Episode 152

44. Chapter of the Raid (2)

After a while, confusion began to spread among them.

Armed men rush to the entrance I came out of.

The corpse magicians and warlocks, who looked tough at first glance, also left the square one by one.

It’s because I’ve been digging around a lot.

‘Actually, the judiciary will arrive soon. Then you won’t be able to kill the troops hastily.’

However, the church’s elite troops still remained in the square.

Some of them were still in my memory.

‘The foolish harbinger of the resurrection, Lucas’.

‘Cursed Witch, Arte’

Those two were treated as mid-boss-level personnel in the main story as well.

‘It might be a little tricky.’

It was a time when I was very careful about the situation.

Chalkang! Tsar rrr-!

A sharp noise is heard in the bustling square. I shifted my gaze and looked in the direction of the noise.

Then I saw a woman with hair as white as Yelia.

Teacher Seolbaek.

He was the one who made this damn skit.

‘Are you finally out?’

But the moment I saw the person who was dragged out after me.

The string of reason that he had been holding on to began to tremble extremely.


With both hands tied in chains, Illyana fell to the floor helplessly.

Even from a distance, her condition did not make sense.

Have you ever been tortured?

There was a sign of exhaustion on his face, and the clothes he was wearing were not in any place.

“Hurry up!”


The man standing behind him kicked Illyana hard, and she let out a painful moan.

‘X-footed bastards… … !!!’

I mean, no matter how much you tortured me, it became like that in just one day.

Anger began to boil from within.

Have a colleague or a close friend ever suffered something like this?

Even when Camilla was in danger, even in the gold mines where Aaron Nortonhale was resurrected, it wasn’t to that extent.

At least we were fighting together, enough to move.

But now, what is Iliana’s appearance?

It was so horrendous that it was hard to see.

【How long do I have to wait-!!! Baeksan Cattle!!!]

The Lioner cried out in a voice full of anger. I bit my lip tight. A fishy smell emanated from his tongue.

‘A little bit more, a little bit more… … .’

You said that the one who is impatient loses. I’m really sorry for Iliana, but if you wait a little… … .

Why are you watching the situation with such an upset heart?

The man, who had been mercilessly abusing Illyana, pulled out a small test tube from his pocket.

“Shit. I don’t have time. To make it difficult.”

A bright purple potion that shines through the torch’s light source.

If you’ve studied alchemy, you can’t be ignorant of it.

It wasn’t just mind-bending.

It is a drug that completely destroys the mind of the user.

Recognizing the identity of the potion, Illyana shook her hand.

“Oh, no.”

“It’s going to be dedicated anyway, wouldn’t it be better to die less painfully?”


When a man slaps Illyana’s face, who is desperately rebelling, she collapses.

“Write… … Did you hit me too hard?”

The moment I saw the damn bastard kicking his tongue and teasingly pulling Iliana’s hair.


I threw the spear at him.

* * *

Whoops- bang!!!

A clear thunderous sound that shook the entire cavity.

At that moment, the neck of the comrade who was bringing the sacrifice flew away.

It was a blink of an eye.

A black window that could not be fully captured in my field of vision passed by.

Blood gushed from the cleanly cut section of the neck.

In a completely unexpected situation, Seol-baek’s head seemed to go white.

A warrior clad in silver anti-horse armor fell from the air where there was obviously nothing.

“What… … ?”


A blue lightning bolt from his hand exploded and scattered in all directions.


It was an instant.

The output is strong enough to pierce even the shield that is always on.

If she hadn’t instinctively entered a defensive posture, she wouldn’t have been able to survive.


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Most of the elders gathered for the ceremony were not as skilled as Seolbaek.


The comrades who had been hit by the fierce lightning collapsed screaming in pain.

Apparently, because the floor of the square was made of iron, the effect was even amplified.

‘Lightning magic? Are you a wizard? Or the Judiciary? If you look at her outfit, she looks like a paladin… … .’

