There is a 100% explosion rate at the beginning of the mythical world!

Chapter 167: Kill the Nest Monster and snatch the Immortal Weapon!

Seeing that Chu Bei still didn't speak, Elizabeth felt even more depressed. She looked at the distant sky and suddenly asked: "Let me ask you something, do you believe there are other worlds outside this world? I mean the real world outside the game. world."

Chu Bei was startled. Could it be that she also knew something?

But he still responded and nodded.

Elizabeth was relieved at this time, with a smile on her face: "Maybe you are the only one who believes it, no one else believes it, including my uncle."

"I think this mythical world is real, and our world is also real. Maybe there are other worlds that exist just like the mythical world."

"I was on a mission before and occasionally met the goddess Venus. She told me that disaster was about to come to this world. If the mythical world is destroyed, our real world will follow."

"Should what you say be believed?"

Elizabeth rarely had anyone to talk to, so seeing that he remained silent, she talked to herself.

She turned back to look at Chu Bei.

Chu Bei was already a little surprised. He didn't expect that she would still discover the secret of this world, but no one would believe her.

Chu Bei nodded again, he chose to believe it.

Elizabeth's smile finally broke out and she said with a smile: "Thank you, you are the only one who is willing to believe my words."

"If this is true, I hope people all over the world can put aside their prejudices and face the coming disaster together instead of killing each other, right?"

Chu Bei didn't respond, but a whistle suddenly sounded at the entrance of the cave, which was the signal to gather.

Elizabeth's face hardened, she cast a spell, flew out, and jumped towards the entrance of the cave.

Chu Bei suddenly felt that this girl, who was called a saint, was a bit pitiful, a bit like a golden bird imprisoned in a cage.

But she is still kind-hearted, too kind-hearted, I should say.

Regarding the last question, history has already given the answer. No matter in any period, as long as there are people, there will always be disputes.

This is human nature!

Chu Bei used Qinggong to return to the cave entrance. The team had already begun to gather, and everyone was ready to go in and perform the task!

Chu Bei and the young man with short blond hair followed Elizabeth and entered at the back of the team.

After going deep into the cave, we kept going down. The cave passage was not wide, and the queue of thousands of people was very long.

When the team came to a stop at the end of the corridor, Elizabeth floated across the team quickly, followed closely by Chu Bei.

The two walked to a huge bronze door, and a group of people were standing in front of it waiting.

"Your Highness the Saint, now is the time for you to play your role!" Jason smiled.

Elizabeth walked straight to the bronze door without even looking at him.

Jason's face turned dark and he snorted secretly.

This huge bronze door is a hundred meters tall and glows faintly. It looks very impressive. If you use force, you may not be able to break it open.

Elizabeth looked at the details on the door and found a mark that looked like a checkerboard.

She walked to the mark, thought for a moment, then pressed her slender fingers on the chess pieces on the chessboard, and began to move the positions of the chess pieces.

Finally, the chess pieces were arranged on both sides, and the giant bronze door opened with a bang.

"The door is open, the warrior team comes first!" Jason shouted.

Andrew made the same arrangement, and thousands of people poured in.

Inside is a very wide underground space, and a team of thousands of people seems so small in this huge space.

"It's so special, it deserves to be the realm of China!" Jason smiled happily.

When the team reached the middle of the huge space, they found a huge cave deep on the left side of the cave, which looked a bit like a monster's lair.

"Attention everyone!" Jason shouted.

But as soon as he finished speaking, several green venom suddenly fell from the sky and fell into the crowd. Warlocks and archers with low defense were instantly killed.

The soldiers who survived were seriously injured.

The sudden blow caught everyone present off guard, and some people exclaimed: "The monster is above the head!"

Dozens of lighting beads rose into the sky at once, illuminating the space. I saw a huge humanoid monster lying on the top of the cave. The head of this monster looked a bit like a mouse!

Chu Bei took out the Witch Ghost Eye to gain insight.

Nest Monster: A level 80 monster, an ancient beast, guarding the entrance to Fumo Mountain.

It’s actually a level 80 monster!

And it’s an ancient beast, so no wonder the damage is so high!

"Keep moving, attack!" Andrew shouted.

Thousands of people were well-trained and began to move while attacking the nest demon.

Countless spiritual pets and skills hit the nest demon, dealing a small amount of dense damage. There were also many bird spiritual pets hovering in the air in the entire huge space.

The nest demon was furious and sprayed out a black mist from its mouth. The black mist condensed into thousands of small nest demons and attacked the team. Coupled with its poisonous attack, the entire team was scattered at once, and the scene became a mess.

Elizabeth's face turned pale when she saw these terrifying monsters. Her current position was far away from the large group, and she was separated by a large number of nest monsters. The situation was very dangerous.

She is a warlock, not a warrior. If she is approached by these nest monsters, she will be easily killed.

At this time, a dozen little nest demons discovered Elizabeth's location and rushed over.

The young man with short blond hair summoned a huge bat and faced it.

But these dozen nest demons all spewed black flames, burning his spiritual pet bat to death, and killing him instantly.

Elizabeth's face turned even paler when she saw this, but her mature mind allowed her to remain calm and rational, and she prepared to find an opportunity to evacuate.

But the two nest monsters were faster and blocked her way directly!

It's over!

Elizabeth had nowhere to escape at this time, and a trace of despair had risen in her heart!

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of her, holding a golden sword, and two sword beams directly killed the little nest monster!

Seeing this back, Elizabeth instantly understood that this guard was the one who took advantage of her by the lake before!

"The person by the lake is you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, two huge chains suddenly stretched out from the cave, and the chains trapped the nest monster and pulled it down, throwing it to the ground.

Everyone looked together, and saw an eight-winged angel with lightning all over his body appeared out of thin air, with a figure more than ten meters tall!

"Ah, it's the leader who made a move!"

"The leader is so powerful!"

"This is the leader's eight-winged thunder angel pet!"

Suddenly, a huge double-winged golden-haired lion appeared in front of everyone, a behemoth that was more than 50 meters tall.

This double-winged lion directly attacked the nest monster and bit one of its legs.

Now the nest monster was tied up by two huge iron chains, and the double-winged golden-haired lion bit its leg, and was restrained for a while.

Seeing this, everyone immediately began to counterattack, and countless attacks hit the nest monster.

A golden-armored warrior over ten meters tall suddenly appeared, holding a giant sword, with golden light, and slashed at the nest monster with one sword after another!

The hundreds of millions of health points of the nest monster were rapidly decreasing, and soon it dropped to less than three-tenths!

Jason was overjoyed and shouted: "Hurry up and kill this monster!"

Thinking that he would be able to explode the artifact later, he was extremely excited!

The health point is less than two-tenths!

Less than one-tenth!

Leader Fike was also extremely excited, the artifact was about to be obtained!

Suddenly, a huge golden light appeared in front of everyone. This light was more than 30 meters long. This golden light hit the nest monster and dealt a huge amount of damage!

Directly killed the nest monster!

"Whose attack is this!" Jason was shocked.

Everyone looked over at the same time, and saw that a young man wearing red armor and holding a golden sword was standing on the body of the nest monster.

Jason recognized this young man as soon as he saw him.

"OMG, it's Xiaoyao Beifeng!"

Everyone instantly had a terrible thought in their hearts!

The BOSS was killed by Xiaoyao Beifeng!

Chu Bei instantly received the three things that the nest monster exploded.

"Ding, you get the ninth-grade fairy material, the nest monster crystal!"

"Ding, you get the ninth-grade fairy material, the nest monster skin!"

"Ding, you get the fairy weapon, the nest monster cloak!"

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