Chapter 642 Entering the Dragon Pond! The opposition from all the dragon Elder!

Damn it!

How did I forget about this file?

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang only felt his scalp numb, and his forehead was sweating profusely.

Although Wang Mang looked extremely calm on the surface, he was not too panicked in his heart.

Similarly, Wang Mang also secretly became vigilant, ready to run away at any time.

Of course, whether to run away depends on what Zhulong said.

Of course, Wang Mang must explain the situation for himself.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang looked calm and said, “Your descendants want to kill this seat. It is impossible for this seat to stand and let him kill, right?”

“If it were not for your descendants, let this seat join the dragon clan and become a servant such as Suburban, and humiliate him in every possible way, I would naturally not kill him.”

“What the hell is going on, I think you know better than me.”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, the ten dragons who were still looking at Wang Mang’s eyes were too high on Elder, and his expression eased.

Of course, there are still a few people who still stare at Wang Mang, their eyes are very hostile.

As for the Supreme Five Elder, he looked at Wang Mang with murderous intent in his eyes, trying to say something, but he was speechless.

Because things are exactly what Wang Mang said.

Anyone who is a fifth-order immortal emperor-level powerhouse can perform the performance after a little deduction.

After Shen was silent for a long time, the fifth wife went up to Elder, with a cold expression on his face:

“Is that why you killed my dragon?”

“Furthermore, isn’t it right?”

“You humble snake clan, it is a great honor for you to join my dragon clan, even if you become a subordinate clan.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang’s heart sank, and his killing intent was overwhelming.

This dog seems to want to kill himself!

If given a chance, Wang Mang certainly wouldn’t mind killing this guy.

At this time, the candle dragon, who was at the top of the seat, naturally understood what happened.

For this kind of thing, as long as he wants to know, he will know it almost by deduction.

Therefore, it was impossible for Zhulong to shut Wang Mang out of the door because of this trivial matter.

What’s more, a dead dragon clan is not as important as a fifth-order dragon clan to the dragon clan.

Therefore, Zhulong slowly said: “Okay! Don’t quarrel anymore, sit down for the emperor!”

Hearing this, the fifth wife with a gloomy face went to Elder, and could only suppress the anger in her heart and sit down.

Similarly, the rest of the Supreme Elders also sat down one after another.

“This emperor is going to tell you that in the future, Wang Mang will officially join the Wulong clan.”

Having said this, Zhulong glanced at the crowd of Taishang Elder indifferently.

Hearing that, Elders, the elders of the dragon clan, frowned.

But without waiting for the ten elders to speak, the candle dragon slowly said:

“So, from now on, Wang Mang will be the eleventh member of my dragon clan, too Elder.”

Hearing this, Five Elder took the lead and said: “Dragon King, I don’t agree!”

“He’s just a lowly snake clan. Even if he joins the dragon clan, he doesn’t matter. What qualifications do he have to become a dragon clan too high Elder?”

At this time, Seven Elder and Ten Elder also nodded one after another, with a gloomy expression: “Yes! Dragon King, he is just a snake clan!”

“Since ancient times, dragons have not lived with snakes. He is just a snake clan. He doesn’t even have a trace of dragon blood. Why is he a dragon clan?”

“That’s right! Please think twice about the Dragon King, if you let him become a dragon too much Elder, wouldn’t my dragon be a joke?”

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang could see it almost at a glance.

These seven Elders and ten Elders are obviously in the same group as the five Elders.

Not only that, but the strength of these guys is not weak.

Among them, the fifth Elder, who had a grudge against Wang Mang, reached the Seventh Stage of the Celestial Emperor.

Seven Elder is the fairy emperor Fifth Stage day, the weakest is the ten Elder, the strength is only the fairy emperor Fourth Stage day.

All in all, these ten dragons too, Elder are very powerful.

One Elder, Two Elder, and Three Elder surpassed the emperor and reached the early stage of the emperor.

Four Elder, the strength has reached the Ninth Stage.

Five Elder, Xiandi Seventh Stage days.

Six Elder, Seven Elder, and Eight Elder all reached the Fifth Stage of the Celestial Emperor.

Nine Elder and Ten Elder, it is the Fourth Stage of the fairy emperor.

It can be said that among the ten Elders, at least they are all in the middle stage.

This also made Wang Mang truly aware of the power of the dragon clan.

It may be completely incomparable with the peak period, but it is not to be judged by anyone.

Even in the world of Journey to the West, it is a force that cannot be ignored!

At this time, the candle dragon slowly opened his mouth and said:

“Okay! This seat decided to let Wang Mang enter the Hualong Pond.”

“From now on, Wang Mang will be the Dragon Elder.”

As soon as the voice fell, the ten elders present were in an uproar!

Because, they didn’t expect that Candle Dragon would let Wang Mang join the Dragon Clan.

Let Wang Mang become the 11th Dragon Elder, and let Wang Mang enter the Hualong Pond!

This makes them feel very incredible.

You know, Wang Mang joined the Dragon Clan, but he didn’t make any achievements!

Moreover, no credit has been made to the dragons.

If Wang Mang was allowed to enter the Hualong Pond, how would the Dragon Clan convince the crowd?

Because of this, if it was said that it was only five Elder who had hatred with Wang Mang, there are also seven Elder and Ten Elder objections.

But now all Elder frowned, and said one after another: “Dragon King, we are against it!”

“Yes! This is not in compliance with the rules at all!”

V. Elder growled even more desperately:

“Dragon Sovereign, how can he join the Dragon Clan again and enter the Hualong Pond again?”

“If the Dragon King really wants to go its own way, how should we explain to the dragons?”

Sifeng Elder also nodded slightly:

“Dragon Emperor, this is not in compliance with the rules. If you really do this, wouldn’t it make the members of the Dragon Clan chill?”

“After all, my dragon clan erlang has also made a lot of credit for the dragon clan, but they are not qualified to enter the Hualongchi.”

“Now, let a person who has just joined the dragon clan enter the Hualong Pond, Dragon Emperor, is this really good?”

At this time, the three elders and the second elders of the Saint Emperor level also nodded one after another: “Dragon Emperor, this is not in compliance with the rules.”

“At least let us see his value? At least let us see, he has contributed to my dragon clan, right?”

As for the dragon Elder, the same expressionlessly and slowly said:

“Dragon King! All Elder opposes, this proposed decision is invalid!”

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang’s heart suddenly sank.

At this moment, he finally knew how difficult it was for him to enter the Dragon Pond.

After all, all Elders of the entire dragon clan opposed him entering the Hualong Pond, which was obviously unexpected by Wang Mang.

At the same time, this also proves that the Dragon Hualong Pond is indeed not so easy to enter.

This also made Wang Mang worried.

under these circumstances.

Can Zhulong keep him in the Hualong Pond?

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