Chapter 262 The lion emperor and tiger emperor who jumped out of the way at a critical moment!

Hear the promise from the King of Dogs.

Wang Mang still did not agree to the king of dogs.

Moreover, he was also very speechless.

This dog emperor was not born of a dog.

Is it possible to come from life?

However, the words of the dog king also have some truth.

That is, Wang Mang really has no choice but to catch up with the Half Immortal Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

Because, this half-celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, the speed is really too fast.

Wang Mang’s speed was already among the demon emperor, and he was considered outstanding.

But Wang Mang still couldn’t catch up!

Wang Mang couldn’t catch up.

Not to mention the stone emperor, the orangutan emperor.

Because, among the demon emperors.

Wang Mang’s speed is definitely the fastest besides the dog emperor.

Moreover, Wang Mang’s fastest speed can easily reach 1,000 kilometers per hour.

But he was still far behind by the dog king.

It can be seen from here.

How fast is the dog king?

But Wang Mang quickly found helplessly.

He seemed to have no other choice but to continue chasing.

Therefore, there were only two options before Wang Mang’s eyes.

He either chooses to believe in the king of dogs, or he continues to chase after him.

He believes the dog king’s words, it is possible that the other party will give him half.

He didn’t believe the dog king’s words, and he might not be able to divide it in half.

At this point, Wang Mang thought for a while before he made a decision.

Afterwards, Wang Mang spoke again: “Brother Dog Emperor! It’s not that I won’t help you!”

“Let’s do it! You swear a more vicious oath!”

“For example, if you don’t give me half, you will curse the catastrophe, Transcends Tribulation will die, and there will be no place to die!”

“Anyway, how can the viciousness come?”

After hearing Wang Mang’s transmission, the dog in front of him almost vomited blood.

Only then did he discover that Wang Mang, who called him a brother, was so vicious!

However, he can only compromise the current situation.

Otherwise, even if he got the Half Immortal Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, he might not be able to succeed.

Because these demon emperors will not let go!

It’s even more impossible to watch him helplessly and take away such a rare half-celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures in the world.

After a while, the dog emperor had no choice but to transmit the voice: “Okay! My dog ​​emperor swears to the sky!”

“If you don’t give half of it to you, my dog ​​king will be in trouble, Transcends Tribulation will die, and there will be no place to die!”

“How? Brother, I swear, brother, you should believe me now, right?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

If this dog king is so vicious, curse his own words.

Then Wang Mang had nothing to say.

Because the dog king can be so vicious to himself.

I guess he wouldn’t care about this vicious oath anymore.

at the same time.

Wang Mang pondered for a moment.

He had already figured out how to help delay time.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang spread his voice and said: “Brother Dog Emperor, you will run away soon.”

“I will help you intercept the fastest Tiger King and Lion King.”

“I believe that the other demon emperors with the slowest speed will not be able to catch up with you.”

Hearing this, the dog emperor immediately responded: “Would you like to stop the stone emperor and the gorilla emperor for me!”

“The two of them were stopped, and the other Demon Emperor didn’t pose much threat to me at all.”

Wang Mang suddenly sneered, this dog king is really ugly and beautiful!

The Scarlet Emperor and Stone Emperor, although their flying speeds are not very fast.

But their strength is not at the level of the 6,000-year Demon Emperor, and can be compared.

If Wang Mang is really going to intercept these two demon kings, I am afraid that his life is really in danger.

If he intercepted one, Wang Mang himself would be a little reluctant, and he would feel a little vacant in his heart.

But this dog comparison is better, let yourself stop the two strongest demon kings, this is to let yourself go desperately!

This dog is afraid that he wants to cheat himself, and then he can feel at ease without sharing the benefits for himself, right?

Therefore, Wang Mang indifferently rejected the dog’s request:

“Dream! I will stop the Tiger King and Lion King who are the fastest!”

Hearing Wang Mang’s non-negotiable tone, the dog king was very depressed and had no choice but to agree.

He really didn’t want to share the benefits to Wang Mang, and even wanted Wang Mang to intercept the Stone Emperor and the Scarlet Emperor.

Once Wang Mang died, he would definitely be given enough time.

Because, Wang Mang’s strength is in his eyes!

Therefore, as long as Wang Mang can hold the Scarlet Emperor and the Stone Emperor, this half-immortal Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, he will most likely enjoy it exclusively, and there is no need to separate it.

It’s a pity that Wang Mang is obviously not stupid, so he rejected him without hesitation.

This also made him know that playing these little tricks was useless, and Wang Mang was no more stupid than him.

at the same time.

At this moment, Wang Mang suddenly changed direction and rushed towards the fastest Tiger Emperor and Lion Emperor.

At the same time, Wang Mang condensed a terrifying thunder power between the two corners.

This terrifying power of thunder exploded towards Tiger Emperor and Lion Emperor.

“Monkey Demon King! Are you crazy? Is it time to fight?”

“Damn it! I’m so angry!”

Seeing the thunder power from Wang Mang, the lion emperor and tiger emperor were frightened and furious.

At the same time, they quickly avoided, Wang Mang displayed the power of thunder.

But what made them even more frightened was that Wang Mang actually attacked them again!

Not only that, but Wang Mang did not attack anyone, so he attacked both of them!

This is so angry that the Tiger Emperor and the Lion Emperor tremble all over, and they want to strangle Wang Mang to death.

Because they really don’t want to fight Wang Mang now.

Once they stayed, fighting against Wang Mang.

They will be completely missed by the Half Immortal Heavenly and Mortal Treasures!

This is the Half Immortal Heavenly and Mortal Treasures!

Once missed.

They may not have a chance to meet again!

Such a treasure is simply rare in the world!


It is Wang Mang’s strength.

It also made the Tiger King and the Lion King very jealous.

After all, the scene of Wang Mang’s killing the Brown Bear Emperor by thunderous methods is still vividly visible today.

Because of this, they didn’t choose to fight Wang Mang, which was totally thankless.

In addition, Tiger Emperor also worried that he would be killed by Wang Mang.

Because the brown bear emperor’s strength is not much different from him!

The results of it?

As a result, the Emperor Brown Bear and the Emperor Grizzly joined forces and still died in Wang Mang’s hands!

This made the Tiger King, who was afraid of Wang Mang himself, naturally more afraid.

But when they saw that the demon emperors had surpassed them, they were immediately anxious.

Because the demon emperors did not stay at all, and surpassed them one after another.

Suddenly, I saw Wang Mang in front.

After the tiger king and the lion king looked at each other, their eyes filled with a strong killing intent.

“Monarch, get out of the way, otherwise don’t blame us for being polite!”

Seeing that the two emperors were furious, there was even a tendency to join forces.

Wang Mang sneered secretly in his heart, then thought for a while and said:

“Lion emperor, you can go! The emperor won’t stop you!”

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