Episode 197

53. That’s right! Alchemist! (6)

I ran straight to Illyana’s hut. As Professor Ecclesia Bell said, if she had the ‘Tree of Sephiroth’.

It was because he did not know how this unidentified deity would affect her.

Of course, since I didn’t edit it, it wouldn’t have much impact.

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Maybe something has changed for Iliana.

Worst case… … .

Because I didn’t know if there were already signs of ‘fall’.

【Do you think that Illyana has been tainted by Sephiroth?”

“It’s not impossible.”

【Anyway, Sephiroth is not basically an evil deity! As you can see, the tree is very likely to be resting now.]

“Then it’s even better. We’ll be able to deal with it before it gets messed up.”

Sephiroth’s tree is a sewing machine.

However, as the darkened Lorna did, there are many ways to project influence on the world, even if I don’t make any changes.

‘It was not enough to annihilate the ancient Artel, he was the one who killed the original World Tree. Even if it wasn’t intentional, it’s already dangerous enough.’

It’s like a nuclear bomb.

It is safe before detonation, but when it detonates for some reason, it is a strategic weapon that blows up allies and enemies equally.

It would be best to get rid of it, but if I can’t, I should at least have control in my hands.


As soon as we reached the hut, the door swung open.

But Illyana was not there. Did I even go back to the dormitory after I left for the forbidden library?

Turning my head, I looked around and saw a portal that vibrated faintly in the corner of the hut.

‘You went inside again!’

Without hesitation, I reached out towards the portal. Suuk, with the sensation of penetrating the air, his vision was once again dyed white.

What appeared when I opened my closed eyes.

A huge and majestic old tree.

It was Illyana, standing upright in front of him and praying.

“Ilya… … !!”

The moment I tried to call her name out of my mouth, I couldn’t say it to the end.


A dazzling light wrapped around Iliana’s body.

At that moment, the tree of Sephiroth, which had never moved before, began to shake violently.

A vibration that shakes the entire space.

The giant tree was resonating with Illyana. Looking at the mysterious sight, I lost my mind for a moment.


Illyana gently turned her head and called my name.

Fresh leaves flow down the fluttering black hair.

“Did you find the truth?”

I slowly walked towards her. Then he looked directly into her eyes and said.

“Yeah, that’s why I can’t let you go any further.”

Anyway, it is my subjective opinion to modify the missing machine.

If it is a missing machine that is sealed in a subspace and does not suddenly appear in the real world, there is no reason to modify it.

Because I had to have control.

“That’s Sanwoo’s answer.”

Illyana gently closed her eyes and smiled.

She, who had always looked kind of nauseous and four-dimensional, was now so divine that she could even be compared with Yelia.


“… … ? Is that the end?”

“yes. Because it means Sanwoo.”

With such a simple answer, I doubted my ears for a moment.

Could this be the aftermath of the Sephiroth tree?

It was almost suspicious that she showed a different side of her than usual.

“Illiana, are you okay?”

“Are there any problems?”

A faint smile appeared on Iliana’s face.

“I am an alchemist. Alchemy is the science that achieves the growth of the spiritual world through ductility, decomposition, and transformation in the physical world.”

When I get to the end, I can even see the end of my destiny.

Saying that, Illyana looked at the giant tree behind her.

“I say this to Sanwoo because I have already seen the future.”

“Did you see the future?”


The clear black eyes fluttered softly.

“Another future before the mountain cows came.”

As Iliana spread her arms wide, the tree of Sephiroth, which had not yet moved, began to move.

Even in a space where no wind blows, the leaves scattered from the trees flutter in the air.

The leaves scattered in the air rotate quickly and draw a picture.

The first thing that appeared was a familiar ruin. Three entrances that I can remember smartly even in the midst of a frenzy.

It is the ruins of Paradise Island, where the Church of Death performed the rite of the advent of Thanatos.

However, unlike when they infiltrated first, a large crowd had gathered in front of them.

“This is the Holy Knights. The temple expedition… … ?!”

I looked at Illyana in surprise. She continued to move the leaves, not paying attention.

The expedition of the temple went in three directions in line with each other.

Among the huge crowd, I was able to identify a person who stood out.

The entangled leaves change from green to reddish foliage.

That person is a girl with red hair.

This is Karin Ophilus.

Besides, there was a man standing next to Karin Ophilus with all kinds of weapons on the ground and waiting.

The leaves depict scenes with great detail and exquisite detail.

Standing next to the man is Downstorm, known as one of Triston’s weapons.

And next to Downstorm, there was a long sword ‘Eclipse’ made by the legendary blacksmith who made Tristone’s weapon.

Not only that.

BattleX ‘El Dorado’ was born from the hands of the land fairy Caltech, the last owner of the golden forge.

In the past 300 years ago, in the great war, the head of the corps commander was cut off at once, and the ‘Jangpal Samo’ used by the generals of the Eastern Federation, etc.

Among all kinds of unique and legendary weapons, there is a man who is silently watching the war.

He is Aidan Christopher.

He looked much more mature and grown than he is now when he was only a freshman.

A dignity that is not inferior to being called the successor of Weapon Master Triston.

Even the Redeemer Jeliya had a respectful attitude towards him.

I could easily recall what this scene was.

The problem, however, was that Illyana couldn’t remember this scene.

“Illiana, these memories… … .”

“That’s right. It was the ‘destiny’ I had to face.”

At the same time, the scene changed once more.

In front of the wide altar, a girl with pure white hair disappears wrapped in black flames.

A huge death that followed.

It was Thanatos.

Aidan Christopher and his companions battle to the death.

Swordsmanship and magic are rampant, and all kinds of skills are shot at the god of death.

He stepped on the corpses of the priests and knights who had been tricked by death, and stood up, and began to attack without stopping.

