There is a 100% explosion rate at the beginning of the mythical world!

Chapter 136: A decisive chess game, successfully broken!

"If you need help with anything, just ask!" Chu Bei said with a smile. If you don't accept a hidden mission, you'd be a fool.

Xuanyuan Huangdi said in a deep voice: "Although I can come out with this bronze body, my strength cannot be restored, and the seal here still cannot be broken. I need you to break the seal and break that rotten chess game!"

"Chess game?" Chu Bei asked doubtfully.

Xuanyuan Huangdi nodded and said: "After we died in the battle, I asked Zhao Weng to build a mausoleum here, seal himself, and hide himself in anticipation of rebirth in the future. But who would have thought that Old Man Tianjue would lay out a chess game and destroy our soul passage? If it is cut off, we can only escape the weak soul, but cannot get out of the emperor's space. Now we need you to break the chess game!"

"Come with me!"

Xuanyuan Huangdi led the way, and Chu Bei followed. The two of them walked deep into the palace, where there was a large teleportation array.

The two stepped into the teleportation array. Xuanyuan Huangdi made a secret and cast a spell to activate the teleportation array. Then a white light lit up, and their bodies were wrapped in white light and disappeared.

When he appeared, Chu Bei found that he had arrived in an extremely dark place.

"This is where?"

"This is the deepest part of the mausoleum, where the corpses of the emperors are buried." Huangdi Xuanyuan said in a deep voice, and then waved his hand, a fire light lit up, and then fire lights rose everywhere.

Chu Bei's eyes suddenly opened up, and he saw a huge cave inside. Inside the cave were twelve divine dragons with different expressions, and each of these nine dragons held a bronze coffin in their mouths!

The scene was extremely grand and spectacular. Chu Bei took a deep breath to calm down.

"This is the divine dragon formation we have set up, which can isolate the invasion of Yin ghost energy. Otherwise, once the Yin ghost energy invades the body, the end will be like that of Ying Zheng." Xuanyuan Huangdi said.

The two of them flew down. Chu Bei had a new skill. He could use his sword to fly. A wide spiritual sword condensed under his feet, and he could freely control the air!

This is what real flying feels like!

No wonder some people say that changing jobs at level 30 is a watershed, and then changing jobs at level 50 is another watershed, because at level 50, players have to survive a tribulation!

That's right, you can overcome the tribulation and become an immortal!

When the time comes, the immortals will be different, and their strength will definitely be different.

The two flew to the bottom of the cave. There was a thatched house at the bottom, and an old man was sitting in front of the thatched house.

The old man was sitting cross-legged on the ground. There was a broken ancient chessboard in front of him, which was almost full of black and white chess pieces.

The old man's eyes were tightly closed, as motionless as a stone sculpture, unchanged for eternity.

"Old man Tianjue, I'm here." Huangdi Xuanyuan said outside the thatched house.

Chu Bei saw that he hadn't walked in, and then looked at the ground. It turned out that the entire thatched house was a formation!

Step inside and something unexpected may happen.

Old Man Tian Jue seemed to have heard Huangdi Xuanyuan's words and opened his eyes. A pair of eyes exuded this black energy. It seemed that they had been corroded by the evil spirit!

"Xuanyuan, you can't even get out of your soul, and you still want to break my chess game?" Old Man Tian Jue's voice was hoarse and extremely cold.

"Haha - it's not me who will break your chess game today, but him." Xuanyuan Huangdi raised his head and smiled, as if he didn't want to be at a disadvantage in front of old man Tian Jue.

"Jie Jie, this kid? Does this guy dare to break my chess game?" Old Man Tian Jue's tone was extremely contemptuous.

"You're not even an immortal, how dare you come here and die?"

Chu Bei sneered: "So what if you're an immortal or a Buddha? It's not like I've never beheaded you before. You old man, don't be too confident."

So what if the sky is filled with immortals and Buddhas? When have I, Chu Bei, been afraid?

