There is a 100% explosion rate at the beginning of the mythical world!

Chapter 108 The Purple Emperor Dragon Horse shows its might!

Wang Lingjun extended his hand, and the two smiled and shook hands.

"Before becoming a formal member, we will conduct a comprehensive entry assessment on you in Myth Design to grade you, which is related to your future position in the brigade." Wang Lingjun said.

"After entering the game, someone will go to Taijun City to find you, and then teleport you to Jingzhou. We have a secret base in Jingzhou, which is where we will take the entry assessment."

Chu Bei nodded.

The two chatted about some details, and when they were about to part, Wang Lingjun handed a ring to Chu Bei.

This ring is a dark red men's ring with a flat style. It doesn't feel much when worn on the hand.

"This is the identity feature of an ordinary member of our brigade. As long as you hold this ring, you can exercise some privileges when necessary. Of course, this ring also represents a responsibility, shouldering the responsibility of the future of mankind. If you pass the assessment, I will replace you with other rings." Wang Lingjun said.

I didn't expect that this ring also represents identity and position in the special operations brigade.

After that, the two said goodbye. Zhao Xianfeng came over and asked, "How is this Chu Bei?"

"He is a good guy, and what he knows is far beyond my expectations." Wang Lingjun smiled.

After returning home, Chu Bei went online again, and in the Tai County Teleportation Hall, he saw the two people who came to pick him up.

As soon as these two people appeared, they attracted many people's attention, because the armor, wrist guards and boots they wore were obviously suits, and the mounts they rode were eye-catching.

A purple-red lion, nearly two people tall, with three eyes, huge body, exuding a fierce breath.

The other one was a black leopard, but it had two tails. Although it was not as big as a lion, it gave people a sinister feeling, and it walked without making any sound.

"Fuck, where did this expert come from? He looks so awesome!"

"Could he be from nearby Xuzhou?"

"Their mounts seem to be ancient beasts!"

"No way, ancient beasts can be easily encountered on the street now?"

"What are they doing here?"

The whole teleportation hall was full of discussions.

Under everyone's gaze, the two men walked towards Chu Bei and then got off their mounts.

"Hello, are you Xiaoyao Beifeng? Come with us." A short-haired young man smiled kindly, with a sunny smile.

"This black suit looks amazing!" Another long-haired young man exclaimed.

Then the two introduced themselves to Chu Bei. The short-haired young man's name was Xiangtian Dahu, and the long-haired young man's name was Hao Pengfei. The two were members of the first team in the team.

The three of them stepped into the teleportation array together. Chu Bei's eyes went dark, and then lit up again after a few seconds, and they arrived at the location of Jingzhou, the first state of Jiuzhou.

The legendary heaven is in a secret place somewhere in Jingzhou, so the most players in Jiuzhou gathered here.

After walking out of the teleportation array, there were crowds of people outside, with countless people coming and going, several times more lively than Jizhou.

"The brigade base is still quite far from here, we need to ride on the mount to hurry on." Xiang Tian Dahu reminded.

Chu Bei then summoned the Purple Emperor Dragon Horse, a dragon horse nearly two people tall, covered with purple scales, and with fleshy horns on its head appeared in front of the two.

The dragon horse raised its head and neighed happily, looking extremely handsome.

"Good horse!" The two people's eyes lit up and praised in unison.

At the same time, it attracted the attention of the people around.

"What kind of mount is this? It actually has dragon scales!"

"Fuck, this horse looks a bit like a dragon, is it a descendant of dragon species?"

"Is it a dragon horse? At least it is a heavenly mount!"

"Heavenly mount? Oh my God!"


Chu Bei jumped on the horse and smiled, "Let's go."

Hao Pengfei led the way in front. His mount, the dark double-tailed leopard, was best at speed, and the highest of the three attributes was agility.

He ran ahead at full speed, and the three of them galloped out of the city.

After leaving the city, Hao Pengfei wanted to see how fast Chu Bei's mount was, so he secretly ordered the double-tailed leopard to go full speed. For a moment, he was like an arrow from a bow, and flew out with a swoosh.

The purple emperor dragon horse whined and followed closely.

Xiang Tian Da Hu fell behind immediately, and he hurriedly shouted: "Hey, wait for me!"

A leopard and a horse galloped in the wilderness.

Hao Pengfei laughed in his heart, it seems that his leopard is still faster.

But just after he finished laughing, Chu Bei's figure appeared beside him, and the two were almost walking side by side.

How could it be!

Hao Pengfei's smile froze, his leopard was running at full speed, and it was already a little tired.

But looking at the purple emperor dragon horse under Chu Bei, it still looked relaxed and comfortable.

After running more than ten miles, the speed of Hao Pengfei's leopard dropped significantly.

In order to wait for Xiangtian Tiger and give his mount a rest, Hao Pengfei stopped. The dark double-tailed leopard under him immediately squatted on the ground, panting with his tongue sticking out.

Hao Pengfei turned his head and looked at Chu Bei's purple dragon horse. It was still so energetic, not even panting, and it felt like it had just stretched its muscles...

"Xiaoyao Beifeng, your horse is not really of heavenly quality, right? After running for so long, it is even more relaxed than my earth-level nine-grade double-tailed leopard!" Hao Pengfei asked.

"Heavenly grade five." Chu Bei laughed.

"What? Heavenly grade five?" Hao Pengfei took a breath.

You should know that the quality of the heavenly grade is only below the fairy grade, which is very rare. Hao Pengfei did not expect that this horse is not only heavenly grade, but also up to the fifth grade!

It seems that if we really compare speed, his leopard is really no match. The difference between the earth grade and the heavenly grade is very large. This is a qualitative difference, not to mention that the opponent is of the fifth grade!

"Really, really awesome!" Hao Pengfei gave Chu Bei a thumbs up.

After resting for half an hour, Xiang Tian Da Hu finally arrived, and the three-eyed tiger under him was panting heavily.

"You, you are running too fast, and you don't even wait for me!" Xiang Tian Da Hu rolled his eyes at the two of them.

"Haha, you are too slow. Okay, then let's slow down a bit, so that you won't be able to keep up again." Hao Pengfei laughed.

After leaving Jingjun City, the three of them rushed for more than ten hours before they arrived at the entrance of a hidden valley.

There is a three-story building in front of the valley, blocking the way into the valley, and there are five-story tower buildings on both sides of the valley, like a lookout tower, responsible for observing the surrounding situation.

Outside the three-story building in front of the valley entrance, there is a team of ten guards. These people stood in place, motionless, and looked around vigilantly.

At this time, a team of ten people came out to change shifts. After the two sides saluted each other, the original team gathered together in an orderly manner and then left the door.

These guards were wearing suits of equipment, and they were standard, as if they were made by craftsmen!

Because it is unlikely to explode so many standard suits in the myth world with this explosion rate, except for Chu Bei.

And looking at these buildings, it must have taken a lot of craftsmen to build them. These buildings at the valley entrance alone are rare.

It is worthy of being a special operations brigade!

Chu Bei wanted to see what kind of entry assessment such an organization would come up with?

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