Chapter 737 Buddhism’s Compromise? Zixia’s seven emotions and six desires were pulled away? Goku hits the eighteenth floor The Underworld suffers ten thousand punishments?

After listening to Wang Mang’s words, the Celestial Immortals gods who were present took a deep breath and looked at Wang Mang in shock and inexplicable shock.

Obviously, they didn’t expect Wang Mang’s strength to be so terrifying that even after killing Candle Dragon, he would abandon his body soul and escape.

You know, it’s impossible to lie about things like this, after all, they are in the same Journey to the West world, and they only need to find out.

Because of this, they will be even more shocked.

Needless to say, the strength of the candle dragon.

The strength of the quasi-sage peak realm.

All the fairy gods present know it.

After all, Zhulong is a strong man of the older generation, a figure of the same generation as Zulong.

It can be said that many powerhouses on the scene are even worse than Candle Dragon.

Not only that, but there are many quasi-sage peak powerhouses present.

They dare not say that they can kill the candle dragon to this point.

Therefore, when Celestial Immortals was present, the gaze towards Wang Mang became more solemn.

In the same way, Maitreya also looked at Wang Mang in amazement when he spoke ruthlessly about Tathagata and lit the lamp.

If Wang Mang can suppress even Zhulong, then they may not be able to fight alone!

However, after all, they are the three quasi-saint peak powerhouses, and naturally they are not afraid of Wang Mang.

Therefore, Tathagata sneered even more: “So what? Do you think we are afraid of you in this way?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang didn’t talk nonsense, and waved his hand indifferently: “Don’t talk nonsense, since you want to do a game as soon as possible.”

“If you can’t kill this seat, your words will count, and your journey to the west, don’t think about going smoothly!”

After hearing Wang Mang’s extremely firm words, Tathagata, lighting the lamp, Maitreya fell into entanglement one after another.

Because they know how difficult it is to kill a quasi-sage peak powerhouse.

If Wang Mang was defeated and wanted to escape, they couldn’t stop him at all.

It is too difficult to besieged and kill a person in Realm, let alone Wang Mang, who can defeat the realm powerhouse even Candle Dragon can defeat.

At this time, Tathagata also sent a message to Maitreya and Randeng and asked:

“You two think you can’t kill? If you can’t kill this guy.”

“I’m afraid the next westward journey will definitely be hindered by this son.”

Hearing this, Burning Lantern spread the message: “You are the current Buddha, you can make a decision, but the strength of the candle dragon is very strong.”

At this moment, Maitreya also spread the voice: “Yes, either kill him all at once, or if you can’t kill him, there will be endless troubles.”

After hearing the opinions of the two, Daoist cursed secretly in his heart, is there any difference between not saying it?

Doesn’t he know that if Wang Mang cannot be killed, there will be endless troubles?

After all, Wang Mang threatened them Buddhism bluntly.

After pondering for a moment, Tathagata suppressed his anger, sullen his face and folded his hands together:

“Amitābha, what fellow daoist wants?”

Seeing Tathagata was really softened.

Wang Mang was suddenly somewhat surprised.

After thinking about it, Wang Mang had guesses in his heart.

Obviously, Tathagata was worried about not being able to kill him.

Then I really hindered the journey to the west and Buddhism Daxing.

After understanding the problem, Wang Mang held his hand and said indifferently:

“I said, I won’t hinder your Buddhism, but Zixia is my junior, so I won’t bother if I hand it over.”

Upon hearing this, Tathagata frowned and said unwillingly:

“Is the fellow daoist too embarrassing? If there is no Zixia, how can this monkey head willingly enter my Buddhism?”

Wang Mang’s expression was indifferent, and he sneered:

“This has nothing to do with this seat, I said, let me go!”

“If you Buddhism are not willing to let go, let’s just wait and see!”

After listening to Wang Mang’s words, Sun Wukong looked at Tathagata very nervously.

Because Sun Wukong also knows.

Only if his senior is strong enough, can he negotiate terms with Buddhism

If it were him, he wouldn’t even have a chance to have a fair conversation with Tathagata.

At this time, the other quasi-saint peak powerhouses also opened their mouths one after another:

“Fellow daoist of Buddhism, let’s release Zixia! Why embarrass a little girl?”

“Not bad! Let it go, it’s just a little girl, and the reputation of Buddhism is not good when it spreads out.”

After hearing the words of the quasi-saint powers of the Heaven Court, Duobao finally had a judgment in his heart.

After taking a deep breath, Duobao looked ugly and said:

“Okay! Zixia can leave it to you.”

“But you must never intervene in Buddhism anymore!”

“Otherwise, don’t blame my Buddhism for being rude to you.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly.

Similarly, Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Zixia is safe and sound.

No matter how heavy the price is,

He also willingly.

At this time, Tathagata waved his hand without any nonsense, and a purple Miaoman figure emerged.

After seeing this purple Miaoman figure.

Sun Wukong trembled with excitement all over.

Because this figure is not someone else but Zixia.

But Wang Mang could feel that the Zixia in front of him was a little abnormal.

She looked around with confusion and doubts, and she was a little dazed at the same place.

Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong couldn’t help but shouted with red eyes: “Zixia!”

Hearing this, Zixia looked at Sun Wukong with doubts and curiosity, and said at a loss:

“How do you know my name, do you know me?”

After hearing Zixia’s words, Sun Wukong stiffened in place, looking at Tathagata with split eyes, and shouted in despair:

“Tathagata! Why did Zixia become like this?”

Hearing this, Tathagata said in a cold voice with an indifferent expression:

“This seat has taken away her emotions and desires from her true spirit.”

“Sun Wukong, you better enter my Buddhism obediently.”

“Otherwise she would never fall in love with anyone.”

“Never remember who you are.”

After hearing Tathagata’s words, Sun Wu was stunned for a long time.

Afterwards, Sun Wukong looked at Wang Mang bitterly, and said in a low voice:

“Brother, help my grandson take care of her.”

“Only you can help me.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang nodded silently.

to be honest.

Wang Mang did not expect that Buddhism would have so many methods.

Even after taking away Zixia’s seven passions, Wang Mang was unexpected.

But Wang Mang knew that even if he continued to chase and entangle him, Tathagata would not give in.

At this point, Wang Mang waved his sleeves and took Zixia away.

At this time, Tathagata said indifferently:

“Sun Wukong, go to The Underworld on the 18th floor and suffer a thousand punishments!”

“When would you like to enter Buddhism, then let you out again.”

As soon as the voice fell, Tathagata raised his hand and began to condense a giant palm.

Afterwards, he shot Sun Wukong directly into the eighteenth floor of The Underworld.

It is worth mentioning that.

In the process of being suppressed.

Sun Wukong was full of numbness.

Like a walking corpse, he was frustrated.

He did not resist at all until he was completely suppressed.


In the end, Sun Wukong was beaten into the eighteenth floor of The Underworld.

During this whole process, Wang Mang did not intervene either.

Because Wang Mang also knew that Tathagata would not do anything to Sun Kongwu.

At least, before the Westward Journey to Buddhism.

Buddhism will not allow Sun Wukong to die.

As for the others.

Wang Mang was also helpless.

Because his task is indeed to help Sun Wukong.

But this is without destroying the Westward Journey.

At this time, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the blind box of the fairy king level! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 5 billion energy value! 】

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