Episode 165

47. Year-end exam (1)

Black Byron.

A supernova with many rumors of its strength despite being only a freshman.

Although the Tarkan race, which is represented by beasts, basically possesses excellent physical strength and physical abilities.

Byron was a student with a different level of strength among those Tarkans.

The strongest among the companions that can be brought with you in the main story.

Afterwards, from the 1st to the 4th grade, he possesses a level of ability that no one can touch-

He is the strongest man on earth.

In speedrun and hardcore play, the dignity is so high that users forbid each other.

Because I knew it all too well.

I couldn’t believe the horror that was unfolding before my eyes.

“hey… … .”

“Wow, is it Byron? It would be a perfect dream match.”

George giggled in admiration.

Normally, I would have pecked at something, but the shock was so great that I couldn’t even speak properly.

“No, f*ck, this is not!! Byron is in the express class, and I am in the advanced class!!”

“Isn’t that how much you have potential? And it’s me who knows all about your story, so I don’t have any special thoughts~.”

George wiggled his fingers and added.

“Do other kids and professors think differently?”

“why? what?”

“You are hiding your original skills. The kids just don’t express themselves, but they all know it.”

… … ????

It was a story I never thought of.

“The more I get stronger, the more accurate I am to judge the skill of the other person. Maybe in the intermediate class, there is no kid in my class who doesn’t know that you’re taking it easy, whether it’s Dalian or whatever.”

George’s shocking revelation made his head pound for a moment.

It is also true that he was intentionally hiding his skills. It is also true that I was roughly approached in the competition and in class practice.

But have you figured it all out?

Did I really do my best in acting?

The fact that I signed a contract with the Lightning Spirit is a public fact now, but very few people know that the Spirit is a Lioner.

So, rather than actively using the power of the Lioner when using power, I used an intermediate magic level of lightning ability.

Like putting electricity on the sword, or flying a medium-range electric elemental sword.

But how did you find out… … .


“Are you also a little bit too Byron?”

“Of course. You can never win.”

It wasn’t even shivering shy humility. Byron is out of the question. Even when playing as Aidan, he can only catch up to his toes in his first and second year.

Even the leading deceased people fought over and over again.

‘He’s a companion that the production team made at the beginning not to break.’

Because everyone often gave up thinking about it.

“okay… … ? I thought it was pretty vile.”

“I will have to rub it. You were also rubbing against Rhona’s golem back then.”

“Yeah, it is… … .”

“There’s a difference between rubbing and winning.”

“But doesn’t it really matter whether you win or lose here anyway?”

I was in serious trouble, but George’s words opened my eyes.

‘Is that right? This is for organizing the expedition.’

In other words, it has nothing to do with test scores.

Of course, if I, as a senior, win against Byron, that alone can leave a strong impression on the professors who are examiners.

Even if they lost, it seemed that nothing would happen because it was already somewhat foreseen.

win or lose

From my point of view, it was a business with nothing to lose.

“… … Did you know that now?”

“No, it’s been said that I’m going to go with Byron, but where is the space to judge soberly?”

“Look at the sudden expression on your face. I’m about to lose.”

“Uh-huh, from whom did you learn those lead-stains?”


When the tension that was entwining you is released and you are chatting with George.

Something fluffy is placed on his shoulder.

“… … ??”

I turn my head to the subtle warm yet rough touch.

A Tarkan with long wavy black hair was standing there.

Pointed cat ears on the head. But it’s not cute at all.

Rather, thick muscles create a sense of incongruity, making people atrophy.

‘The modeling was also very bloody. Did you build muscle in your earlobe?’

The main character is Byron the Black Panther.

It was my rival.

“I said Baeksan-woo.”

As I stood blankly, not knowing what to do, Byron grinned and exposed his pointy teeth.

“nice to meet. Is this your first time meeting like this?”

“Uh, uh… … okay.”

In fact, we met both at school and on the day of the entrance ceremony.

There was no need to bring up the story of a few months ago.

In the first place, Byron doesn’t seem to have any memories.

“I heard from my comrades. I mean, you hit it so well.”

If they are comrades, are they classmates of Tarkan in the upper class?

You said something useless, you guys!

“Then I look forward to tomorrow.”

Chin-chin, Byron’s clunky, heavy hand tapped his back.

In an instant, he disappeared through the crowd.

Indeed black.

It is like the king of a lonely meadow to just say what he has to say and walk away.

George and Camilla, who was watching everything, didn’t know that Byron was going to show up, so they were just stunned.

“Sanwoo… … .”

“Once he came and said hello to me, I can’t take it easy.”

“right. That’s no way.”

I clenched my fists in agreement with Camilla’s words.

i am a gamer

A person who has been playing Paradise Academia for several years.

In terms of performance, in terms of experience, and in sheer strength, Byron and I were incomparable.

So, I wanted to fight with all my heart.

Because I am not just a player on the other side of the screen, but a warrior and a warrior candidate living in this world.

An opportunity to think about the official strongest character and Daidai.

I have no desire to skip it.

“You two, don’t you have any plans today?”

“yes? I don’t have anything.”

“me too. What is it for?”

In order to fully engage in tomorrow’s battle, you have to release your body in time.

“Let’s do a match after a long time.”

* * *

The day of the long-awaited expedition decision Dalian.

The professor who took over as the referee and coach on the first day was Professor Isabella Leona.

