There is a 100% explosion rate at the beginning of the mythical world!

Chapter 402: The Assembled Army of the Ghost Realm

"Since you know how to cooperate, then everything is easy to say. Well, I won't eat the snake soup for the time being. You answer my questions honestly. If you are not satisfied at all, I will stomp you directly. You are so fat, it should be enough for us to share." Chu Bei said with a smile.

Chu Bei's smile also made the five ghost snakes tremble all over. This smile is really the smile of the devil. It's so scary.

After defeating a level 75 monster, Chu Bei looked at it and found that his level had also increased to level 72, and Su Daji and Sun Wukong's levels had also increased to level 63 and level 71 respectively. This snake is really fat.

Chu Bei put away his weapons at this time, and then dragged the five ghost snakes back to the side of the barrier with everyone, and then moved out the picnic mat and started a picnic.

"Brother Bei, you worked hard just now. Let me massage your legs." Su Daji walked forward tenderly.

The five ghost snakes looked at the dazzling array of spiritual fruits and food, and almost drooled all over the floor.

Damn, isn't this the life I have always wanted to live?

Free and easy, eat when you want to eat, sleep when you want to sleep!

Although the five-headed ghost snake is a level 75 monster, it has always been worried and afraid of things, and lives a very depressed and cowardly life.

Seeing Chu Bei and his group, the five ghost snakes were envious and all expressions were written on their faces. They have never enjoyed this kind of life, so they are extremely envious.

One of the heads secretly asked: "Who is this immortal? Is it a god from heaven? No, don't those gods always ask about things here?"

Although the voices of several snake heads were very small, they were still heard by Chu Bei.

"Stop mumbling, crawl over here!"

"Ah, here it comes, here it comes, immortal!"

The five-headed ghost snake crawled in front of Chu Bei.

At this time, it was stared at closely by Monkey King, and it was very honest.

Chu Bei threw out a bottle of red potion, which restored the health of the five ghost snakes and healed their injuries.

Seeing that their injuries had recovered, the five ghost snakes were happy and spit out their tongues again.

Chu Bei coughed and said, "Put your tongues back."

"Ah, sorry, Immortal, I'm used to it, I'm used to it!" The snake head in the middle smiled awkwardly, then licked his smiling face and looked at Chu Bei, looking flattering.

"Then why are you still spitting?" Chu Bei glanced at him.

The snake head in the middle was stunned and quickly retracted his tongue. The snake heads next to him chuckled and secretly said that he deserved it!

Su Daji cut the watermelon for Chu Bei and fed it to Chu Bei with a fork.

Chu Bei asked while eating: "You are a level 75 monster, why are you so cowardly when fighting?"

The snake head in the middle answered first: "Reporting to the Immortal, in fact, we brothers have never liked to fight with others, so..."

Chu Bei looked at the cowardly appearance of the five ghost snakes, not knowing whether to be amused or angry, he shook his head and asked: "Actually, who controls your snake body?"

"Ah, basically I control it. I was born in the ghost world, and then I was born to live on Yin Qi, and then slowly, my brothers grew up, but the control of the snake body is basically decided by me." The snake head in the middle explained.

Chu Bei nodded in understanding, it seems that this ghost world can really give birth to some strange things.

Chu Bei pondered for a moment and asked, "I wonder if there are nine-headed snakes in the ghost world?"

"Well, I've been in the ghost world for so long, and I've never seen a ghost snake with more heads than me. Why do you ask this? I can go and find out for you." The snake head in the middle shook his head and continued to speak while spitting out his tongue.

"Hehe, it's nothing. In case you want to eat snake soup in the future..."

Five-headed ghost snakes: "???"

"Forget it, it's okay if there are fewer heads... By the way, tell me, what is the current situation in this world of living beings?" Chu Bei asked.

The five-headed ghost snake said hurriedly: "Sir, this world of living beings can be said to be the place closest to the ghost world among the three realms, and you have also seen that the ghost world has always wanted to break the protective barrier of the world of living beings, and then completely invade the three realms through the world of living beings.

Now this stalemate has lasted for about a few hundred years. The ghost world and your defenders often have some offensive and defensive battles. I have never dared to get close, but today I was too hungry, so I appeared here.

Because this place is too dangerous!

If I am not careful, if I am caught by those great immortals, I will be finished. And it is common for the ghost world to kill and devour each other!

I have lived silently for a thousand years, and I just want to live like this. I don’t care whether the ghost world can invade the world of living beings or you can successfully defend it!"

"In other words, the ghost world has gathered a lot of troops here?" Chu Bei asked.

"Yes, there are countless ghosts and monsters in the vanguard alone, and they are determined to take over the world of living beings!

Behind the vanguard is the army of the ghost world. It is said that this army is led by several ghost gods of the ghost world, and these ghost gods are known as the Four Heavenly Kings!

There is even a general of the ghost world behind the army!

Not far ahead, there is a small army of the ghost world stationed there, which has been destroying the nearby barrier."

After hearing this, Chu Bei frowned.

Although the players who entered the world of living beings this time are all powerful players, they are not superior in numbers.

However, the Three Realms also have the support of the underworld, and he has not met Ji Fa yet.

So the combat power of his side is still unknown.

However, a task of this difficulty can be called an epic task.

Then Wu Erfu gave Chu Bei a general introduction to the current situation of the world of all living beings. After Chu Bei understood it one by one, he asked: "Where is the nearest small unit from here?"

The five-headed ghost snake replied: "It's fifty miles to the east!"

Chu Bei wanted to meet this team, first to see their strength, second to see if he can get good things from this team, and third to continue to upgrade by the way.

This is the front line against the ghost world. There are all kinds of evil ghosts and monsters living in it. It is very dangerous. The more strength you improve, the more sure you are.

Chu Bei turned around and asked everyone: "How about we go and meet this team from the Yin Ghost Realm?"

Li Haoran also nodded: "We all listen to Brother Bei."

"Then can we... say goodbye first?" Seeing that they actually wanted to mess with the team from the Yin Ghost Realm, the snake head in the middle asked cautiously.

"What do you think?" Chu Bei laughed.

"Haha, thank you very much, Immortal!" The snake head in the middle was excited and prepared to leave.

"Of course not."

This sentence was like a basin of cold water, which made the five Yin Soul Snakes feel cold all over!

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