Chapter 381 Find the Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor, the trouble that can’t escape, the dog king who got caught!

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was dumbfounded again.

He never expected that the master of the 18th floor The Underworld would have come to the door?

If it wasn’t prompted by the system task, I was afraid that I was caught right now?

Thinking of this, the joy of Wang Mang’s soaring strength immediately disappeared.

Even at this moment, Wang Mang felt a little flustered.

There is no doubt about the strength of the Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor, the strong Earthly Celestial!

Moreover, his ranking is now among the top three in the global list.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang panicked even more.

How can he fight against such an existence?

Therefore, these three tasks do not have to be selected at all!

It’s not safe to fight a fight regardless of victory or defeat!

In case the Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor is angered, this guy will chase him directly, or chase him down, it will not be possible.

Therefore, after Wang Mang thought about it for a moment, basically mission two and mission three could be eliminated.

Because, the current Wang Mang really can’t provoke the master of the eighteenth floor of The Underworld.

never mind! Anyway, it’s been a long time since I had a prostitute.

Just be a prostitute!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt depressed and said: “System, I choose task 1!”

The next moment, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 5 billion evolution points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Golden Treasure Box X1! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was also very helpless.

If he can, he doesn’t want to go whoring for nothing!

He even wanted to kill the Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor.

But Wang Mang knew how much he was capable of.

At this point, Wang Mang no longer talked about it, and he was ready to lead a few of his men out of his nest.

When Wang Mang came outside the cave, he found that all his acceptance had come.

The four emperors of West Tibet, the Heijiao emperor, and the three great monsters, as well as the old turtle in the reservoir!

“I have seen the master!”

After seeing Wang Mang, the crowd accepted them and said respectfully.

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly, and said directly:

“Stone Emperor, Flower Emperor, Black Flood Emperor, the three of you will go with the Emperor.”

“All the rest are free to move around in the prefecture and Guizhou province.”

“When the emperor is no longer there, it is good to leave the tiger, buffalo, goat, and demon free to guard Immortal Cave.”

“In addition, old turtle, you can just continue to look at the reservoir, hide it if you are in danger.”

“Yes!” After hearing Wang Mang’s order, all his men nodded respectfully.

After that, except for the three demon emperors that Wang Mang had named, the rest of the big demon went back one after another.

Similarly, Emperor Tree and Emperor Liu also nodded respectfully and left.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang nodded his head in satisfaction, and then turned to Shi Huang, Hua Huang, Black Jiao Emperor, and the three of them spoke:

“The three of you come with me!”

After speaking, Wang Mang’s huge body immediately drilled out eight huge fleshy wings.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly felt that a terrifying aura came vaguely in the distance.

After suddenly raising the giant snake’s head and looking at it, Wang Mang saw a cloud of mist in the distance, which was approaching here.

In addition, Wang Mang saw from a distance, a familiar figure in the black mist.

In this black mist is the dog emperor who just parted ways with Wang Mang not long ago!

At this moment, the dog king is constantly struggling in the black mist, but it is of no avail.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly became a little confused.

This dog king was caught?

Was it caught by the Lord of The Underworld on the 18th floor?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was too late to think, and directly ordered: “You go to Guizhou, Zhou, and I will take the initiative to look for you when I arrive.”

“It’s the master!” Shi Huang, Hei Jiao, and Hua Huang nodded one after another, and then left first.

After all, seeing the terrifying powerhouse attacking from a distance, they were also panicked!

From the perspective of aura alone, this powerful person who is not good at the comer is definitely not an existence that they can contend with.

Moreover, although they don’t know who the strong person is, they can tell from the breath that this strong person is likely to be Earthly Celestial.

Therefore, the speed of escape of these three emperors is faster than one.

Don’t even mention Wang Mang being speechless.

However, Wang Mang did not blame them either.

Because they stayed, they couldn’t help Wang Mang at all.

On the contrary, it may even become a burden, or a direct worthless sacrifice.

at the same time.

Similarly, Wang Mang did not choose to run away immediately.

The main thing is to buy time for his other three subordinates to run.

As for Wang Mang himself, of course he was not afraid.

His speed can even reach a speed of more than 60,000 kilometers per hour if he uses his magical powers one step at a time.

Therefore, even in the face of the strong Earthly Celestial, Wang Mang is very confident.

At this time, the eighteenth floor of The Underworld Lord, who had already descended from the sky, had already appeared in front of his eyes.

The master of The Underworld, the 18-story three-meter-high, three-sided, six-armed, three-meter-high, is pinching the dog emperor with one hand, as if carrying an object.

With a hideous and terrifying face, he looked at Wang Mang indifferently and coldly, and said Senran: “Take it out! Don’t force me to take action.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang immediately looked at the Lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor, and said in a puzzled tone:

“I wonder what the Lord of The Underworld is talking about?”

Although he had predicted the purpose of the other party’s coming, of course Wang Mang would not admit it.

After all, he used his Ascension strength and has already eaten it in his stomach. How did these six half-celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures spit out?

He wants to vomit but can’t vomit it!

Seeing Wang Mang pretending, the master of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor, his indifferent and deep eyes gradually turned scarlet.

At the same time, the aura of the lord of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor has become even more terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang became vigilant secretly.

As long as this guy dared to do something, Wang Mang would naturally run away in the first place.

As for the dog king who has now completely fallen into the eighteenth floor of the lord of The Underworld.

Although Wang Mang sympathizes with each other, he is still powerless now!

At this moment, the dog emperor couldn’t help but begged:

“Brother Monty Python, save me!”

“Somehow we have known each other for so long.”

“Brother, I have never done anything to apologize to you!”

“Brother, can’t you die without saving?”

Seeing the dog emperor’s voice burst into tears, he looked terrified and desperate.

Wang Mang was also very helpless, and there was nothing wrong with what the other party said.

The problem is, Wang Mang really can’t hand it over now!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang had no choice but to ask:

“Master of The Underworld, you ask me to take out so many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures now, we can’t take it out!”

“Even if you killed me, I really can’t get it out!”

“Or, Lord of The Underworld, do you think this will work?”

“We owe your six half-immortal Heavenly and Mortal Treasures first, don’t we?”

“If it doesn’t work, we can’t help it.”

“Perhaps you, sir, killed the dog emperor to calm down?”

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