After sending the information that Doutian Gang was annihilated to Guiwei Gang, Chu Bei and others began to prepare for the final sneak attack.

"According to the original plan, I will deal with their leader Gui Mingkuang, Sun Wukong, Xiao Hei, Xiao Zi and Su Daji will deal with the guardians, and the remaining elders will be handed over to you." Chu Bei ordered.

"According to the information provided by the special brigade and this little guy, basically, except for the guardians and elders, there are very few assassins left in Guiwei Gang. You can definitely deal with it." Chu Bei encouraged everyone.



Among the 10,000 assassins, only Zhao Ming, who was frightened and fainted, survived.

As a condition for saving his life, Zhao Ming not only joined Doutian Gang, but also became the guide for this sneak attack.

Although there is a map, it is better to have an assassin who often moves there as a guide.

"Thank you, thank you Xiaoyao Beifeng Gang leader for trusting and looking up to me. I will definitely live up to your trust." Zhao Ming felt that he was trusted so much as a surrendered assassin, and he was moved to tears.

No one expected that the famous Guiwei Gang, their lair is actually near the Novice Village in Jizhou.

This may be the hidden in the city.

Moreover, those high-level players will not come to the Novice Village at all, and low-level players have no ability to break the barrier of the Guiwei Gang.

To a certain extent, this is really an excellent hiding place.

With the map and Zhao Ming's guidance, Chu Bei and others soon came to the lair of the Guiwei Gang.

If you don't sneak into the barrier, from the outside, this is just an ordinary forest.

"This point is just the time when the sentries change sentries, and it is also the time when the defense is the most lax. Let's go." Chu Bei gave an order.

"Watch me, Brother Bei!" Su Daji is the best way to deal with the barrier.

Her six tails suddenly floated up, and a ball of pink light merged into the barrier.

Su Daji directly neutralized the barrier of the Guiwei Gang!

"Let's go, let's go in!" Chu Bei waved his hand.

The assault team entered the Guiwei Gang headquarters in such a grand manner, and a huge Chinese-style manor appeared in front of everyone.

"Go this way." Zhao Ming knew the patrol route of the sentinels very well, and soon led everyone to rush to the gate on the left.

The sentinels on the left were just changing shifts at this time.

"Alas, I envy those who can go out to annihilate the Doutian Gang. They must be able to pick up a lot of good equipment. After all, the Doutian Gang has a lot of good things."

"Yes, who let us patrol today, otherwise..."

Another assassin said with great pity.

"I heard that they have already taken down the Doutian Gang headquarters, and now they must be counting all kinds of rare equipment and skills."

Another assassin was also indignant.

But he just finished speaking, looked ahead, and then petrified.

What's going on, why are there so many people in front of him suddenly, and these people, aren't they from the Doutian Gang?

"You should feel lucky because you live longer than those assassins who attacked the Doutian Gang." Chu Bei said with a smile.

"Report to the gang leader, all the assassins here have been eliminated, but in a few minutes, the Guiwei Gang should find something wrong." Xiao Qianji reported to Chu Bei.

"A few minutes? That's enough time." Chu Bei smiled.

"Haoran, take a team to suppress the right side, Zhang Wuji, you go to the north, Fatty, you go to the south, I'll give you two minutes, and after the suppression is completed, use the Thunderbolt Curse to blast! Speed!" Chu Bei made a decision immediately based on the situation.

"Okay, wait for good news." The three of them led their men and then attacked at the same time.

The Guiwei Gang, which had come out in full force, seemed empty at this time, but soon, the guardians, elders and assassins who stayed behind felt something was wrong.

"No, it's past the sentry time, why is there no movement?" Elder Su was the first to find something wrong.

He took a few subordinates and began to walk towards the middle martial arts training ground.


A huge explosion suddenly sounded on the left!

"What's going on! Someone is attacking our Guiwei Gang?" Elder Su was shocked.

Soon, huge explosions sounded on the right, north and south at the same time.

"We are surrounded?" Elder Su was stunned for a moment.

Gui Mingkuang, who was still drinking in the hall, almost spilled his wine.

"What happened outside?" Gui Mingkuang shouted.

It has always been their Guiwei Gang that has been causing trouble for others. This is the first time that they have been troubled by others, and they have come directly to their nest.

"Boss, where should we go to rescue?" an assassin asked at this time.

"Of course we have to rescue from all sides." Gui Mingkuang shouted.

"But we don't have many people." The assassin said weakly.

"It's okay, let's gather at the martial arts training ground first. As long as we are together, those guys can't make much noise." Jin Hufa said at this time.

The Golden Guardian is a calm middle-aged man, and he is also the leader of the Five Guardians. These five guardians are actually named after the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

"That's right, don't forget that we still have killer moves." The Water Guardian next to him said.

As the only female among the Five Guardians, the Water Guardian is also known for her competence and calmness.

That's right, only when the Five Guardians and these elders gather together and perform combined skills can they fully exert their strength.

Gui Mingkuang crushed the wine glass, then made a magic formula, and walked to the martial arts training ground with everyone.

"Brother Bei, as expected, they have all gathered at the martial arts training ground." Li Haoran returned to Chu Bei at this time, and then continued to report the situation.

"Okay, now it's time to hunt." Chu Bei smiled.

"Brothers, let's go!"

After Gui Mingkuang and others gathered at the martial arts training ground, everything was quiet.

"Well, has the enemy retreated?" Gui Mingkuang thought.

"Hey, I just said that these people don't have the guts to provoke our Guiwei Gang. You see, if you make a fuss, you will be scared away by the gang leader's reputation."

"Yes, Cat and Dog must have gotten the news about the absence of our large army from somewhere, and wanted to launch a sneak attack. However, they were frightened when they saw that the gang leader, protector, and elders were all there."

Well, that's probably what happened.

Gui Mingkuang didn't want such a small thing to affect his good mood, but he was just about to go back to the hall when suddenly a thunderbolt fell next to him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The Sky Thunder Talisman is being used like crazy in the martial arts training ground as if it costs nothing!

Except for the guardians, elders and Gui Mingkuang, the remaining assassins were unable to resist the attack of the Thunder Talisman.

Soon these miscellaneous fish were killed one after another and left the scene.

This large group of people was immediately suppressed in the martial arts training ground.

"Who! Who is it!"

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