When Niu Dazhuang heard this voice, his face turned pale and his legs trembled with fear!

This power was too terrifying!

For a moment, the whole space was filled with changing winds and clouds, flying sand and rocks, as if the world was about to end!

"My Godly Grandma! What on earth is this strange smell!" Niu Dazhuang was so scared that he fell to the ground.

Elizabeth was also frightened. Such a momentum was countless times more terrifying than the Nest Monster, and they were simply incomparable!

Suddenly, the bull-headed monster in the air let out a light "huh", and all the changes stopped.

The huge shadow of the bull head in the sky also disappeared, and a black demonic energy appeared out of thin air in the air, wandering towards Niu Dazhuang.

Niu Dazhuang thought that this monster was coming to kill him, and hurriedly asked Chu Bei for help: "Brother Bei!"

Chu Bei didn't need him to say anything, he had already performed the Human Emperor Step, flashed in front of Niu Dazhuang, drew out the Emperor Sword, and prepared to meet the enemy.

No matter who the other party was, which immortal, if he attacked, Chu Bei would not be afraid at all!

The black demonic energy wandered in front of Chu Bei and fell, condensing into a bull-headed monster with a human body that was eight feet tall, majestic and looking down on the world!

"Who are you?" Chu Bei shouted, staring at the other party.

But the bull-headed monster did not look at Chu Bei, but stared at Niu Dazhuang.

"Da Zhuang! My biological little cub! I am your biological father!" The bull-headed monster suddenly whimpered and shouted.

For a moment, Chu Bei and the other two were all stunned!

What? Little cub?

Chu Bei was the first to react, and he took a breath of cold air in an instant, looking at the bull-headed monster in front of him in surprise.

He turned out to be the legendary demon fairy Bull Demon King!

The peerless demon fairy, and the peerless demon king Bull Demon King!

Elizabeth was also stunned and did not react. She thought there was going to be a big battle just now, and this time he was really dead, but she didn't expect it to be Niu Dazhuang's biological father!

Niu Dazhuang tilted his head in astonishment and looked from behind Chu Bei in the direction of the Bull Demon King.

The same purple horns and a very similar bull face.

If you say they are not related by blood, I am afraid no one will believe it.

You can tell at a glance that they are father and son!

Niu Dazhuang said in astonishment: "You, you are my biological father?!"

The Bull Demon King was trembling with excitement and said in a buzzing voice: "Yes, I am your biological father, don't you remember?"

Niu Dazhuang's purple horns suddenly glowed, and he seemed to be in meditation again.

After a few breaths, Niu Dazhuang got up from the ground, ran over excitedly, hugged the Bull Demon King, and shouted: "Dad!"

This shout resounded between heaven and earth, containing countless thoughts and traveling through tens of thousands of years.

The two hugged each other tightly for a long time. Chu Bei breathed a sigh of relief and also mentioned that Niu Dazhuang was happy that he finally saw his biological father.

Elizabeth next to him seemed to be touched by this touching scene. The soft part of her heart, crystal tears could not stop falling down.

Chu Bei took out a handkerchief from his bag and handed it to her: "Father and son recognize each other, why are you crying?"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at Chu Bei, but still took Chu Bei's handkerchief, wiping her tears while saying: "What do you care? You don't allow others to be moved?"

Women are made of water, Chu Bei shrugged and let her go.

Elizabeth wiped her tears, looked at the handkerchief, and then looked at Chu Bei's smile as warm as the sun, and suddenly felt that the man in front of her didn't seem so hateful...

The two cows recognized each other and had endless words to say. The Bull Demon King put one hand on Niu Dazhuang's shoulder, and the father and son walked forward side by side like brothers.

Chu Bei and Elizabeth followed behind, and after crossing the mountain, Chu Bei saw a house made of black stones by a lake.

