Chapter 585 The horror of the big Luo Jinxian strong! Return to the Saint Emperor Continent?

After listening to the tasks released by the system.

Wang Mang was even more confused. He didn’t expect the system to release the task.

Moreover, from the point of view of the task of the first prostitution task.

This big Luo Jinxian is coming in three minutes?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly felt a sharp sense of urgency.

He must make a task choice as soon as possible.

There are too few rewards for the mission’s first prostitute.

The second task can also reward good.

But the difficulty is not average for him.

Let him contend with the big Luo Jinxian powerhouse!

And he is also the top powerhouse of Da Luo Jinxian!

To be honest, Wang Mang really didn’t have such confidence.

Unless he played it recklessly, the wrath of the gods and demons.

But the problem is that if you use the wrath of the gods and demons, you have to kill the enemy.

This is what Wang Mang has always asked for himself, and it’s nothing more than if he doesn’t show it.

Once this is done, Wang Mang will go all out.

But if Wang Mang wanted to rely on the town of the wrath of the gods and demons to kill this big Luo Jinxian peak powerhouse.

How far does he need Ascension at least?

He needs at least Ascension a big Realm, plus a few small Realm!

In other words, once he wants to punish this great Luo Jinxian peak powerhouse.

After performing the wrath of the gods and demons, Wang Mang will at least fall a big Realm, and may even fall to the early stage of the Golden Fairy!

At such a price, the result is 20 million energy values?

Obviously, Wang Mang couldn’t afford it at all, the price was too damn big!

Naturally, it was impossible for Wang Mang. In order to kill a big Luo Jinxian, his Realm fell sharply!

Therefore, Wang Mang did not consider the second task and the third task.

Undoubtedly, Wang Mang obviously had a choice, so he said silently in his heart:

“System! I choose the task first!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 1 million energy points! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was not too happy either.

For so long, once again a vain prostitute is also reminding him that his strength is not strong enough!

If he is strong enough, he can choose to kill this dragon king Daluo Jinxian peak powerhouse.

However, it is clear that Wang Mang’s strength still has some gaps.

Okay, that’s just a good thing.

Wang Mang also knew.

He wants to truly compete against Da Luo Jinxian, and there is still a long way to go.

But just as Wang Mang sighed, he suddenly felt an inexplicable heart palpitation.

This inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations immediately made Wang Mang come back to his senses in an instant, and his heart was very horrified.

He quickly raised his head and looked around, as if he wanted to see where this sense of threat came from?

The next moment, Wang Mang suddenly saw above his head, a hand covering the sky and the sun, grabbing towards him with terrifying power.

It was just the breath that made Wang Mang feel it, suffocating the desperate sense of powerlessness!

Obviously! A powerful person has shot him!

At this moment, Wang Mang even felt that he was completely locked in by a qi.

He couldn’t even move, and his eyes were full of fright.

Similarly, Wang Mang did not have time to hesitate, and immediately urged the multi-colored top sacred stone!

In the blink of an eye.

Wang Mang disappeared completely.

At the same time, an old man in a golden robe appeared in the Crystal Palace out of thin air.

At this moment, this golden-robed old man with a dragon-robed robe had a hideous and distorted expression on his face.

Earlier, it was natural that he shot Wang Mang!

What he didn’t expect was that Wang Mang’s reaction was so fast!

Moreover, without knowing what method was used, he disappeared into the world of Journey to the West in an instant.

He wanted to break the space to catch up, but he couldn’t catch up even if he wanted to, and he didn’t leave any energy.

Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for Wang Mang to escape from a strong man of the big Luo Jinxian.

“Damn! Damn ants!” In a rage, the five Elder flew into a rage, and then he saw the Xihai Dragon King and the blue dragon-robed youth in a blink of an eye.

The slap was two slaps, and the two screamed and flew out directly.

However, this big Luo Jinxian powerhouse obviously did not kill him.

Otherwise, only the Xihai Dragon King and this dragon youth will definitely be bombarded on the spot.

As for why he didn’t kill him, it was naturally because Sihai Dragon King’s father had a very high status within the dragon clan.

Even he dared not act rashly. As for this young man in a blue dragon robe, although he had no background, his Big Brother was also a big Luo Jinxian.

If he really kills the two on the spot, there will be two more enemies among the dragon clan in the future!

Therefore, facing Xihai Dragon King and Long Kai’s shooting and shaking, Wu Elder’s face was blue and disappeared out of thin air without a word.

Seeing this scene, Long Kai and Xihai Dragon King looked at each other and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Wang Mang ran fast, otherwise they would be buried with him!

at the same time.

The other end.

Sacred Land mainland.

Shengdi College Back Mountain.

Among the endless mountains of millions.

Wang Mang’s face was full of lingering fears.

Yes, Wang Mang has already returned to Saint Emperor Continent.

Had it not been for his quick response, he probably wouldn’t be able to come back now.

This was also the first time Wang Mang felt the horror of Da Luo Jinxian.

Once he did it, his Qi machine was completely locked, as if the space around him was locked.

Just thinking about it makes people desperate!

It’s as if you are tied to the decapitation platform, you can’t even resist!

If Taiyi Jinxian was fighting against Jinxian, Jinxian could resist.

Then Daluo Jinxian’s dealing with Taiyi Jinxian would be a complete massacre.

Because, even Wang Mang, who has reached the middle stage of the Taiyi Golden Fairy, is enough to rival the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Fairy.

In the face of Da Luo Jinxian, there is no ability to resist at all, this kind of terrible is conceivable!

“Hey! I don’t know, how long will I have to work hard to reach Da Luo Jinxian.”

Thinking of this, Wang Mang became a little depressed.

Fortunately, Wang Mang’s ability to adjust is good.

It didn’t take long before Wang Mang regained his fighting spirit. What about Da Luo Jinxian?

Wang Mang was confident that he became a big Luo Jinxian, but it was just a matter of time.

However, the current situation made Wang Mang a little embarrassed.

He was kicked out of Shengdi Academy by Tong Nian, and even the identity card of Shengdi Academy was taken away for him.

Now it is natural not to be able to return to Shengdi Academy.

But let Wang Mang enter the Million Mountain Range, he was a bit unwilling.

After all, his Medicine Pill booth is at the back door of Shengdi Academy!

When he was chased away, he didn’t have time to get his things back.

After so long, how much wealth did the ghost accumulate after knowing his stall?

I don’t know whether this massive wealth was embezzled by the king of dogs and the king of bears.

But now that Wang Mang has returned to the Saint Emperor Continent.

It is naturally impossible for him to look at his own wealth and not take it back.

After all, this is his immortal stone! He said nothing!

no! Whatever the wealth is said, you have to get it back!

Moreover, Wang Mang also wanted to know.

It’s been so long.

How far has the income of the fairy stone from his booth reached?

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