Chapter 319: The Convergence of Global Powers? The existence of Earthly Celestial class? The 3rd strongest in the global rankings?

Hear Ying Zheng’s playful questioning.

Wang Mang is too late to speak.

The powerhouses of the Netherworld Palace present couldn’t help but laugh.

Because of Wang Mang’s reincarnation, the memory of his previous life was basically forgotten.

However, the powerhouses of the Netherworld Palace present know a general reason.

In fact, it is true.

Wang Mang, who knows a little about history, is basically known to everyone.

It can be said that if there is no Wang Mang to the Huohuohan room, the Han room is estimated to last longer.

As long as the Han Dynasty, the longer you hold it, the stronger Liu Bang’s strength will be!

Because Liu Bang was the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty.

However, Liu Bang is no match for Yingzheng in terms of Qiyun merit.

Therefore, in the Netherworld Palace, I was overwhelmed by Ying Zheng!

The Great Qin Empire, although the second king died.

But he was the first emperor to unite the world.

The merits of his luck and so on.

Can be described as the first person to eat crabs.

Therefore, the qiyun merits that Yingzheng possesses are too huge.

Even if the Han Dynasty was in its heyday for so long, it was still overwhelmed by Ying Zheng.

Of course, the forces of the Netherworld Palace are too complicated.

Even Yingzheng is only a strong one.

Really standing in the netherworld, the existence at the top of the pyramid.

They are one of the few Earthly Celestial-level powerhouses in the Netherworld.

The second step is Yingzheng, which is about to reach the Earthly Celestial level.

Of course, Wang Mang roughly guessed these news.

But Wang Mang didn’t think about it so much.

What he has a headache now is that he offended for no reason, the powerhouse of the Netherworld Palace.


No one else has gone to the Netherworld Mansion yet!

As a result, enemies already exist!

This kind of treatment is the legendary VIP?

After all, I haven’t seen anyone else get this treatment either!

Just when Wang Mang was depressed.

Ying Zheng smiled and comforted:

“Don’t worry, brother Wang Mang, brother will take care of you.”

“By the way, brother, we are now going back to discuss with the experts in the Nether Netherworld how to resolve this meteorite incident.”

“If Brother Wang Mang also wants to go to the underworld, can he accompany him with me?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang quickly shook his head and refused: “Brother Yingzheng, you go ahead!”

“My brother has to help the people of the Red Empire, how to deal with this matter.”

Hearing this, Ying Zheng nodded slightly, turned around and smiled at the powerful man in the Nether Netherworld present:

“At that time, you will have to give the emperor a face!”

“Don’t embarrass the emperor, this little boy!”

Hearing that, all the Nether Powers present, including the Black Dragon Daoist, all smiled and nodded.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the advantage of having more friends is good!

The frank identity this time, the result was not too bad for Wang Mang.

If there is no greeting from Ying Zheng, let alone the crowds of ghostly powerhouses present.

The black dragon Daoist, who was a bit dissatisfied with Wang Mang before, would not give Wang Mang too much face.

But not anymore.

At least in the face of Ying Zheng.

Wang Mang was not worried that he would have a grudge with Daoist, the black dragon.

“Brother! The emperor will go back first. This matter is very serious and should not be delayed.”

After speaking, Ying Zheng nodded slightly and turned into a cloud of black energy to drill back into the bottomless pit of the netherworld.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang also asked a group of strong people to please the strong and laughed: “Everyone, the little demon should go to work first.”

After a group of Nether Powers nodded, Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief, and then left the cave.

In a blink of an eye.

Five days passed.

Wang Mang also did his best.

He gathered all his strengths.

Yes, Wang Mang told the demon clan, sea clan, and even the netherworld palace the news.

It can be said that Wang Mang has assembled all the powerhouses he has contacted.

At this moment, on a large pier near the sea.

Here gathered a large number of strong monsters.

It seems that the number is not rare.

At a glance, they were all powerhouses of the Demon Emperor’s level.

Among these powerhouses, there are monsters, sea people, and powerhouses from the Netherworld.

In addition, it is the strong human being, and the strong human being is simply weak and pitiful.

Why does Wang Mang say that?

Because the human strong is really too weak.

At a glance, there is no strong person who has reached the Deva realm.

Deva Realm, that is, the existence of the Demon King level.

It is also worth mentioning.

A group of strong demon emperors present.

Only two players are the most powerful.

The first is naturally the powerhouse of the Netherworld Palace.

Even if Wang Mang was here, he couldn’t rank up at all.

Because, here is the strong of the Earthly Celestial level.

There are a total of six statues, all of which are powerhouses in the netherworld.

It can be said that the strength of the Netherworld Palace is now the most powerful.

It is stronger than the monster race.

These six Earthly Celestial level powerhouses.

They are:

The ghost god from the underworld, the horse face god.

The ghost and god from the underworld, the tauren.

The ghosts and gods from the underworld, the judge god.

Ghosts and gods from the underworld, two gods of black and white impermanence.

From The Underworld, the master of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor.

Of course.

Earthly Celestial of these six underworlds.

In fact, it is not a real cow head horse face, black and white impermanence.

It can be said that all of them are ghosts and gods who have obtained it.

It can also be seen from here how important these so-called meditation cards, fairy cards, and god cards are.

It’s like a carrot and a pit, after getting this identity card.

They can become the ghosts and gods of the underworld on earth!

In addition, there are many strong men that Wang Mang has never seen before.

Because, there are hundreds of powerhouses at the Demon Sovereign level!

Wang Mang even guessed that this is definitely the most powerful force on earth.

Six powerhouses of the Earthly Celestial level!

All came from the Netherworld Palace.

It can be said that Wang Mang is speechless here.

Let alone these people from the Red Empire.

If it weren’t for Wang Mang, they wouldn’t even have the right to stand here.

At this time.

An Earthly Celestial class, with a monster-like appearance, slowly said:

“Let’s wait here!”

This open monster has a human-like torso, all covered with black lines.

Except, he has three sides and six eyes on his head, six arms and a tail behind him, just like Tathagata from The Underworld’s Devil.

Similarly, he is also the most powerful existence in the underworld, and he is titled the lord of the eighteenth floor of The Underworld.

However, what exactly has the strength reached?

Wang Mang didn’t know.

Because, his information detection these days, it seems that it is unavailable.

I don’t know if it can be used now?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang quietly performed information detection again.

What surprised Wang Mang was that this time the information detection could be used!

But after reading the information of the lord of the underworld.

Wang Mang couldn’t help being stunned!

Target: Eighteenth floor, the master of The Underworld.

Taoism: 9800 years.

Level: Tier 3 powerhouse (human wonderland).

Supernatural powers:? ? ? .

Achievement: No. 3 in the global powerhouse list.

Note: The global powerhouse list has been refreshed.

Lucky value: 388.

Threat level: Under the fairy gods, all are ants.

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