Chapter 45、In Distress


The lake master let out another roar.

The deafening roar stirred up waves several meters high. Beside it, Eluka covered her ears, yet she still struggled to withstand the intense pain brought on by the shockwave.

“Is this your lament before death?”

An seemed unaffected at all, her scythe raised high, like the Grim Reaper descending to reap the souls before her.

In the lake master’s eyes reflected An’s indifferent face, revealing a hint of human-like fear. It had never encountered such a powerful human before.

But this fear quickly morphed into a frenzied desperation!

If it was to die, it would drag this human down with it!

Lightning flickered, white bolts of thunder coiling around the lake master.

However, the horn that served as its launcher had already broken. How could it possibly threaten An before it, merely by gathering this lightning?

Or was it just a way to temporarily stave off the arrival of death in this self-destructive manner?

An furrowed her brows slightly, pausing her raised scythe.

She was waiting for the lake master to lose its grip and disperse the lightning.

But the lightning showed no signs of fading; the lake master was clearly exhausted, yet these bolts grew even more dazzling and brilliant.

“Something’s not right, very wrong.”

Not far away, Eluka noticed a clue.

She heard the sound of a heartbeat.

A rapid heartbeat.

A heartbeat that seemed about to explode!

This kind of heartbeat could only mean one thing.

“Get away! It’s going to self-destruct!”

Realizing the lake master’s intent, Eluka hurriedly shouted anxiously at An.


An’s gaze sharpened as she looked at the lake master.

At this moment, she finally saw the madness and mockery reflected in the beast’s eyes.

“Ha, did I underestimate you?”

In that instant, the lightning gathered around the lake master suddenly exploded.


With a thunderous roar that shook the heavens, a dazzling flash of lightning illuminated half the sky.



“Are… are you okay?”

Ailuka, relying on her meager levitation spell, hid on the surface of the lake not far away, watching the radiant lightning that shone like a small sun, only to vanish in an instant.

Charred chunks of flesh scattered from the center of the explosion, resembling a rather unromantic meteor shower.

The lake master had clearly controlled the blast radius, so Ailuka was not affected at this distance, but that only heightened her concern.

Because a smaller range meant greater damage!

The lake master’s actions were clearly aimed at ensuring mutual destruction!

“Please be okay, that lady.”

Ailuka prayed silently, her gaze fixed on the center of the explosion.

The residual heat from the blast created a thick mist, making it difficult to see what was happening at the center.

Fortunately, the heavy rain continued to pour.

The mist quickly dissipated due to the downpour, and the scene at the explosion’s center gradually came into view for Ailuka.

Since the explosion occurred on the lake’s surface, the lake master’s self-detonation did not result in a particularly shocking scene; only the steel thorny forest that had originally bound it had melted considerably from the high temperature, then cooled by the lake water, leaving behind visible traces of red and white at the tips.

The lake master had long since vanished, likely even the remnants had fallen into the lake during the recent meteor shower.

Above the steel thorny forest, a massive, striking metallic sphere floated quietly, exuding an eerie beauty.

“What is this…”

Ailuka’s heart leaped into her throat as she gazed at the metallic sphere.

“Um… Miss, are you alright?”

She called out cautiously in a soft voice.


A circular gap suddenly appeared in the metallic sphere.

An stepped out from within, turning to look at Ailuka, her expression still dignified and serene, seemingly unaffected by the recent brush with death.

“I’m fine.”

“Ah, that’s great!”

Ailuka’s heart, which had been hanging in suspense, finally settled, and she couldn’t help but let out a long sigh of relief.

The taut string of her nerves relaxed all at once, and she felt an overwhelming wave of fatigue wash over her.

“Ah, right, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ailuka, thank you for saving me just now!” Ailuka forced herself to bow.

“An, you don’t need to thank me.”

An said:

“Killing that magical beast was only because it was in the way.”

“Even so, I’m very grateful to Miss An!”

Ailuka puffed up her cheeks and said earnestly, “I will bring my companions to deliver a token of thanks to Miss An later, so please don’t refuse!”


An suddenly fell silent, her cold gaze sweeping over Ailuka’s face.

“Hey, did I say something wrong?”

“No, I was just thinking, aren’t you worried about your companions?”

“Ah, right, my companions!”

Only then did Ailuka remember that her two companions were missing.

“They fell in that direction.”

An pointed towards a direction.

“Thank you!”

Ailuka hurriedly expressed her gratitude, mustering her spirits and quickly using her levitation spell to fly in that direction.

After Ailuka left, An withdrew her gaze.

She lowered her head, looking at the vast lake, and rubbed her temples, feeling a bit of a headache.

“Alright, the troublesome thing has been dealt with, but how am I going to catch the fish?”



“Rod! Tia! Are you alright?”

Following An’s guidance, Ailuka searched along the way and finally found Rod and Tia by the shore.

As soon as Rod saw Ailuka, he immediately showed an excited expression:

“Ailuka, you came just in time, quickly use healing magic, Tia…”


Ailuka then noticed that Tia wasn’t mocking her usual clumsy appearance as she normally would, but was lying on the ground, pale and looking extremely painful, with blood seeping from the corner of her mouth.

“She must have been injured internally by the shockwave just now, Ailuka, quickly use healing magic on her!”

“But… but my magic power is already exhausted…”


Rod was taken aback, then suddenly rushed over and grabbed Ailuka by the collar, shaking her vigorously:

“What did you say? Out of magic? Not a bit left? What about the recovery potion?”

“Ad, you’re hurting me…”

Ailuka broke free from Rod’s grip, gasping for breath, and said with difficulty:

“There really isn’t any magic left, and hasn’t Tia always been in charge of the recovery potions?”

“But I just checked her backpack, and there’s none.”

“If she forgot to bring it, then there’s nothing I can do.”

“Damn it!”

Rod slammed his fist into the ground. “As a mage, why don’t you even carry potions?”


Haven’t I already said that Tia manages the recovery potions?

Besides, I’m not like Tia, who is used to squandering magic. If it weren’t for all these unexpected events, I wouldn’t have run out of magic at all.

In the end, shouldn’t it be Tia’s fault for not bringing the potions?

“I have no choice; I need to take Tia to the guild right now.”

Rod hoisted Tia onto his back.

“I’m going too,” Ailuka said.

“Forget it, just stay here and rest.”

Rod didn’t even look back:

“All you’ll do is hold me back!”


Ailuka watched as Rod disappeared from view, carrying Tia.

The rain grew heavier, stinging her eyes.

Unconsciously, Ailuka’s fingers had dug deep into the soil, leaving behind a few jagged marks on the ground, which were quickly submerged by the rainwater.

She’s so annoying.

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