairy weapons with fairy spirit!

These fairy weapons are enough to shock it, but the problem is that these fairy weapons are not afraid of the erosion of the ghost world. When they are gathered together, they can even make a small piece of air fresh.

At this moment, the five ghost snakes felt that their brains were running out of memory and could not process anything. They were about to crash. They looked at the handless rings in front of them and their tongues stayed in the air.

Chu Bei patted the dust off his hands and looked at the handless rings in front of him with a satisfied smile.

More than one hundred handless rings with the additional function of anti-injury were forged!

This batch of handless rings has become enough to change the world of sentient beings and the pattern of this mission!

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