"Haha - you are so arrogant, and you want to kill immortals and Buddhas. I want to see how much you weigh!" Old Man Tianjue laughed, and then with a wave of his hand, the formation on the ground was activated.

"Boy, do you dare to come in?"

"Why don't you dare?" Chu Bei strode into the formation. In fact, he was already prepared to deal with any emergencies at any time.

As soon as he stepped into the formation, Chu Bei suddenly felt that the environment around him was distorting and changing. Looking ahead, he suddenly appeared above a huge plain and on a stone platform floating out of thin air.

There is also a stone platform opposite in the distance, and old man Tian Jue is sitting on it.

Further down, the huge plain was crisscrossed with ravines. Chu Bei's eyes focused and he suddenly discovered that it was actually a huge chessboard!

"This is the ultimate chess game I have set up. Anyone who comes in will be dead or alive!" Old Man Tianjue laughed.

Then black one-horned monsters appeared on the ground, more than twenty meters tall, appearing densely on the ground.

Chess game monsters: Level 60 monsters will appear continuously and kill them endlessly!

This thing is actually infinite, and it can really be called a killing game!


A 100-meter-tall one-horned bull-headed monster emerged from the chessboard floor!

Chess monster: Level 70 monster, the king of chess monsters, cannot be killed!

It's actually a level 70 monster. It's probably already at the level of an immortal, and it can't be killed. It will definitely be useless even if it lasts for tens of thousands of years!

It was indeed a winning chess game, but Chu Bei sneered: "Do you think these monsters can trap me alive?"

"Xiao Hei, Sun Xingzhe, come out!" Chu Bei pulled out the Emperor-Slaying Sword and summoned Xiao Hei and Sun Xingzhe.

Xiao Hei's huge body appeared above the chessboard.

"Actually, it's a real dragon! You actually have a real dragon in your body!" Old Man Tian Jue's eyes widened and he looked at Xiao Hei in disbelief.

Obviously this was something he didn't expect, but when he looked at Sun Xingzhe again, he screamed in surprise and was very frightened.

"You, you are Sun Wukong! Sun Wukong!" Old Man Tianjue seemed to be extremely afraid of monkeys and fell to the ground.

Chu Bei didn't expect that the old man was so afraid of Sun Xingzhe, and he secretly smiled in his heart, now is the time to break this chess game!

"Xiao Hei, summon the elemental dragon to stop these monsters. You don't need to kill them, just trap them. Sun Xingzhe will melt the spirit!" Chu Bei shouted.

Xiao Hei roared, and hundreds of wooden dragons and elemental dragons emerged from the ground and attacked these monsters. The level 70 BOSS was tightly entangled by three elemental dragons and could not escape.

Sun Xingzhe turned into earthy yellow light and sank into Chu Bei's body. This was the first time that Chu Bei and Sun Xingzhe entered the state of spiritual fusion.

Chu Bei's body glowed with earth-yellow light, and monkey hair sprouted from his body. In an instant, Chu Bei turned into a monkey with magical powers.

"Sword flying!"

Chu Bei's whole body turned into a ray of light, spared these monsters, and sprinted towards the old man Tian Jue.

Old man Tian Jue looked panicked and quickly used a group of ghost skeletons to bite Chu Bei.

"Human Emperor Step!" Chu Bei's figure instantly disappeared on the spot, bursting out at extremely fast speed.

"Sweep across the eight wastes!" Golden sword rays shot out from Chu Bei's Emperor-Slaying Sword, and all struck the old man Tian Jue within a very short distance.

"One sword from the Human Emperor!" Chu Bei turned into a ray of golden light, and the Emperor-Slaying Sword in his hand pierced Old Man Tianjue's magic shield and penetrated his throat.

This sword caused millions of damage and six times the critical hit!

"Ding, you successfully killed Old Man Tianjue and broke the game successfully!"

"Ding, you have obtained a special immortal weapon, the Tianjue Immortal Token!"

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