There is a 100% explosion rate at the beginning of the mythical world!

Chapter 188 Everyone is watching, Chu Bei arrives at Tianzhu Mountain!

"Western guilds jointly attack Tianzhu Mountain, and the Juetian Secret Realm will erupt in the largest war in the history of the Myth World!"

"The Chinese Guild is blocked on Tianzhu Mountain, the situation is critical, please ask other Chinese guilds to rush to help as soon as possible!"

"This is a blatant invasion, the Chinese players in Tianzhu Mountain hold on!"

"Myth Channel China Report: A tragic war may break out in the Juetian Secret Realm, and both sides are expected to deploy a total of 50,000 people!"

"Huaxia News Urgent Report, Chinese players on Tianzhu Mountain are blocked, suffering heavy losses, and urgently need support!"

Song Nishang flipped through the news, and her heart couldn't help but tighten.

"Oh my God, our Chinese players are blocked on Tianzhu Mountain!" Huang Yiyi was so angry that she trembled all over, and she wanted to enter the game immediately to kill, but she didn't have the ancient war symbol, so she couldn't get in, and her strength was too weak, so she would just give away her head if she went in.

"The Western Guild is so bullying! If I were there, I would definitely kill him!"

Huang Yiyi was so angry that she couldn't sit still, pacing back and forth, spitting out foul language.

Song Nishang sighed and said, "Those are still too far away from us. Those who can enter the ancient battlefield are elite players, at least professional players. If they can't beat them, it would be a waste of effort for us to go in."

Song Nishang was the most rational, but Huang Yiyi could only lie on the bed, helpless and angry.

Song Nishang opened the Myth World Forum and saw this news everywhere.

"The latest news, the Huaxia Guild has temporarily reached an alliance on Tianzhu!"

"The alliance headed by the Justice League, the largest guild in Jingzhou, has been officially established and is resisting the attack of the Western Guild!"

"The south is in danger, and an extremely terrifying Western dragon is attacking!"

"Fuck, kill them!"

"I can't go to fight, it's so frustrating!"

"Brothers on Tianzhu Mountain, hold on, Qingzhou Feihong Gang is on the way to support!"

"Yongzhou Chaoyang Gang was killed on the way to support!"

"Yangzhou Menglong Gang is on the way, hold on!"

"The defense in the east is in danger, and the defense line may be broken!"


Song Nishang became more and more worried, and finally she could only put down her phone and stare at the bright sunshine outside the window.

At this time, the huge Tianzhu Mountain was full of smoke, and Western players were attacking in all directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast. The south and north were the most critical, and they were almost on the top of the mountain. Most of the bodies that fell along the way were Huaxia players!

At this time, the north of Tianxin Yijian was already retreating step by step. If it weren't for the Justice League, the first gang in Jingzhou, it would have been defeated!

"Their angel pet is too powerful. We don't have a pet that can subdue it!" Feng Yidao's face was already bruised, and his face was gloomy.


An eight-winged thunder angel appeared on the front battlefield, waving the iron chain and the magic sword in his hand, and every move would bring a group of Chinese players.

Fang Honglei, the leader of the Justice League, had red eyes. His pet Pixiu was fighting with the two-winged golden lion in front. He couldn't take care of the eight-winged angel, but he couldn't watch it being slaughtered by the eight-winged angel!

This line of defense will easily collapse!

"All the array magicians of the Justice League, listen to the order, release the killing array!" Fang Honglei shouted.

"Ah, gang leader, are you going to sacrifice Pixiu?!" The array magicians were shocked.

Killing array, this is a formation that increases combat power at the cost of life. It is only effective for spirit pets. Once used, the strength of spirit pets will increase greatly, but after the effect ends, it is the time for spirit pets to die!

This Pixiu is the only orthodox ancient powerful beast in the Justice League. It is very rare that it can remain undefeated in the face of so many spirit pets of the opponent.

If the killing array is used, it can indeed change the situation, but it also means that the Justice League will lose this fairy-level spirit pet in the future, and it is more likely to lose the status of the largest gang!