After the two cows had talked alone for a long time, Niu Dazhuang came out to find Chu Bei and introduced him to the Bull Demon King: "This is my elder brother, Xiaoyao Beifeng, Brother Bei!"

Chu Bei smiled and said, "Uncle Niu!"

The Bull Demon King looked at Chu Bei for a few times, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes, and suddenly asked, "Little brother, I smell the scent of Sun Wukong on you!"

Chu Bei was startled. This cow's nose was really sharp. Sun Xingzhe was a wisp of unconscious split spirit of Sun Wukong!

"Uncle Niu's nose is good enough, come out Sun Xingzhe." Chu Bei summoned Sun Xingzhe.

The Bull Demon King was shocked when he saw Sun Xingzhe, and the whole person stepped back several steps, with a look of disbelief on his face, and even awe!

But then he took a closer look and found that although this Sun Xingzhe was very similar to Sun Wukong, he did not have the fearful power and strength of Sun Wukong, and he was relieved immediately.

"Is he related to Sun Wukong? Why do I see the shadow of Sun Wukong in him!" The Bull Demon King asked in surprise.

"This is a fragment of Sun Wukong's spirit. The monkey's true form is the Chaos Stone Monkey." Chu Bei said.

"What? Chaos Stone Monkey!" The Bull Demon King took a breath of cold air, because he knew what Chaos Stone Monkey meant. This was a spirit monkey born in the chaos, and it was definitely not comparable to ordinary spirit monkeys. This was probably the only one in the world!

This was probably what Sun Wukong said was a backup plan!

The Bull Demon King looked at Chu Bei again with a kind look in his eyes.

"Dad, let me introduce you again. This is the wife that my brother Bei robbed, that is, my eldest sister-in-law, Yi Li Sha Bai!" Niu Da Zhuang couldn't quite remember the foreign name, and said by scratching his head.

Elizabeth: "..."

The Bull Demon King looked at Elizabeth and asked with some surprise: "The person who accepted the mission? But why is he a Westerner? Why did that boy Xuanhuang Zhenjun send the mission to the West? It makes no sense!"

Elizabeth didn't understand what he meant, but she heard the system prompting the task sound.

"Ding, the final mission is to help the Bull Demon King collect the Soul Beads!"

"But since it is fate that you are here, if you can help me complete the task, I will give you the final reward." Niu Demon King said, and then Niu Tong turned to Chu Bei, "If you can also complete the task, I will also give you a reward." You reward, whoever accomplishes more will get a bigger reward.”

Chu Bei was startled, and then felt happy. He didn't expect that he really got a ride, and he could also receive the final mission.

"Ding, the final mission is to help the Bull Demon King collect the Soul Beads!"

"Ding, the number of tasks determines the size of the reward!"

"Follow me," said the Bull Demon King, leading the way.

The two followed the Bull Demon King to the lake. Then the Bull Demon King waved his hand, and the lake parted, revealing a stone staircase leading to the center of the lake.

"What a magical spell!" Elizabeth exclaimed. She had never seen a spell in the West that could directly separate the lake water.

"It's just a small technique." The Bull Demon King said proudly, striding into the stone steps.

Chu Bei followed, and when the three of them arrived at the center of the lake, they found a stone cover.

The Bull Demon King removed the stone cover, revealing a passage leading directly to the bottom of the lake.

After arriving at the bottom of the lake, what appeared in front of Chu Bei was a group of minotaurs swimming in wet underground rocks, and there was a barrier at the entrance.

"This is the monster that the Jade Emperor formed after he dispersed my concentration, destroyed my will, and condensed it. He wanted to use these monsters to replace me in the future, and he set up this barrier. This barrier does not allow immortals to enter, but You can let mortals in, but I can’t, so you will do it for me!”

Elizabeth turned to look at Chu Bei, stretched out her hand and said, "You have to give me the antidote!"

Chu Bei handed her the antidote with a smile on his lips.

This kind of mission that requires explosion rate is really the most suitable!

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