There is a 100% explosion rate at the beginning of the mythical world!

Chapter 274 The conspiracy begins to emerge, Tailong Zhenren’s cave!

Inside the Black Tiger Gate Gang's headquarters, the leader of the Black Tiger Gate Gang, Xiong Lou, looked gloomy at the moment.

He had just received news that Xiaoyao Beifeng had killed Mo Chenfeng, the elite of the Black Tiger Army, and also wiped out three hundred members of the Black Tiger Clan.

This is undoubtedly an extremely shocking news for Black Tiger Clan, because Xiaoyao Beifeng has a good reputation. Now the Doutian Gang is still one of the Thirteen Gangs in Kyushu, and it is very powerful. Now that Xiaoyao Beifeng has offended Xiaoyao Beifeng, it feels like there is a cloud hanging above his head. The knife.

It will fall at any time!

This feeling of being threatened hanging over your head is extremely uncomfortable!

Xionglou also wanted to scold his mother at this moment, but the first person he wanted to scold was Mo Chenfeng, that idiot, for offending Xiaoyao Beifeng, he really made a big enemy for the gang!

Although the Black Tiger Clan is now considered a top-notch gang in Jingzhou, with 300,000 members, it has not yet reached the strength to compete with Xiaoyao Beifeng. This is simply inviting trouble for itself.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a beard walked in quickly: "Gang leader, how could this happen? If you offend Xiaoyao Beifeng, you will not end well!"

The bearded middle-aged man looked very worried.

"Commander Pei, how do you think this matter should be handled?" Xionglou looked at the middle-aged man with a beard. This man was the think tank of the gang and was known as the military counselor. His name was Pei Zhongyu.

Pei Zhongyu frowned and paced back and forth. After pondering for a long time, he shook his head and said: "Xiaoyao Beifeng is too strong. We are no match for him at all. Even two of the Thirteen Gangs in Kyushu can't do anything to him. We..."

In the face of absolute strength, it feels like there is no room for any strategy.

Suddenly someone came in and reported: "Gang leader, someone is coming outside the door, saying he is from the Wanxing Gang!"

"Wanxing Gang, what are they sending people to do at this time?" Xionglou was startled, but then he thought, isn't Xiaoyao Beifeng just related to Wanxing Gang?

Could it be related to Xiaoyao Beifeng?

"Go and invite in!" Xionglou said. The Wanxing Gang is still one of the thirteen gangs in Kyushu. It is huge and spread all over Kyushu. We can't keep people away. If the Wanxing Gang is offended by then, then this It’s over.

Soon, a middle-aged man walked into the door: "I've met the leader of the Xiong Gang."

"Mr. Huang Liang, you are really disappointed. What do you mean by coming here this time?" Xionglou recognized this person and asked directly without making any detours.

Huang Liang Zhiyuan, the top figure of Wanxing Gang in Jingzhou.

"I came here specifically to relieve the worries of the leader of the Xiong Gang. The members of your gang were killed by Xiaoyao Beifeng, which has already caused an uproar on the forum." Huang Liang Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Sir, do you have a way to relieve your worries?" Xionglou asked.

"The male gang leader now has two options. One is to kneel down and beg for mercy from Xiaoyao Beifeng, and then tell the world that the Black Tiger Clan admits his mistake. Maybe Xiaoyao Beifeng will spare your life. The second is to kill Xiaoyao Beifeng!" Huang Liang Zhiyuan said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, both Xionglou and Pei Zhongyu were shocked.

For this first point, Xionglou could not lose his face no matter what. He would rather die than succumb to anyone, let alone kneel down and beg for mercy. This was something he could not do. Even if he died, Nor will I beg for mercy.

But the second one really frightened him. Kill Xiaoyao Beifeng?

This courage is not ordinary, it is extremely courageous!

However, considering that the Wanxing Gang had also attacked Xiaoyao Beifeng before, Xionglou could understand their current thinking. Since they had made enemies, they might as well fight to the death!

"If the leader of the Xiong Gang chooses the first option, then just pretend that I have never been here and say goodbye." Huang Liang Zhiyuan handed over his hand and turned to leave.

"Sir, please stay. Since you dare to come, it means there is a plan. Xiaoyao Beifeng is so strong, how can you kill him?" Xionglou asked the key.

Seeing that Xionglou's expression was already moved, Huang Liang Zhiyuan had already expected it, because Xionglou was very face-conscious and had a very arrogant personality. He was known as Xiong Batian in Jingzhou.

Huang Liang Zhiyuan smiled slightly and uttered two words: "Heaven!"

At this time, Chu Bei was returning to Yang County. In order not to cause a sensation, Chu Bei took Xiao Zi back and then walked to the Teleportation Hall with Su Daji.

To teleport from the Teleport Hall, go to Fu County.

Along the way, Su Daji followed Chu Bei and looked around curiously.

Players passing by all cast their eyes on Su Daji, and he had a 100% turnaround rate!

There are even people who deliberately follow along and take a look from time to time.

If Chu Bei hadn't asked her to cover her face with a veil, she might have caused a riot, but even with the veil, she still couldn't hide her charming temperament.

"Wow, who is this beauty? With this figure, this outfit, and this temperament, she must be very beautiful!"

"That goes without saying, but they are all in pairs!"

"I'm so envious of the person next to her. It's so cool to have a beautiful woman by her side!"

Many players around started talking about it.

Originally he wanted to keep a low profile, but now he was still attracting so much attention. Chu Bei shook his head secretly.

Chu Bei coughed twice and said to Su Daji: "Stop looking and walk faster to avoid being watched like a monkey."

"Yeah, okay, Brother Bei!" Su Daji obediently followed and quickened her pace.

After teleporting from the teleportation hall to Fu County, Chu Bei summoned Xiao Zi as soon as he left the house and flew away directly with Su Daji.

Anyway, being low-key is eye-catching, so it would be more appropriate to simply fly away.

Who made Su Daji look so beautiful?

After leaving Fujun City, Chu Bei pressed the green dot mark on Tailong Zhenren's jade talisman and found the place. It was a mountain range, very primitive and desolate.

Looking around, this stretch of mountains is as far as the eye can see.

The information on the purchased map shows that this is a famous high-level training place in Fu County, called the Evil Cloud Mountains, where the monster levels are all above level 70.

Many high-level players in Jingzhou come here to fight monsters and level up, because the area here is wide and no guild can independently consume the resources of the entire mountain range.

It seems that Tailong Zhenren Cave is in it!

Chu Bei rode on Xiao Zilong, looking down from the sky, and walked all the way to the depths of the mountains.

There are many peaks in the mountains, many of which are towering like clouds. It is like a fairyland to shuttle through them.

After walking in for thirty miles, they have reached the depths of the Evil Cloud Mountains. There is a particularly large and strange mountain in the mountains ahead. It looks a bit like a man holding a sword, and its combat power is between heaven and earth.

When Chu Bei passed by, the system issued a prompt.

"Ding, you have entered the mission location, Tailong Zhenren Cave!"

Chu Bei was delighted, it seems that this is it!

Then he let Xiao Zi land, turned into a horse, and continued to carry Su Daji.

"Brother Bei, where is this place?" Su Daji asked curiously.

"This is the cave of Tailong Zhenren." Chu Bei said casually.

"I, I feel that there is danger inside, and there is a powerful force inside!" Su Daji said with some worry.

Chu Bei turned around and asked, "What did you say you felt?"

Su Daji nodded seriously.

Chu Bei looked up and stared at the towering mountain. The top of the mountain was shrouded in mist and could not be seen clearly.

Indeed, there was a feeling of extreme danger there!

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