"This is an order!" Fang Honglei gritted his teeth and shouted. If he doesn't sacrifice himself now, how can he change the situation? !

This is the territory of China, and they are not allowed to trample on it like this!

Seeing his expression, the formation magician couldn't help but use it. He looked at each other and immediately said, "Okay, gang leader!"

The ten formation magicians immediately set up the formation and then started the formation!

A blood-red light burst out from the formation, turned into a red light, drew an arc in the air, and sank into the body of the Pixiu!


The Pixiu exuded a strong red light all over its body. It raised its head and roared. Its body kept growing. In a moment, it had reached more than 500 meters in height!

This is a giant beast!

The Pixiu is an extremely ferocious beast in ancient times. It can kill ghosts and gods, so it is usually carved into stone statues by people and placed in front of the house to ward off evil spirits.

But in fact, its ability is far more than that. It is rumored that the Pixiu's eyes have the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, and can perform mental suppression techniques, such as illusions!

The transformed Pixiu is a huge monster in front of many spirit beasts!

Seeing its eyes emit red light, many spirit pets suddenly stopped moving, as if they had lost their souls.

At this time, the Pixiu suddenly pounced on the Eight-winged Thunder Angel and slapped it away.

"Great, the Pixiu is so strong!"

For a moment, the morale of the Chinese players was greatly boosted!

But the next moment, everyone was dumbfounded. They saw white light coming out of the Eight-winged Thunder Angel, and his body size also grew rapidly until it was the same height as the Pixiu, but the silver chain in his hand also became larger, directly binding the Pixiu tightly and making it unable to move!

The leader of the Church of Light, Fike, sneered, thinking that he could defeat his Eight-winged Thunder Angel just like this?

How naive!

"Eight-Winged Thunder Angel, Divine Thunder Sanction!"


White thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air and struck Pixiu, knocking him to the ground in a matter of seconds!

"How could this happen!" All the Chinese players were shocked, and many of them looked ashen.

This Pixiu used the murderous formation and was no match for this eight-winged angel!

Is there no hope for China this time?

Many people's faces already showed signs of despair.

On the other hand, the Guangming Cult's morale soared and they cheered.

"Leader! Leader! Leader!"

In response to the crowd's response, Fike Yukong, the leader of the Guangming Cult, flew into the sky and unleashed a Shinra Heavenly Destruction!

A phantom of the God of Light condensed in the sky. The phantom's index finger flicked, and light groups appeared one after another, hitting the Chinese players' positions!



Continuous light groups exploded on the defensive front of the Chinese players, causing countless casualties in an instant!

The entire northern defense line almost collapsed, and the Chinese players were in chaos!

Tianxin's sword was covered with dirt, and he looked at the fallen corpses on the battlefield with a sad expression. Did he lose like this?

Not willing to give in!

But the current situation is that it is no longer possible to organize effective resistance, and the fate of tens of thousands of Chinese players here is worrying!

"Boss, we have to continue to shrink the defense line!" Feng Yidao shouted.

"Shrink? Where else can we shrink? Even if we really go back, can we win?"

"I think the Western Guild is planning to kill us all. As long as we are forced into one place with no way to retreat, no one can escape!"

"Now, we can only fight with them!"

"There is only one way, and that is to fight out!"

Feng Yidao looked at Tianxin Yijian's angry face and was speechless, because he knew that Tianxin Yijian was right!


A ball of light exploded around the two of them, and they were blown away!

Tianxin stood up again with a sword, and saw that the Western guild players all over the mountains and plains had already launched a charge!

"Is it going to be over?" Tianxin Yijian felt sad.

Suddenly, a huge golden dragon shadow appeared in the sky, and a golden dragon flame spit out, burning the attacking Western players to death!

Countless spiritual pets raised their heads in fear and drove the giant dragon in the sky, trembling in place!

The golden dragon fell, and a man stood proudly at the head of the dragon, holding a golden sword and looking down at the world!

At this moment, everyone was looking at it with shocked expressions!

"It's Xiaoyao Beifeng!"

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