What Yang Chong did was not worthy of being mentioned.

Now, Nie Wushuang walked in unscathed. Naturally, he did not think that Nie Wushuang had defeated Wei Lao Hu, but thought that something unexpected had happened and someone had stopped this one-sided fight.

At this time, Nie Wushuang should have come to Gu Baiyun to complain.

In a moment of urgency, he jumped out.

Nie Wushuang ignored Yang Chong, looked at Gu Baiyun who was sitting on the armchair with a puzzled look, and continued to move forward.

"Boy, I'm talking, did you hear me?"

Yang Chong jumped out, blocked Nie Wushuang, and was about to take action.

"Yang Chong!"

Gu Baiyun stood up on the eaves.

Yang Chong turned around when he heard the voice, and saw Gu Baiyun's face that was neither sad nor happy. His heart skipped a beat, and he knew that he had done something a little out of line.

He hurriedly lowered his head and stepped aside.

In his ears, he heard Nie Wushuang's voice.

"Master Gu, I have something to ask you..."

Damn it!

Don't complain!

Perhaps, Master Gu would not blame Nie Wushuang in person for his complaint, and he might even blame the other party for his own face.

However, his future in front of Gu Baiyun would be gone.

Gu Baiyun did not like disciples who brought him troubles. Disciples were there to solve his troubles, not the other way around.

At that moment, Yang Chong was in a state of confusion.

"What's the matter?"

Gu Baiyun stared at Nie Wushuang.

"Master Gu, I have some questions about cultivation that I would like to ask Master Gu to solve..."

Nie Wushuang said.


Not complaining!

Yang Chong raised his head with a complicated expression.


Gu Baiyun frowned, looking a little unhappy.

Two days ago, he had just taught Nie Wushuang and others the 12-way boxing stance in the middle of Tiger Roaring Forest.

There are a total of 36 boxing stances in Tiger Roaring Forest, divided into three stages: upper, middle and lower, and the more difficult it is, the more difficult it is.

In just two or three days, how much can one cultivate?

You know, when Gu Baiyun first practiced this boxing method, he was stuck in the middle twelve moves for a full month before he could even get started.

"Show me a boxing stance first, starting from the first twelve moves..."

Gu Baiyun did not get angry, but asked Nie Wushuang to practice boxing first. If it was unbearable...


"Yes, Master Gu!"

Nie Wushuang nodded.

Take a deep breath, put both fists on your waist, put down the tiger-shaped stance, and then walk freely, pulling the boxing stance...


Gu Baiyun opened his mouth and sighed softly.

At that moment, he almost couldn't control the expression on his face.

After more than ten days, watching Nie Wushuang boxing again, compared with more than ten days ago, it was a leap forward.

At that time, his boxing stance still had flaws, and he couldn't achieve the goal of boxing and mind.

Now it's not the case. Although it's not boxing and mind, it's stronger than that level, but mind comes before boxing...

In other words, the first twelve moves of boxing stance are not only proficient, but also perfect.

If it were me, I would have ended up like this!

In less than a month, I could do this!

Genius for sure!

After finishing the first twelve moves, the next one was the middle twelve moves. Nie Wushuang's performance finally became mediocre. He couldn't move his fists freely, nor could he achieve the same intention as his fists. However, his postures were flawless.

In fact, this was not a simple imitation.

The middle twelve moves were both physical and spiritual.

He had already gotten started in two days.

If it was really the first time to practice?

This talent?

This bone?

Gu Baiyun's face was uncertain.

After Nie Wushuang put away his fists, he didn't speak for a long time, but scanned his own disciples in the courtyard.

This group of disciples came from the group of apprentices recruited last year.

For more than a year, there was not a single person in the Bone Forging Realm.

In the past, Gu Baiyun thought it was normal.

This is how cultivation is. The West Court lacks resources and cannot be compared with the East Court. It is already very good to have a person in the Bone Forging Realm every two or three years!

Now, he doesn't think so.

They are all fucking trash!

"Master Gu..."

Nie Wushuang opened his mouth to ask.

Gu Baiyun raised his hand and interrupted Nie Wushuang.

He looked at Yang Chong and other disciples and said loudly.

"You go down first!"

Yang Chong and others looked at each other.

Master's orders must be carried out even if they are not understood.

Everyone filed out.

Yang Chong mixed in the crowd and looked at Nie Wushuang, with a strong begging in his eyes, wanting Nie Wushuang to let him go.

Nie Wushuang ignored him.

After everyone went out, Gu Baiyun waved to Nie Wushuang.

Indicated him to come closer.

Nie Wushuang walked over.

Gu Baiyun looked at Nie Wushuang, opened his mouth, and was about to say something.

After thinking for a while, he just spoke.

"I will teach you the twelve-way boxing stance behind the Tiger Roaring Forest. You watch carefully and don't be distracted..."

After that, Gu Baiyun took a stance.

He performed the thirty-six boxing postures from beginning to end. When he performed the last twelve boxing postures, he deliberately slowed down the movements so that Nie Wushuang could see clearly.

After that, he performed the last twelve boxing postures separately, explaining in detail how to breathe in each boxing posture, how to pause at a certain point, how to control the overall rhythm of the boxing posture, and how to visualize the tiger's demeanor when performing boxing.

What Gu Baiyun didn't know was that when he did this, there were two Nie Wushuangs standing in front of him.

The original body was listening to him, and the clone was practicing the boxing posture.

The data on the panel in Nie Wushuang's consciousness also changed.

Realm, Qi and blood realm.

Roaring Tigers in the Forest, Introduction, 38/100.

At this time, Tiger Roar Mountain Forest is no longer divided into front, middle and back, but becomes a whole.

In this way, Nie Wushuang's data has become an introduction.

"Please call me and start from the front..."

Gu Baiyun looked at Nie Wushuang with expectation in his eyes.

"Yes, Master Gu."

Nie Wushuang nodded.

The next moment, he opened the boxing frame and punched the entire 36-way boxing frame in Huxiao Mountain Forest from beginning to end.

When transitioning from the twenty-fourth way to the twenty-fifth way, Gu Baiyun did not get stuck as he thought, but continued smoothly. After that, the movements were a little unfamiliar, but there was no mistake in the boxing. It held up well all the way to the end.

Yes, the following twelve-way boxing frames are just imitations, rather than having both form and spirit.


Gu Baiyun has come into contact with so many apprentices at Shangyang Martial Arts School. Even the so-called geniuses from the East Campus can rarely imitate the boxing stance completely without any mistakes at a glance.

This is not a genius, this is a monster!

What if it could be accepted as a personal biography?

Gu Baiyun sighed.

There are some things he can't decide.


Gu Baiyun nodded.

"Don't slack off in your practice just because you have some talent..."

Gu Baiyun assumed the attitude that a teacher should have.


Nie Wushuang nodded.

He looked up at Gu Baiyun with expectation in his eyes.

"Master Gu, can you lend me some money?"


Gu Baiyun frowned.

"What do you do with the money? Didn't I give you ten taels last time? Besides, in the martial arts hall, you have no worries about food and clothing, so what do you want the money for?"

"Buy the blood-nourishing pill."

Nie Wushuang said.

"Nourishing Pill?"

"You have tempered your energy and blood!"

Gu Baiyun screamed in shock, his eyes widening.

He could no longer maintain his calm expression.

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