This was because the majority of Dalian personnel on the first day were the 3rd grade students she was managing.

However, the professor’s eyes were not on the third graders, but on the first graders who had just entered the school.

It was a phenomenon that could not be easily understood by those who knew Professor Isabella’s personality.

There is no such thing as a point of contact.

Professor Isabella didn’t even teach a single first-year class.

Until now, I had only focused on my subject and the upper 3rd grade class.

But to be precise –

She wasn’t interested in all first graders.

Only Baeksanwoo and Byron.

That’s why they react so sensitively to their names.

Two supernovae mentioned among professors.

Byron, I heard a lot of rumors about it, so it was natural.

In the case of Baek San-woo, there were not many stories about the possibility she had judged.

Of course, after defeating third-year student Nordin.

In a gold mine where the boss was abnormal, he caught the boss monster in question based on his calm judgment.

It was an achievement worthy of praise for that alone.

It was also true that it was a little disappointing.

In the process, I don’t know why… … .

With Tarkan Byron, who is currently the strongest in the first year and the strongest in the next Arthur Faculty.

The dream match of Baek San-woo, a mysterious and talented person with everything wrapped in a veil, has been accomplished!

As Isabella, who lives for fun and dies out of interest, the match between the two first-year students could not but be expected more than the clearly predicted third-year.

After dozens of battles like that.

“The next runners are 1st year student Byron Khan and 1st year student Baek Sanwoo.”

The highlight of the day has begun.

Byron was holding his own greatsword, Beowulf.

Like the legendary sword passed down to the Tarkans, the blade that sprouts like a thorn is terrifying.

‘The great sword has great stopping power just by its weight. If you accidentally get caught by the blade, the sword will be taken away in an instant.’

Isabella actually recalled a scene in which, in a battle with some third graders, Byron equally neutralized third grade one-handed sword users.

However, the armor was the basic leather armor provided by the school.

It looks like they want to focus on attack rather than defense.

Isabella seemed to be shivering without realizing the aggressive momentum from head to toe.

‘It’s also Byron. Then, the opponent, Baek San-woo… … .’

He also had leather armor. As far as I know, she had heard that she was wearing anti-horse armor, but apparently she didn’t bring it on purpose.

‘It’s not a bad decision.’

Anti-Ma’s armor corresponds to light armor, but the volume itself is not inferior to that of normal heavy armor.

This meant that they were vulnerable to weapons with strong destructive power, such as a bayonet.

The density is low, but the bulkiness means that the defense power will decrease.

‘In that case, I’d rather give up my defense and fight back. That’s right.’

Armed with a spear he always carried, and a sword he saw for the first time, whether he had just bought it.

An unbalanced, yet unpredictable combination.

Isabella stepped forward, looking contentedly at the two students who had done their best.

“Both sides, mutual greetings.”


Two young warriors bowing their heads lightly to show their respect.

“The game begins.”

After completing the procedure of the sacred match, as soon as her command came down.


A sharp metallic sound filled the stadium.

It was Baek Sanwoo who moved first.

Apparently, he wasn’t going to give up the player to Byron.

A yellow lightning bolt was scattered, and the sword rushed in the blink of an eye, drawing a diagonal line.

Byron looked startled for a moment, but soon received a light sword attack.

I tried to strike first, but it wasn’t enough that I was blocked in vain—

The sword of the Baeksanwoo that cannot withstand the weight of the great sword and bounces off.

Byron did not miss the opportunity.


With an exhilarating roar, a gigantic steel cut through the air. It is heavy, but at the same time fast and accurate.

‘I’m thinking of seeing the end with one blow… … !’

It’s not like a mock match. A real ‘duel’, pouring all of one’s power into it.

If this attack was allowed, it was clear that Baek Sanwoo would retire as it is.


cuckoo! ugh-!!

As soon as his right hand bounced off, he held out the spear he had hung on his back and caught it.

When the jet-black spear and the silver greatsword came into contact, a violent explosion of flames.

‘My visual acuity has increased. The battle sense also went up a lot more than when I fought with Bernax.’

Professor Isabella Leona felt like her heart was pounding.

A clash of two fierce warriors.

Read at readwn.com

Metal sounds and roars resounding non-stop, and shouts filled with power.

The wind pressure that cuts and crushes the yellow lightning and the wind.

The scorching heat of the dungeon and cheers from the spectators.

And above all else, the cold and cold eyes that contrast with the sweat running down the faces of the two students.

It reminded Professor Isabella Leona of the old days when it was burning hot.


The two were not like cotyledons.

The two of them were the protagonists who would lead the future of Paradise School.

‘Professor Kehlin… … I saw you very well.’

I’m sorry, but now I really have no choice but to admit it.

Professor Kehlin Morris’s eyesight was accurate even in his own eyes.

If you have that skill.

It wasn’t that Baek San-woo couldn’t use the sword, it was close to not being able to use it.

It was a time when I was just watching the game like I was possessed.


Byron stepped back, roaring towards the Baeksan-woo and leaping forward.

Baek San-woo, who quickly judged the situation, took a defensive stance and retreated.

Byron’s Greatsword was not aiming at the White Mountain Cattle.

‘Beowulf’ penetrated the center of the stadium floor.

A moment when even Isabella did not understand what was going on.


An opaque hemispherical tomb rose and swallowed the two of them.

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