Seol-baek hurriedly backed away from the glimmer of murder beyond the silver helmet.

Yeah, the other person’s identity was pretty good right now.

Don’t be afraid to tell me what will happen if I interrupt the cult’s rituals.

“Lucas! Arte!!”

At Seolbaek’s urgent cry, two people jumped out from behind.

Among the elders, these are those who are evaluated as having the highest level of power.

Because they weren’t the only great men to be struck by lightning.

“Dishonored revival!!”

Cursed magical energy erupted from Arte’s fingertips. A killing beam that takes away your life just by touching it.

The knight, who noticed the advance move, leaps backwards and avoids it.

The wall hit by the beam collapsed with a loud noise.

Not only that.

True to the nickname of the foolish harbinger of resurrection, those who had fallen at the touch of Lucas began to rise slowly.

“Serve the teacher.”


They weren’t even half-hearted undead. From Revenant, Death Knight, and Reach.

The higher the rank and strength of the corpse raised by the undead, the higher it is.

It will be reborn as a powerful being.

Although the elders were incapacitated with a lightning strike in the field, there are still some who remain.

The middle-ranking undead that Lucas raised also join in.

“I don’t know who that is. It wasn’t a very good idea to come in alone.”

Seol-baek, who had regained his composure, said with a smile.

“Take the life of the author who interrupted your self-consciousness.”



The undead howl fiercely and run. Although the surprise was allowed, the opponent was alone anyway.

Even if a hero from 300 years ago returns, we will not be able to handle this amount of volume.

By the way.

“Who is alone?”

Parchit, parts side!!!

A blue lightning bolt fell from the air. Let’s open the eyes that Seolbaek had closed to the flashing vision.


A gigantic bear suddenly stood behind the intruder.

Glowing blue bear.

Golden armor was wrapped around a massive body that could have been a single building, and the glaring eyes were overwhelming.


As the roar resounded, the sensations of his whole body seemed to freeze.

The bear in question jumped into a group of undead. bang! At the same time as the earth’s axis vibrated, a blue lightning bolt exploded from the floor.

It was a much thicker and more powerful output than the lightning that had been spread before.

Even a Revenant who is undead but boasts excellent defense.

A cursed knight who only seeks blood, Death Knight.

Even the Lich, who is treated as the best among all the Undead.

It was shattered into ashes by a lightning bolt that was so bright blue that it was creepy.

“That… … what… … !”

Is it a workhorse? If the opponent was a magician, it was not impossible.

How is it that a mere servant can exert such power?

At that time, an old verse in the legend flashed through Seolbaek’s mind.

– Before darkness falls on the world, the incarnation of thunder will descend.

The incarnation of thunder.

Guardian of Artel, Lioner.


I heard that the spirit returned to Paradise Island, but the Lioner must have returned as well.

It was not easy to accept, but the one-sided massacre that was taking place right before my eyes was a reality.

Now that this has happened, I can’t help but believe it.

The intruder who thought it was a wizard was an elemental magician.

The highest-ranking spirit magician who made a contract with the spirits of the 4 stars!

‘Are you here to rescue the sacrifice? I’m sure the ritual will be disturbed at this rate!’

Seolbaek was starting to get nervous.

Yes, even a Lioner is still a spirit.

If you kill the magician who was bound by a contract with him, you won’t be able to run as rampant as you are now.

Besides, what if you could call a mage you killed into an undead?

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Maybe even Artel’s guardians could get their hands on it.

The moment I thought about it, there was no need to hesitate.

“Arte!! Kill the author!!”

“I will do as I please.”

Arte started singing again.

“Death has come to gather you.”

A cold murderous intent stands out in the sentences that come out of his mouth. High-ranking black magic, the preemptive chant of ‘Bloody Squall’.

It was a wide-area magic that scatters highly concentrated magical energy in the air and pollutes the entire space.

