Chapter 686 How about I give you Little Sister and my fiancee too? Otherwise, my heart is not at ease!

The reason why Wang Mang was so angry.

Even the fragrant mouth is for a reason.

After all, although he just came upstairs in Wolong.

But among the crowd of arrogances present, Wang Mang was eye-catching, and even To put in one’s eyes, only five were present.

Although Demon Sword Immortal, Wang Mang was indeed eye-catching, but that was all.

This guy did not threaten Wang Mang at all.

On the contrary, only Wolong Shengzi, Nangong Wentian, and Fang Tianlong threatened Wang Mang.

The strength of the three of them has reached the fourth stage of the Holy Emperor, and Wang Mang is indeed slightly behind them.

But that was all, even if there was a gap, Wang Mang did not persuade anyone present.

After all, he is also the strength of the Holy Emperor Third Stage Heaven, if he really wants to kill him.

There is no Tianjiao who can do it.

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally has no reason to be low-key.

As for this Demon Sword Immortal, how many?

Will he be afraid of Demon Sword Fairy?

Although Demon Sword Fairy is the holy son of Sacred Land.

But Wang Mang is still the son of Sacred Land!

The identities are the same, the strengths are the same.

Naturally, Wang Mang didn’t give a face at all.

Not to mention the idea of ​​this dog than playing his Immortal Emperor mask!

“Ahaha! I heard that there is no Demon Sword Immortal, the Son of Ten Thousand Demon is interested in your mother! Can you cut love?”

At this time, the Son of God, Zhou Botong couldn’t help laughing.

Upon hearing this, Nangong Wentian, Fang Tianlong, and the five people present all laughed.

Yes, even Demon Sword Immortal laughed, and Wang Mang’s face was dumbfounded.

Good guy, I’m interested in his mother, this guy can still laugh?

But The next moment, the other party’s words, immediately stunned De Wang Mang.

I saw that the Demon Sword Immortal was not angry at all, but said with a smile on his face: “Everyone testifies!”

“This guy said it himself, he’s interested in my mother!”

Having said that, the Demon Sword Immortal looked at Wang Mang and said with a smile: “You can cut your love! As long as the fellow daoist likes it!”

“If fellow daoist is really interested in my mother, I can definitely cut love, but I think the value of my mother is not as valuable as the fairy mask!”

“If fellow daoist is really willing to exchange, I can not only give you my mother, but also my Little Sister and my fiancee.”

“In this case, I can feel more at ease with the Immortal Emperor mask, and fellow daoist won’t feel too loss-making.”

After hearing this, Wang Mang was completely dumbfounded.

He never expected that Demon Sword Fairy could really say such a thing!

I have seen not wanting face, but I have never seen it, so not wanting face, there is no bottom line!

This dog can become the son of the sword fairy Sacred Land. He is definitely a ruthless character!

Seven emotions and six desires, family love, in the eyes of this guy, it is really worthless!

After all, Wang Mang can’t do such a bottom-line thing, but this guy can!

Listen! Listen to what this guy is saying, is this human?

Even my mother can give it away! Do not! Even Little Sister, wife can send it!

If he really wants to change, he will be given two of them, for fear that he will feel at a loss!

To be honest, Wang Mang didn’t know how to evaluate this guy for a while.

This guy is truly unfeeling and unloved, and he is all about pursuing the supreme Realm!

At the same time, Wang Mang also knew that this guy was definitely a cold-blooded person.

He’s a ruthless person!

Much worse than Wang Mang!

At this moment, not only Wang Mang was stunned.

Similarly, the other four saints and peerless Tianjiao standing beside them were also stunned.

They all looked at Demon Sword Immortal with shocked eyes, and their eyes became solemn.

In this regard, Demon Sword Immortal always had a gentle smile on his face, without feeling ashamed.

After taking a deep breath, Wang Mang glanced at Demon Sword Immortal with solemn eyes, gritted his teeth and said, “You are cruel!”

The Demon Sword Immortal laughed and said, “If the fellow daoist is willing to change, I can do it now.”

Having said this, Wang Mang didn’t know how to continue, his face was a bit unsightly.

At this time, the gentle and jade Wolong Shengzi said with a light smile:

“Brother Ten Thousand Demon Saint, don’t need to be true, Demon Sword Immortal is just joking.”

At this moment, a harsh mocking sound came:

“This kind of animal-like remarks can be said, how is it different from an animal?”

“Does this kind of person deserve to stay with us Tianjiao?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang turned his head in surprise and saw the person who was talking.

No one else, but Zhang Tianyou from Sacred Land.

The corners of Mo Jianxian’s mouth rose slightly, and he said with a smile: “Let’s talk, what qualifications do you have to interrupt?”

Hearing this, Zhang Tianyou didn’t persuade the Demon Sword Immortal at all, and sneered: “Why are you resistant to me when daddy said you?”

Zhang Tianyou didn’t want to speak for Wang Mang, he hated the ruthless people like Demon Sword Immortal.

Hearing this, the Demon Sword Immortal turned his head to look at Wang Mang, and said with a smile:

“Sacred Son of Ten Thousand Demon, are you people in Sacred Land so nosy?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was expressionless, even too lazy to bird this guy.

Upon seeing this, Demon Sword Immortal looked strange, looked at Zhang Tianyou, and asked curiously:

“How did you, a nosy person, survive until now?”

Hearing this, Zhang Tianyou sneered and said:

“How did daddy live until now, has a fart relationship with you?”

“Why? Want to kill me? You deserve it too!?”

All of a sudden, all the arrogances present all looked at the excitement with amusement.

Similarly, Wang Mang also looked good at the show.

Although he had a conflict with Zhang Tianyou and couldn’t deal with it.

But Wang Mang had no affection for Demon Sword Immortal either.

Therefore, these two guys let it die.

For Wang Mang, it was a good thing to hear and hear.

Demon Sword Immortal was obviously also irritated.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly:

“Do you really think that I can’t kill you?”

In this regard, Zhang Tianyou was also not convinced, and sneered:

“Just you? Do you think the Holy Emperor Third Stage can kill me?”

Seeing the two men at war, Wolong Shengzi smiled and said:

“If the two of you want to fight, you can move to a nearby arena!”

“It doesn’t matter whether the arena is alive or dead, if you are not afraid of death, the two can go and try it!”

As Wolong Shengzi spoke, the rest of the Tianjiao also roared:

“Yes, if you are brave enough, don’t just talk, go to the arena to fight for life and death!”

“Yes, there is a fart for quarreling. If you have the ability, you will fight for life and death!”

Following the roar of the arrogances, the Demon Sword Immortal looked at Zhang Tianyou indifferently, and said calmly:

“Do you dare to fight for life and death?”

Hearing this, Zhang Tianyou coldly snorted: “Why don’t you dare? I’m afraid you won’t make it?”

Upon seeing this, Wolong Shengzi immediately waved his big hand: “If this is the case, we will move to the arena and be a testimony to the two.”

Hearing this, all the arrogant arrogances clamored and left Wolong Tower, heading for the arena, Wang Mang was naturally among them.

Not only that, but Wang Mang was one of the few people walking in the forefront.

This also made it so that Tong Nian, who was mixed among the young arrogances, couldn’t help but have beautiful eyes.


The man I valued by Tong Nian.

Even in a crowd of arrogances.

He is also that dazzling existence!

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