Episode 117

35. Siege of Doris (3)

Among the destruction magic of Paradise Academia, the attribute that is generally evaluated to have the strongest firepower is ‘fire’.

Water and ice have a strong defensive feel, and wind feels more focused on precision rather than firepower.

If so, what about the ‘lightning property’ that I mainly use?

In general, limited to a single target, the feeling of putting a powerful deal at once was strong.

Is it supposed to be some kind of blowout?

For this reason, it was often evaluated as more ambiguous than any other attribute.

It’s not that the firepower is weak, but it’s backwards compatible with the fire attribute.

It’s not that the precision is low, but it’s backwards compatible with the wind property.

In a good way, the versatility was wide, and in a bad way, it could be seen as an attribute that had nothing outstanding.

But now I am a warrior, not a wizard. It also means that he is a Elementalist who made a contract with Lioner, the 4th Star Thunder Spirit.

So, I took the motif from the existing electric property magic and amplified it with the power of the Lioner.

Finally, he succeeded in developing a wide-area machine using Aradwa.


Lioner’s power is contained in Aradwa’s shockwave.

Let the lightning that cracked to the floor travel through waves and reach the members of the SS.

Parcchik, parchikchi!!


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Mwape, who was at the forefront, convulsed and trembled.

But the lightning didn’t stop.

Just like connecting a person with a thread, the lightning strikes next to it and connects to the next opponent. A blue flash that woven the entire dustproof area in an instant.

“Everyone get electrocuted!!”


The iron-clad second-row column is destroyed with just one hit.

For a definite conclusion, more power was injected into Aradwa stuck on the floor.


Foul-!! Parts Tsutsutsutsutsu!!!

The intensity of the lightning that wrapped around the Mwape grew stronger. The bodyguards struggle with their muscles paralyzed.


In the end, the soldiers who fell out of their hands rolled the floor.

A wide hallway was blocked off.

【It’s neat.】

Lioner seemed quite satisfied with the first Thunder Quake cast.

‘I know. It’s much taller than I thought.’

No matter how much a swordsman, he should have at least one wide-area weapon.

In that respect, the newly developed Thunder Quake was a fairly versatile technology.

Because it was as simple as putting Aradwa on the floor and laying down a lightning pad in front of it.

I pulled the spear out of the floor and then patted my hand.

“Ugh, tannae. But you don’t retrieve the Mana Stones?”

“I can’t help it. And now isn’t the time to worry about that?”

Even at this moment, the main force of the guard commander will be tracking them down.

While it was urgent to enter the boss room right away and earn time, there was no time to pick up the magic stones one by one.

You just have to take it back when you come back.

“As I said before, after falling to the right, go up the stairs two floors and you’ll find the Ballista Battery.”

“But you don’t know how to shoot me?”


It felt like a blow to the head for a moment. Even if you capture the Ballista Battery, if you can’t use it, it’s useless.

‘I didn’t even think of this?’

At that moment, Soyoung, who was still, carefully raised her hand.

“I know how to shoot. If the principle is similar…”


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Me and George looked at each other in embarrassment, and Soyoung looked away shyly.

“Ah, because my father is a castle town… I’ve shot the old guns installed in our castle a few times.”

Is your dad the lord?

For a while, I was taken aback by the occasional gold spoon certification, and the shouts of the Mwafes began to be heard from below.

“Okay then! Soyoung is in charge of launching the ballista. What if we shoot the wrong thing and hit us?”


I smiled brightly at Soyoung, who was furious, and moved forward.

“Illiana, follow me right away!”


“I wish you both good luck!”


Now it was time to part.

I continued up the stairs in the middle of the corridor.

Because he had already experienced attacking Doris Fortress, he knew the best route to reach the boss room.

Every time it was connected to another floor, the bodyguards who were waiting came out.

They were all pierced by Illyana’s arrows and oxidized to ashes.

It is indeed Hafartel.

She was demonstrating the dignity of Arin’s second-year upper class.

From the beginning they were prepared for our arrival, so it would have been quite difficult if we had brought George instead of Illyana.

‘I brought you well.’

Anyway, thanks to Illyana’s proper arcade fire, we were able to get to the boss room quickly.

The Boss Room is the commander’s office located on the roof of the Doris Fortress.

Originally, it must have been a place where the commanders of the troops stationed here worked.

Now, it had become the home of ‘Empersia’, who is the chief of the Mwape tribe and calls itself the lord of the castle.

However, just because I arrived at the boss room, I couldn’t go into it blindly.

Originally, the boss was supposed to be attacked with 4 players, but with 2 players.

No matter how much progress I’ve made in recent years, and even though Illyana is a talented person, the boss is the boss.

In particular, the bosses of advanced dungeons are not designed to be defeated alone or with two people.

Especially if it’s a combination of 1st and 2nd graders.

So the Ballista battery was needed.

‘I should have arrived soon.’

The boss room is on the 4th floor above the corridor.

The Ballista Battery was two stories below it, so in terms of time, it would be more than enough to occupy it.

Even if it was a battery, the only monsters protecting it were the two members of the Mwape Guards.

I took out the communicator I had kept in my pocket and sent a message to Soyoung.

[Current situation transmission wind, abnormal.]

You will then receive a reply right away.

[Notice that the occupation has been completed, abnormal!]

[Wait a minute.]

[Copy that.]

In a moment, George seemed to have taught Soyoung special forces terminology.

I grinned and exchanged glances with Iliana.

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah. Of course not.”

“You know you just have to do what you normally do, right? Act wisely. Promise.”


Another reason I brought Iliana.

Because he was one of the few people who matched me.