Even if it couldn’t do much damage to the Lioner, the spirit itself.

It must be a lethal attack for a magician who would only be a simple human.

Indeed, among witches, it was Arte-like judgment that had reached the pinnacle of black magic.

“Bloodys… … What?!”

However, the chant was not completed.

Arte’s stomach was pierced by the black spear that flew in with the thunder.

The overwhelming power of reflexively deployed defensive magic that shatters everything.

Not only that.

The spirit magician’s sword, which he had pulled out before he knew it, soared high into the sky.

Foul! Pachi rule!!

The sunken air fluctuates, and flashes of brilliant lightning flash.

“Arte!! Avoid-!!!!”

Seol-baek, who sensed an unusual energy, ordered retreat.

The intruder’s sword was faster than her voice.

“Thunder strike, splitting the sky.”

The cursed witch, Arte’s body was split in half in an instant.

“uh… … ?”

A stupid sound leaked from between her lips.

If she was the second in the denomination, she was killed in one blow.

Even the captain of the rising knights had turned it into a piece of meat.

Heavily armed forces attacked the garrisoned fortress and carried out a massacre.

The cursed witch did not even properly attack once and died.

“This, this… … It was not in the plan.”

I was confused and afraid.

Even she, who has kidnapped, tortured, and slaughtered countless people, cannot understand her.

“Because who are you… … !!”

When asked in a trembling voice, the intruder answered dryly.

“I’m just a student.”

“student? Whoa, lie!! A student against the Church of the Dead… … How against the cursed witch!!!”

In an attitude that seems to be mocking himself, Seol-baek screams with evil.

The answer that came back was even more speculative.

“Never ignore a student again.”

“This, this- blasphemous heresy-!!!”

Seolbaek’s reason flew away at the attitude that seemed to make fun of himself.

is the head of a denomination She wasn’t just a flower in a greenhouse watching everything from behind.

He has killed more than a dozen Artel.

human? Humans were no exception.

There were countless number of those who were killed by Seol-baek, and even their souls fell into hell.

As a priest who serves the god Thanatos, and as a leader who leads the believers.

Because Seol-baek was a person who had the powers worthy of him.

“It is not enough to disturb the sacred rites, to commit such a thing. You won’t die well!!!”

Seolbaek tore his clothes off. Then, the numerous marks and characters engraved on the body were clearly revealed.

It was a revelation and a token.

The ‘power of chaos’ that was granted directly by the god of death.

Although she was naked, not wearing a single piece of thread, she did not feel that her appearance was obscene or shameful.

Rather, it was terrifying.

“I will cut your body apart and offer it up as a sacrifice, and you will bathe in the blood that has flowed out. Keep your soul in an eternal bondage, torment it for countless hours!!”


A giant bear’s front paws flew at the galloping snow-baek.

Foul! Pachichijik!!

But the snow didn’t go away.

The Magi that ran out of her body devoured Lioner’s lightning.

“Just don’t disturb the spirit topic!!!!”


The shock wave that exploded when the Magi collided causes Lioner’s heavy body to fly backwards and crash.

“Hey hahahaha!!!!”

After subduing Lioner in the blink of an eye, she burst into a maddened laugh.

Covet the intruder’s heart.

will defile the soul.


Perhaps he did not know that he would break through the Lioner, but the intruder retreated in great bewilderment.

By the time it was already too late.

Seolbaek stretched out a hand full of magic. The power of a god that will surely kill whoever the opponent is.


Finally, the overwhelming magic devoured him.

“Hey hahahahaha, haha… … haha?”

Yes, I should have swallowed it.

Thanatos, the god of death was fair to all humans.

But the intruder was fine.

The magical energy that has spread will disappear without a hitch. Seolbaek sensed that his power had been ‘artificially’ disrupted.

It was a situation that could not be understood even by seeing it in person.

Until a pale demon appeared in front of her.

“young master… … I don’t eat that drink… … .”

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