Chapter 640: Suppression from the Candle Dragon? Let Wang Mang enter the Hualong Pond?

Although he has been in the Closed Door Training state.

But anything that happens outside.

In fact, Wang Mang knew everything clearly.

Especially the mosquito Daoist who suddenly appeared to kill him.

It made Wang Mang extremely angry.

Because, if there is no candle dragon to make a move.

So when he is in Closed Door Training.

The situation is absolutely critical!

There were hardly even escaped!

Even if he can forcibly wake up and escape from Closed Door Training, he will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Because, he was in the long process of upgrading Tier 5 in Closed Door Training.

Although, he has successfully smashed the true spirit into the Three Avenues.

But still need to absorb enough power of the vast world.

Only in this way can he completely degenerate into a five-class existence.

But in this process.

He was unexpectedly attacked by a Saint-Emperor-level powerhouse.

One can imagine how angry Wang Mang felt.

He has seen anyone who is despicable and shameless, but he has never seen anyone more despicable and shameless than Daoist.

If Wang Mang’s strength reached the Saint Emperor level, he would definitely not be able to make a sneak attack, a junior who had just reached the fifth level.

This dog is better than the mosquito Daoist, and he doesn’t even have a blue face!

Of course, anger belongs to anger.

Fortunately, this time there is a shocking impact to Tier 5!

Now he has completely changed the power in his body.

If Wang Mang in the past had limited magic power in his body, then he would now describe it as endless.

If the power in Wang Mang’s body used to be the stream and the river.

Then, now the vast magic power in Wang Mang’s body is like the sea.

Not only that, but Wang Mang’s body is now filled with a strong divinity!

If you observe carefully, you will find that Wang Mang’s whole body is absorbing the power of heaven and earth all the time.

Not only that, but between Wang Mang’s gestures, the breath that exudes from his whole body is full of divinity!

A faint of Immortal aura was already reflected in Wang Mang.

After carefully feeling his own powerful power, Wang Mang couldn’t help but enjoy the expression on his face:

“Is this the power of Tier 5?”

“Sure enough, the gap between Tier 4 and Tier 5 is too obvious.”

“This Realm is really not easy to cross!”

Feeling the powerful force, Wang Mang was full of emotions in his heart.

His strength this time is a reborn, almost sublimated qualitative change!

Such a powerful strength is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help feeling a little energetic.

Now he is a veritable Tier 5 powerhouse.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help chanting silently in his heart:

“System! Open your personal information!”

The next moment, personal information emerges.

Wang Mang: The quasi-saint (General Longwei).

Species: Void Python (up to 700 meters).

Realm: Xiandi First Stage days.

Body shape: 11,000 blood, 11,000 energy, 640 meters long, 31 meters wide, and weighs 10 million tons.

Ordinary supernatural powers: Control God Seal, Hand of Void, Blade of Void, Escape of Void, One Step at the End of the World, Myriad Changes.

Top supernatural powers: Three Lives Buddha (Xiaocheng), Hongjun Three Corpse Method (None), Wrath of Gods and Demons (Consummation).

Space: Tier 5 pill recipe X1, one-time top bad luck card X1, a bottle of Wang Qingshui.

Equipment: Top World Colorful Stone X1, Shenwu Sword, Immortal Emperor Mask.

Lucky value: 299 (Hongfu Qitian).

Energy value: 50 million per 100 million.

After reading personal information.

Wang Mang was surprised to find that the change was not small.

First of all, Tao Xing disappeared.

Could it be that Dao Xing no longer works after the fifth level?

Or in other words, Daoxing is no longer good for the fifth-order existence?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly felt full of emotion.

This fifth order is really a huge watershed!

He actually doubled his blood volume and energy directly.

What made Wang Mang bitter and helpless was that.

The energy value of this evolution has also doubled.

Moreover, it has doubled!

In other words, he wants to breakthrough Realm now!

Even the First Stage Realm needs 500 million energy points!

This is too exaggerated!

It has not been directly increased tenfold.

Otherwise, Wang Mang would really despair.

Only Wang Mang didn’t know what to do.

How should he deal with the candle dragon outside?

This candle dragon obviously regarded him as a member of the dragon clan.

There is no doubt about this.

Otherwise, Zhulong would not make a move personally.

But the question is, is Wang Mang a member of the Dragon Race?

It’s a fart!

He even killed someone from the Dragon Race!

Moreover, there is also a contradiction with Elder, the dragon’s supreme.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang’s expression was very tangled.

But it is undeniable that Wang Mang still has a good impression of Candle Dragon.

Wang Mang is such a straightforward character.

Whoever treats him well, he has a crush on him!

All right!

To put it bluntly, Zhulong rescued him once.


Wang Mang’s attitude towards the Dragon Clan is not very good in his senses.

Just as Wang Mang was tangled, a voice suddenly came from his ear:

“What are your concerns?”

As soon as the voice fell, a figure appeared in front of Wang Mang out of thin air.

Looking at the old man with a gentle color in front of his eyes and wearing an eight-claw golden dragon robe, Wang Mang suddenly said respectfully:

“Junior has seen the dragon senior!”

Zhulong nodded slightly and smiled:

“Although you are not a dragon clan, you are still in the post of Xihai Dragon Palace, General Longwei.”

“So, the little friend is also a member of my dragon clan, let’s go back to the dragon clan with my old man.”

“Just now you have also seen that if there is no backing power, it would be difficult to gain a foothold in the Journey to the West.”

“Even if you are a visitor from the outside world, since you have come to my dragon clan, you have proved that you have a destiny with my dragon clan.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was horrified.

He didn’t expect that Zhulong could see his details at a glance.

Sure enough, the existence of the pinnacle of the quasi-sage!

At the beginning, his teacher Bodhi ancestor also basically saw through his identity.

But now the candle dragon also saw through his identity at a glance.

This also proved that after reaching Tier 5, it is basically impossible to conceal one’s identity.

However, Zhulong’s attitude was extremely moved by Wang Mang.

This is obviously telling him that even if he is a visitor from outside, the dragon clan is willing to accept him.

Not only that, but also let him integrate into the dragon clan, this treatment is no one.

At this time, Zhulong also slowly said with a smile:

“As long as the little friend is willing to join my dragon clan, the old man will let the little friend enter the dragon pool!”

“Does my little friend know how difficult it is to enter the Dragon Clan Hualong Pond?”

“There are not many dragons in the entire dragon clan today, and they have entered the Hualong Pond!”

“Unless you have made great contributions to my dragon race, or you are a super talent!”

“Because, anyone who enters the Hualong Pond will get blood sublimation and a surge in strength!”

“Even if the dragon with the worst luck enters the dragon pool, the strength is at least able to Ascension one or two small Realm!”

“If luck is very good, and the thousands of dragon blood and dragon souls in the dragon pool are recognized, it is possible for the strength to skyrocket four or five small Realm!”

“In addition, as long as the little friend is willing to transform his blood and become a member of the dragon clan, even the old man’s position of the dragon king can participate in the competition and inheritance!”

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