The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 687: You can't live up to my sister

(First more)

After the car drove out of the villa, Wu Yue also asked in a low voice.

When something like this happened today, Wu Yue was always worried, for fear that Ling Ruonan and Luo Ziling would be in trouble.

Seeing them come back safely, I was relieved, but doubts remained. She didn't dare to ask Ling Ruonan, so she could only go to Luo Ziling to ask things. Luo Ziling had nothing to hide, and told Wu Yue most of the things.

After listening to what Luo Ziling said, Wu Yue was relieved again, and did not ask much.

Luo Ziling also reminded Wu Yue to ask her to pay more attention in normal times. If anyone is unfavorable to Ling Ruonan, she must tell him as soon as possible.

"Sister Wu Yue, you treat my mother like your mother, and my mother treats you like a daughter. If you have anything, you have to bear more snacks." Luo Ziling finally made such a joke.

Wu Yue naturally agreed: "Please rest assured, Master, I will definitely pay more attention and never let them endanger the safety of the young lady."

When Wu Yue's car arrived at the school gate, Luo Ziling also contacted Yang Qingye as soon as possible.

Yang Qingye stayed in a nearby kfc and ran over immediately after receiving a call from Luo Ziling.

"Brother-in-law, I have been waiting for you for a long time," Yang Qingye complained as soon as they met, "Fortunately, there is a KFC nearby, otherwise I will freeze to death."

"What do you want to tell me? Or is it about your ex-girlfriend's pregnancy?" Luo Ziling ignored Yang Qingye's complaint and asked bluntly: "Just say what you want, don't mother-in-law."

"Brother-in-law, let me ask you to have tea. Let's go to the teahouse over there," Yang Qingyin pointed to the teahouse near the school, "Let's sit down and have a cup of hot tea."

Luo Ziling thought for a while, didn't refuse, and went to the teahouse with Yang Qingye.

After the two asked for a box, two glasses of Longjing, and some fruits and snacks, they started talking.

"Brother-in-law, at my mom's birthday dinner today, my dad said publicly that he wants my sister to go abroad to study," Yang Qingye said straightforwardly. "Today my mom's birthday party was attended by a lot of people. They all cared. I don’t know who said something about my sister’s marriage. My sister is in a relationship with a classmate, and another said, “Isn’t my sister going to get married to Fang Dongxun? When others say this, my dad gets angry and speaks in public. I want to send my sister out to study, and he will choose a husband-in-law for my sister."

"Then what's your sister's reaction?" Luo Ziling frowned, "Why didn't your sister tell me this?"

"My sister is still at home, I sneaked out first, and just came over, I came to talk to you," Yang Qingye said very quickly: "Of course my sister doesn't want to go abroad to study, she said she was studying History, the research direction is also Chinese history. To study Chinese history, but not to study world history, there is no need to go abroad to study. Therefore, she publicly rejected my father’s proposal and said that she was still young and did not consider it for the time being Love and marriage, she just wants to focus on her studies."

"What happened then?"

"Of course my dad is very angry, saying that we must follow the advice of the adults in the family in terms of academic and marriage arrangements."

"How did your sister respond?" After asking this, Luo Ziling felt a little anxious and a little stupid. If he didn't ask, Yang Qingye should have said faster.

"My sister said that she has grown up and can decide everything by herself. She is now in her sophomore year. Even if she wants to study abroad, she will have to wait for her to consider after graduation." Yang Qingye said, sighed slightly, "I saw it. Come out, if my sister didn’t take into account that it was my mother’s birthday, she would definitely fight with my dad in public, and even turn her face. Brother-in-law, for you, in order to maintain the relationship with you, my sister is ready to leave home. I can tell you that if you fail her, I will fight you hard."

Although Yang Qingye had threatened him like this several times, Luo Ziling didn't care. Instead, he felt that Yang Qingye was very loyal and had feelings for his sister. Therefore, he automatically ignored Yang Qingye's threat, but let him do more.

"My sister gave your gift to my mother. My mother was very happy and said that she should invite you to the banquet, but she only said this to our sister and brother. When my dad said those things, she said In my own opinion, it is said that the new era should not impose the will of the parents on the children, but let them make their own choices." When Yang Qingye said this, there was a weird look on his face, "I can't think of it. Why would my mother sing a drama with my dad in public. My dad is very angry, and I think if it is not my mom's birthday, my dad will have a fight with her."

At this time, Luo Ziling's cell phone rang, and when he saw that Yang Qingyin was calling, he quickly picked it up.

"School brother, are you back?" Yang Qingyin's tone sounded a little lost.

"I'm drinking tea with Qingye. Where are you?" Luo Ziling of course heard Yang Qingyin's low expression when speaking, and immediately asked: "You come over for tea together, OK?"

"Okay." Although Yang Qingyin was a little surprised, she readily agreed.

After asking where they were staying, Yang Qingyin also hung up.

"Brother-in-law, my sister will come, so I can’t stay there anymore. It feels uncomfortable to be an electric light bulb, and my sister doesn’t want me to be an electric light bulb. I'll talk about something else," Yang Qingye heard Luo Ziling and Yang Qing Yin's call, and quickly said: "How do you think we should handle the matter between Jiang Xiaojin and me? Also, when will the last time you ask me to investigate the matter?"

"I now think that your ex-girlfriend may have been used by I will let someone check it. It should be possible to find out. The last time the forum post happened, maybe tomorrow As a result. At that time, I will contact you again." Luo Ziling said, patted Yang Qingye's shoulder heavily, "I think you should find a way to figure out whether your ex-girlfriend is carrying your flesh and blood. If it’s not your seed, then you don’t have to take any responsibility, and you can do things simply and neatly; if it’s yours, you should think of a way to let her do the flow of people. If you can solve the problem all at once, it’s best Up."

"Okay," Yang Qingye thought about it seriously after listening to Luo Ziling's words, and finally nodded and approved Luo Ziling's proposal, "I will find a way to solve the matter as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble for all of us. But, I didn't. I'm embarrassed to think that things will affect you. Hey, you are still a good person, so you can find clues so quickly."

"You just don't do these messy things in the future." Luo Ziling snorted a little bit angry.

At this time, the box door was knocked gently, and Yang Qingye quickly stepped forward to open the door.

Standing outside was a tightly wrapped Yang Qingyin.

(End of this chapter)


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