Chapter 582 Dragon Clan Going To Be A Slave Among The Dragon Clan?

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was stunned immediately.

Damn it!

The members of the dragon clan will come to Xihai Dragon Palace later?

Moreover, let us participate in the general election? Become an internal member?

But from the perspective of the task, Wang Mang can basically analyze it.

The dragon power is definitely stronger than imagined!

Because it was the first time he heard that in addition to the Sihailong Palace, there were dragon forces.

This is the so-called internal member of the dragon clan!

This also shows that the dragon clan is still very powerful.

It is not at all on the surface of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, it looks so simple.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang fell into deep thought.

These four tasks are the first to be a prostitute. The reward is too small and can be ruled out.

For the second one, the reward is average, as long as you mix into the dragon clan and become a member of the fourth ladder.

The so-called members of the fourth ladder are also well understood. They are members of the dragon clan status and at the fourth ladder level.

Wherever there are people, there are Rivers and Lakes. Naturally, there are high and low status. People who have already passed Heaven Court know this well.

After pondering for a while, Wang Mang still decided to choose the fourth task.

Although the difficulty is certainly not small, the rewards are also very generous!

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang silently said in his heart: “System! I choose the fourth task!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully select the task! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

After listening to the sound of the system, Wang Mang nodded to himself, got up and left the place of Closed Door Training.

But when Wang Mang came to the Great Hall of Longwei Palace, he saw two shrimp soldiers and crabs rushing in from outside, kneeling on the ground and saying:

“General Longwei, members of the dragon clan are here, Xihai Dragon King asks you to go to the Dragon Palace as soon as possible.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang was suddenly surprised.

This speed is really fast!

However, if Wang Mang was not there.

It is estimated that this time he still doesn’t know about the dragon clan.

It can even be said to be a perfect miss.

At this point, Wang Mang nodded slightly and said, “This general knows, go down!”

After speaking, Wang Mang got up and rushed to Xihai Dragon Palace.

After half an hour.

Wang Mang successfully came to the West Sea Dragon Palace, the Great Hall of the Crystal Palace.

But the scene before him made Wang Mang very speechless.

I saw that Xihai Dragon King, grinning to please, two young men.

What surprised Wang Mang even more was that the auras of these two young men were very tyrannical.

Without exception, all have reached the level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Good guys! Is this a member of the dragon clan?

Just look at these two dragon clan members.

Wang Mang knew that this dragon clan was stronger than he thought, and even more powerful!

After seeing Wang Mang, Xihai Dragon King smiled and waved: “Come on, General Longwei, come and meet two dragon adults.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly, strode forward, and cupped hands said: “I have seen two adults.”

While speaking, Wang Mang also quietly looked at the two dragon youths. Without exception, both of them looked arrogant and defiant.

After seeing Wang Mang, one of the dragon youths couldn’t help frowning, and said displeased: “Xihai Dragon King, you are really confused.”

“He doesn’t have the blood of the Dragon clan, how can he serve as the General Longwei?”

The reason why he is unhappy is here. The Longwei General, which represents the meaning, is the majesty of the Dragon Palace.

As a result, in the West Sea Dragon Palace, let a snake be the general of Longwei, which is simply a shame to the dragon clan!

Another young man in a white robe, after looking at Wang Mang’s eyes, also echoed one after another:

“Yes, Xihai Dragon King, how did you become the Dragon King? You just lost my dragon face!”

After hearing the two yelling, Xihai Dragon King suddenly felt bitter secretly.

He didn’t think so much at the beginning, it was all because of Wang Mang’s good strength, soliciting to join the Xihai Dragon Palace.

Then Wang Mang was used to control the racial forces of the four vassal dragon races, but the result was too big to get rid of Wang Mang’s position.

Now that the two dragon clan members arrived, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get Wang Mang into the dragon clan, it would be better not to see and not bother him.

Once Wang Mang got into the dragon clan, Wang Mang no longer needed his headache.

In front of the huge dragon clan, Wang Mang couldn’t get over the big waves.

This is the current thinking of Xihai Dragon King.

Therefore, Xihai Dragon King smiled to please: “Two adults, although our Longwei general does not have a dragon blood, our strength should not be underestimated.”

“Let the two adults come this time, just because they want them to consider whether they can absorb our Longwei general into the dragon clan?”

Upon hearing this, the two dragon youths glanced at each other, and then shook their heads one after another: “It is unlikely that he does not have the dragon blood, and he cannot join the dragon.”

“Even if you join the Dragon Clan, you are also a strong subsidiary of the Dragon Clan. It is very difficult to become a member of the fourth ladder of the Dragon Clan.”

At this moment, although Wang Mang has not spoken to each other, he still speaks from these two guys.

He roughly knows that it is not so easy to join if he wants to join the Dragon Clan!

It seems that this task is more difficult than he thought!

Because this dragon just needs the blood of the dragon, this is the point where Wang Mang is stuck.

Where is Wang Mang’s dragon bloodline!

He is a purebred Void Python!

A python wants to mix into the dragon clan, and also become a member of the second ladder of the dragon clan, the candidate for the dragon emperor.

Wang Mang suddenly felt that this task was simply impossible to complete!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly became a little worried.

On the contrary, for the Xihai Dragon King, no matter what the purpose is, he wants to get him into the dragon clan, but it is something he likes to hear.

In Wang Mang’s guess, the Xihai Dragon King probably knew it, and he had secretly controlled the four major affiliated forces of Xihai Dragon Palace.

That’s why I wanted to get him into the dragon clan.

At this time, the Xihai Dragon King suddenly smiled at the two dragon youths, “Two adults, take a step to speak.”

Upon hearing this, the two dragon youths glanced at each other, nodded slightly, and then went to the side with the Xihai Dragon King to discuss them.

As for Wang Mang, he didn’t hear their discussion, probably because the other party didn’t want him to hear it.

Regarding this, Wang Mang sneered secretly, if it was just these two guys.

Wang Mang is still confident, and will be able to use the God-Controlling Seal to control the two young dragons.

Therefore, he wanted to see what tricks Xihai Dragon King and these two dragon guys are going to play.

After half an hour.

Wang Mang saw the Dragon King of Xihai and the two young dragons and returned to the position with a smile.

At this time, Xihai Dragon King came to Wang Mang and said with a smile:

“General Longwei, this king has persuaded these two dragon adults.”

“General Longwei, you can join the dragon clan, but you have to start with the dragon clan slaves.”

“However, this king believes that with the skills of Longwei’s general, it is definitely not difficult to become the core figure of the third ladder of the dragon clan in the future!”

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