Although descended into the world, the weakened Thanatos falls as it is weakened by the fallen and killed Priests of Light.

He spread his arms wide, overwhelmed by the ominous feeling just by looking at it.

As if Thanatos did not exist from the beginning, it disappears as if absorbed into the ground.

The group of warriors who defeated the god of death slumped in their seats.

However, Aidan Christopher did not sit down and walked towards the altar where Thanatos’ body descended.

An altar soaked in red blood.

Lying on it was a sacrifice from which the heart had been removed alive.

This is Iliana Noel.

This is the ending that Hafartel, standing in front of me, had to face.

“How did you know?”

“It’s an equivalent exchange. The result of alchemy produced at the cost of the past and present. Absolute poetry.”

When Illyana lowered her hand, the leaves that were showing the scene fell. Green rain fluttering in the air.

“Sanwoo, I saw your future.”

“My future… … .”

“But I have no right to tell you. Just as Sanwoo didn’t tell me my future, the moment I tell the future, the result is fixed.”

“Oh my God, Iliana. What did you do?”

I was finally able to understand the identity of the sense of incongruity I had felt before.

Illyana had grown taller. The long black hair that came down to his waist didn’t even come down to half of him anymore.

The face, too, was an expression of maturity, unlike before, when a youthful look remained.

Something is different.

It was a completely different feeling from before I went to the Geumseo High School.

“You can do well. It has always been, and it will always be.”


I grabbed her hand.

“Come on, tell me! What did you do!”

“This is my Magnum Opus for my clan and for the goats. I want you to understand.”

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Magnum Opus.

It was a word I had heard when Illyana taught her about alchemy.

A word meaning ‘the alchemist’s great masterpiece’.

I couldn’t tell if she was saying that word.

Unlike me, who was just complicated and confused, Illyana scanned my face with her sparkling eyes.

That was then.

Lioner’s voice was clearly audible.

[Baeksan-woo, let Illyana go.]


【The ceremony has already been completed. There is nothing you can do. Even though I can’t fully understand it… … . It is right to let it go now.]

“Lioner… … .”

[Hey. Don’t respect your decision. See you later.]

“I wish you all the best in the meantime.”

What does it mean to say goodbye all of a sudden? I did not let go of the hand holding Illyana.

No, I couldn’t let it go.

It was because I had a feeling that if I let this go, it would really be irreversible.


“Is this because you didn’t fix Sephiroth’s tree?! You just have to wait a little longer and decide!”

“It’s not like that.”

Illyana shook her head.

“Thanks to Sanwoo, I have a new life. From the day I came out of death until now. I have always been saved only by you.”

At that confession, something hot came up from within.

“Sephirot has called me. The reason you gave me the space-time seat and the reason I had this kind of heart, it was all for this moment.”

With meaningful words, Illyana’s face approached.

Soon, a soft touch spread to his lips. A warm breath came in through the gap.

Illyana’s lips overlapped mine. Slowly closed eyes trembled.

one kiss.

“no… … .”

Without a moment of embarrassment, she smiles slightly and steps back.

“If it was a Sanwoo, I would have said something like this.”

Illyana stood proudly, pointing her finger at me.

“I’ll be there to pick you up soon.”


At the same time as her words, the stone door behind me slowly opened.

I tried to resist the feeling of being pulled by the back of my neck, but Illiana was already far away.

Whoa! Just like when he came in, a dazzling light came out.

“Wait a minute.”

After hearing that voice, the Sephiroth Tree and Illyana disappeared from sight.

“… … .”

When I opened my eyes again, I was inside a quiet cabin.

After that meeting that seemed like a dream.

Illyana just disappeared.

* * *

An imaginary space with huge trees and stone gates standing tall.

Black-haired Half Artel perched on the giant tree, the tree of Sephiroth and the huge roots connected to it.

Its appearance is like the first world tree and the first Artel appearing in myths.

It was a very sacred and beautiful sight.

If there were other people here, I would most likely have worshiped them without my knowledge.

However, Illyana was not at peace.

The feeling of soft, moist, and hot is still vivid.

Is this what kissing is all about?

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Maybe it’s because I’ve only heard strange stories from Ishtar all the time.

The stimulus was stronger than I expected.

For some reason, Illyana was unmoving, but she wiggled her knees and buried her face in it.

‘I did it.’

I was so happy that I wanted to run all over the place, but at the same time, I was shy and couldn’t move.

I couldn’t even close my mouth.

Because I felt like I could feel Sanwoo’s lips I put on a while ago.

“… … .”

But I couldn’t stay in this state forever.

The time given to Iliana was very short.

In order to prepare for the terrible future she saw, she has to move as quickly as possible.

some day soon

Sanwoo sits down in front of the burning breath of the world tree.

And in his arms, a woman with beautiful blonde hair is lying down.

Her name is Ishtar Arhalten. Artel is Illyana’s best friend and was called Artel’s hope.

Sanwoo continues to shake her, but the blood flowing from the black dagger stuck in her heart doesn’t stop.

It wasn’t just her.

The members of the Illuminati, who were always by Sanwoo’s side, were also miserable.

Colleagues who were pierced by swords, spears, and arrows bled and fell.

They had already died shortly after.

In the end, Ishtar’s hand fell to the floor, and the Sanwoo wept and howled.

Then, the countless ghosts that color the sky black, they line up around the sanwoo as if to serve their master.

Paradise Island is destroyed as it is.

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Memories of the future that are breathtaking just by imagining them.

For her, as Artel’s priest, as a member of the Illuminati, and as a lover of Baeksan-woo, it was something that had to be stopped.

“If only I had ever been saved.”

Iliana cleared her mind and stood up.

“Now it’s my turn to save you.”

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