Chapter 222 Mission Selection! Past and Present? Never to please the enemy of fate!

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang’s heart was trembling!


This guy really is his fateful enemy!

Wang Mang didn’t have the slightest doubt about the tasks issued by the system.

This guy is obviously his fateful enemy!

Because it is destined from the name.

There is a bit of fatalism between them.

As a result, this guy is his destined enemy!

This reminded Wang Mang of a period of Han Dynasty history.

During the Han Dynasty.

There was an emperor with the same name as Wang Mang.

Talk to the great mage Liu Xiu who is known as the son of the plane.

In the end, the emperor Wang Mang was said to have successfully won the Liu family.

As a result… Liu Xiu appeared on the wall.

With less than tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, the emperor Wang Mang’s 300,000 army was overthrown.

It is said that even God was helping Liu Xiu, performing miracles several times and successfully helping Liu Xiu kill Wang Mang.

Such a legendary story can be said to have been passed down through the ages.

Of course Wang Mang knew too.

This also made Wang Mang unable to help but mutter to himself.

Could it be that I really am, the emperor Wang Mang will not be reincarnated?

Don’t tell me.

Wang Mang thought so.

He suddenly felt that this is really possible!

Because it’s such a coincidence!


He happened to be called Wang Mang.

Own fateful enemy is called Liu Xiu?

What a coincidence!

No one believes it!

After all, too many coincidences come together.

This means that it is definitely not an ordinary coincidence.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but ask:

“The system, doesn’t it really have past and present lives, right?”

“Is it really the emperor Wang Mang in my previous life?”

At this moment.

The system sound sounded again:

[The probability is 99%! 】

Damn it!

Damn it?

The probability is 99%?


Just say, I am the former emperor Wang Mang, and it’s over!

Thought of this.

Wang Mang’s heart got a little worse.

Afterwards, Wang Mang quickly asked in his heart:

“System, don’t tell me, this Liu Xiu is also the former emperor Liu Xiu of the Eastern Han Dynasty!”

The next moment.

The system sound sounded again:

[The probability is 99%! 】

Damn it!

I served it!

After getting the answer from the system.

Wang Mang almost couldn’t help crying.


Is not it!

Do I have to be killed by this guy again?

Follow the words of Fatty, the rebirth.

I will be killed by this Liu Xiu again in the future?

Thought of this.

Wang Mang’s heart sank.

Did not make a task choice immediately.

Because he depends on the situation to make a choice.

Moreover, he currently does not have the strength to kill this guy.

This Liu Xiu’s ranking is a few higher than him.

The ghost knows what means he has now?


Now there is an old Nanhua immortal here!

Therefore, Wang Mang did not make a choice and decided to wait and see.

At this moment.

Facing the white-haired majestic old man’s words.

Shi Huang sneered disdainfully and said, “This proposal is not very good.”

“Since ancient times, the relationship between our Monster Race and you has not been very good.”

“Also, do you think that if you call the old man from South China, we are afraid that you will not succeed?”

“The catastrophe is coming, we can hardly protect ourselves, and we still need to help you?”

After Shi Huang spoke, Liu Huang also spoke indifferently:

“Yes! The world is undergoing great changes, and we cannot protect ourselves. How can we help you?”

The Emperor Hua also nodded slightly and said:

“Old South China, it’s not that we won’t give you a Face.”

“The world is about to change. Bodhisattva crosses the river. It’s hard to protect ourselves!”

The dog emperor suddenly laughed and said:

“I’m easier to send. As long as you can afford good things, I can help you.”

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang chose to silently watch the situation change.

As for the Black Bear King, it didn’t even mean anything.

Because Wang Mang couldn’t even intervene.

He is even less qualified to interrupt as a Demon King.

Hearing this, the majestic old man with gray hair frowned:

“Don’t you think about it?”

“Perhaps in your eyes, we humans are small.”

“However, we have the power to destroy the world!”

Speaking of this, the majestic old man with white hair has an extremely sharp tone.

Hearing the harsh words of the old man, all the demon emperors present were silent.

Because the Red Empire is indeed qualified to say such things.

Even in the world, the red empire is a behemoth that is contending for one!

After a long silence, Shi Huang spoke: “These words do not threaten us!”

“Where do you come from, and where do you go back!”

“Since ancient times, our two races have not interfered with each other. Regarding the upcoming change of the world, let us all sweep away the snow!”

Hearing this, the white-haired and majestic old man was a little disappointed, then looked at the dog king and asked:

“I wonder what this Demon Emperor wants?”

Hearing this, the dog emperor grinned and said: “It’s easy to say, if you guys ask the old Nanhua fairy to give me ten 8,000-year-old Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.”

“The emperor must stand firmly in your camp and help you through the difficulties!”

Upon hearing this, the white-haired and majestic old man looked at Nanhua old immortal.

But before the old fairy Nanhua spoke, Liu Xiu, a grim young man, said coldly:

“Ten 8,000-year-old Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, do you dare to speak?”

“Why don’t you grab it?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but get excited secretly.

OK! well done!

You kid had better offend a few more demon kings!

as predicted.

Hearing Liu Xiu’s words, the emperor dog suddenly became angry and said:

“Who do you think you are?”

“Are you talking here?”

Hearing the words of the dog king, this stern young man was full of irritation.

At this time, Old Immortal Nanhua smiled and said, “Don’t worry about the dog king, the kid is not sensible.”

“But the dog emperor has too many requests, and the old man can’t come up with so many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures of the eight thousand year demon emperor level.”

Hearing this, the dog emperor said coldly: “That’s a fart!”

Seeing this scene, while Wang Mang was secretly delighted, he already made a decision.

Afterwards, Wang Mang said silently in his heart: “System! I choose task 1!”

The next moment, the familiar voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! The host has completed the task! Get 10 million evolution points! 】

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since he knew that Liu Xiu was the apprentice of Nanhua Lao Xian.

Wang Mang knew that it was impossible to kill Liu Xiu in advance.

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally chose the task.

As for asking him to please his fateful enemy?

to be honest.

Although Wang Mang is not wanting face, his face is also very thick.

However, he can’t do it to please a fateful enemy!

He can please anyone, but it is impossible to please the enemy of fate!

What’s more, the system said it!

He was probably the emperor Wang Mang!

This is naturally impossible like Liu Xiu bowed her head.

At this moment.

Liu Xiu in the distance suddenly turned to look at Wang Mang, her eyes sharp.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was startled and frightened.

Damn it!

This dog shouldn’t be aware of it, am I being unkind to him?

The next moment, Liu Xiu, who was looking at Wang Mang, suddenly faced the old Nanhua immortal beside him:

“Master, since the negotiation failed, then forget it.”

Hearing this, the old man Nanhua nodded and looked at the white-haired majestic old man with a little regret, and said helplessly:

“The old man tried his best.”

Hearing that, the white-haired and majestic old man nodded bitterly and said: “I know, I will trouble you.”

The old Nanhua nodding expressionlessly said, “That old way is gone!”

At this moment, Liu Xiu suddenly said:

“and many more!”

“Huh?” Old Nanhua looked at his apprentice Liu Xiu unexpectedly.

At this time, Liu Xiu stared sharply at Wang Mang, and said to the old fairy in South China:

“Master, I want to kill this monster king!”

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