Camila, who always competed in battles, and George, who was assigned to the same class for both semesters, and had no choice but to match.

And with the exception of Illyana, who went to several dungeons together to gather alchemy materials, she never did anything that could be called team play.

Still, if the number of attacking personnel is also running and the sum does not match, then the attack is second to none and we have to worry about survival.

In that respect, Illyana was able to trust me and leave me behind.

I grab hold of the doorknob of the commander’s office that is firmly closed. Without realizing it, my dry saliva passed.

It’s a boss fight though.

It’s also a high-level boss.

Even if it was the easiest way to get a unique crossbow, it was definitely a pretty reckless challenge.

‘But when was the last time I didn’t do anything reckless?’

It was the same with Hisperif, and it was the same with the gold mine.

【You are hesitating even after setting up a crazy achievement of simultaneously defeating Aaron Nortonhale and Arachne.]

‘Aren’t you hesitating?’

I opened the boss room and shouted before Lioner scratched his insides again.

“come here!!!”


Woodang Tang!!

As soon as the door opened, a chair flew in at the same time as screaming.

I quickly blew away, and Iliana flexibly bowed her head to dodge.

It was the monarch of the Mwape race, and the appearance of the boss mob Empersia.

The Mwape, a race that is just halfway between a primitive man and a gorilla, is that big.

However, Empersia was bigger than the monarch of such a race.

“Actually, it’s almost doubled…”

Wherever I go, I don’t kneel with my keys, but just looking at this guy was enough to make me cringe.

what about the face

Its teeth were sharply raised, and a glint of glare was emanating from its eyes.

A ferocious breath closer to a beast than a human.

However, the equipment was not weak. He made his own heavy armor by smashing the armor that had been left behind in the fortress and adding it to it.

Although it was crude, it was clear that it was not possible to do damage with an insignificant sword or bow.

So far, whatever it is.

The most difficult problem was the attack pattern of Empersia.

What he was holding in his hand was a crossbow. Not crude, but a decent weapon.

It wasn’t the unique crossbow I was aiming for, but that doesn’t change the fact that it can kill people by itself.


He roared and pulled the trigger of the crossbow.

“Illiana! Avoid!!!”

If I hadn’t stepped back for a moment, it was an angle that would have hit the arm or the thigh.

“Where are you riding a johnver!”

Of course, it caused so much commotion, there was no way that the boss couldn’t recognize the intruder.

He overturned the desk in the commander’s room and obscured his view.

The ignorant mass leaped into the air and rushed in colorlessly.


The sword swung at the right time bounced off the braid made of iron plates.

The sharp sound of metal hitting the body pushed me back.

He started to push me against the wall.


He wasn’t holding a melee weapon in particular, but his wrists trembled as he received the hefty mass.


Empersia stares at her with her stinky mouth wide open.

In his eyes, he could see the hatred of the intruder who ravaged and burned his territory.

It’s too much to draw Aradwa in a confrontational situation.

‘The power is strong… … !’

The moment she was pushed back gradually, Illyana’s bow, who had regained her posture, was pulled.


Two arrows that flew quickly.

Empersia’s armor was an open target for Illyana, who accurately hit the gaps between full plate armor even from a distance.


The moment Empersia was in pain after being hit with arrows in the back of her neck.

I also quickly got out and stabbed the sword into the guy’s body.

As the sharp blade pierced through Mwape’s tough skin, bright red blood spurted out in all directions.

However, it wasn’t the boss who would collapse with an attack like this.

Empersia began to scream, while waving her distinctive long arms at random.

If it was an open place, it was an effective attack method in such a cramped space.

bang! Quajiic!

Every time you swing your arm, the furniture shatters. A scattered shard of wood passes by scratching my cheek.

It’s a shallow torn wound, so it feels even more stinging.

I wiped away the dripping blood, dodging his attacks to and fro.

While Empersia’s gaze was focused on me, Illyana was steadily putting arrows in.

Without missing the gap that inevitably occurs when you swing your arm, you pull the protest.

The result is a perfect clean hit.

The more he did, the more his ferocity increased, but it was self-evident that he was continuously cutting down on his stamina.

I hurriedly checked the ballista batteries through the window to avoid being pushed into a corner.

Two people riding on a giant wooden ballista.

You’ve probably finished reloading, waiting for my instructions.

‘Okay, let’s eat a big one.’

The commander’s office was full of open windows so that the entire fortress could be seen.


I rolled back on the floor while Empersia was doing her haircuts.

The Mwape monarch, who breathes vigorously. After a brief lull, I quickly sent a message.

[If ready, start immediately.]

Rather, now was the opportunity.

When the streets of Empersia opened up, I didn’t have to worry that I and Iliana would get hit if I shot a ballista through the window.


“…? Why don’t you shoot?”

The ballista was silent.

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Maybe something happened? But what if you rush to check and then shoot later?

It will be me, not Empersia, who is going to be smashed.

I can’t do this or that when things don’t go as planned.


The guy roared in madness and raised his arms wide.

But it was Illyana, not me.

Empersia, who had thrown away even the crossbow she was holding, focused on Hafartel.

It leaped into the air like a beast attacking its prey.

“Get out of the way!”

Illyana is an archer. The equipment he was wearing wasn’t even armor, so it was clear that it wouldn’t be enough to block his blow.

In other words, even if only one is allowed, there is a high probability that it will be fatal to Iliana.

“This is a f*cking meal. Your opponent is me!”

It was the moment when I was about to use the thunder spear as I blocked the front of Empersia, who was cowardly aiming for a single deal.



The walls of the commander’s office collapsed with a shock wave hitting his ears.

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