“ Sweep it all away !”

Yoo Ji-hwan’s voice giving instructions .

I reflexively gripped my sword and lowered my posture .

Knock-knock-knock-knock-knock-knock –

one, two, three, four… .

There are so many horned rabbits running towards me that I cannot count them .

“… .”

Only class D.

Although they have horns on their heads, they are monsters with low combat power, similar to those of F-class slimes .

Kang Choong – Kang Choong – Kang Choong –

The moment the first horned rabbit group came into range .

“… sup… .”

Holding his breath, he swung his sword at the jumping horn rabbits at the same time .

Whoops -!

But the horned rabbits were much quicker than I expected, and my first attack only cut a few .

Knock-knock-knock-knock-knuckle –

surviving guys wrap around .

“… chit .”

Just as he was about to pierce the path by kicking his tongue, a small explosion was heard along with Yoo Ji-hwan’s voice .

Bang -!

“ Soyeon-ah! Keep moving !”

I hurriedly pulled myself out of the path that Yoo Ji-hwan had made, and swung my sword while enticing the horned rabbits that kept coming .

“… ha ha !”

Puff-! Perk !

one, two .

With each swing of the sword, only one or two horned rabbits fall .

Kang Choong – Kang Choong – Kang Choong – Kang Choong – Horned

rabbits sprouting from the hole are constantly flocking to me .

… I’m annoyed… . I try to swing my

sword with nervousness in a strange sense of helplessness, but oh

-oh !

All you have to do is cut down the few that couldn’t dodge the attack .

pop-! Bang -!

“ Soyeon-ah! You have to put a lot of magic into it !!”

Jihwan, who has already climbed up the tree, is helping to reduce the number of horned rabbits that flock to me, but there are so many that it doesn’t mean much .

… It can’t be like this .

I immediately turned and changed direction in the opposite direction, and set some distance with the horned rabbits in the lead .

Tat- !

Then, the negative emotions were used as a medium to gather magic power and put it on the tip of the sword .

Shoo Woo Woong –

Magic power fluctuates and shakes the tip of the sword .

Ji-ying –

a slight vibration that sticks to the palm .

As soon as a group of horned rabbits, which turned late, stepped out of the ground to run at me .

“… ha ha ha !!!”

Exploding magical power, he swung his sword .

Aww !

A faint dust of dust that rises with a brief roar .

As if the attack was effective, quite a number of horned rabbits were wallowing on the ground . At that time, while I was

swallowing saliva with

an unknown excitement, I saw numerous horned rabbits running through the dust .

“… uh… .”

A little tired of it, I swung my sword while exploding my magic again to finish it as quickly as possible .

“… ha ha !!!”

Aww! Aww !

As much as he poured his magic power, he was able to kill quite a few horned rabbits .

However… .

Kang-chung-kang-chong-kang-chong-kang-choong –

No matter how much you swing your sword, no matter how much magical power you put out, the horned rabbits will not decrease .

No, the number is increasing .

“… uh… .”

At this point, I’m starting to wonder .

How much longer do I have to swing my sword ?

What was Jihwan thinking that brought me to this place ?

Obviously, I came in lightly, feeling like I was on a date like last time… .

Knock-knock-knock-knock –

“… Oh really… !”

Due to the constant crowding, he once again took off his sword and circulated around the vacant lot to lure the horned rabbits .

… what’s so much… ?

The horned rabbits are constantly jumping, whether they are tired or not .

If this happens , I will be the first to collapse from exhaustion .

“ Min So-yeon !”

At that moment, Jihwan, who was on the tree, shouted at me .

“ Sweep them all at once! at once !!”

… Sweep all these things at once… ?

I have already launched a number of large attacks, but the number has increased rather than decreased .

I started to get angry when I kept repeating the words to wipe them all at once even though I was watching them all .

“… There are too many !!”

As I cried out in tears, Yoo Ji-hwan, who was watching me, gave me another piece of advice .

“ Think of one !”

… one ?

I doubt Yoo Ji-hwan’s words to think of these numerous horned rabbits as one .

Tat- !

I momentarily turned and looked at the flock of horned rabbits that followed .

Kang Choong – Kang Choong – Kang Choong – Chasing

after you with tail on tail, even if you count it roughly, it seems like it would be over a hundred .

“… eww… .”

… How are you supposed to think of this as one ?

No matter how much you cut it , the number will not decrease .

As if my attack didn’t work .

It’s like dealing with a mother who didn’t even blink an eye no matter how much she attacked .

“… .”

… Dealing with Mom… ?

Tat-! Tat-! Tat- !

After getting a little further apart from the lead group, I looked back once more .

An endless flock of horned rabbits .

What if this wasn’t just a low-level monster, a horned rabbit, but a ‘swordmaster’ ?

He probably couldn’t even run away .

But the horned rabbits are not easy opponents .

Neither these little beasts nor my mother nor anything else in that they didn’t even do a significant blow to the multitudes that followed me .

“… one animal… .”

Let’s review Yoo Ji-hwan’s words .

His advice to count the countless horned rabbits as ‘one’ .

blame !

I stopped running away and looked back . Gang-chong-kang-chung-kang

chong- A huge wave coming with its horns out .

“… … .”

To defeat this ‘monster’, I have to become a monster too .

“… sup… .”

Lower your posture to correct your center of gravity, and pull the tip of the sword back .

Ugh – It

was impossible to defeat him in the first place .

Goal only once . woo woo

woo woo …

Let ‘s just cut it once .

“… Whoo… .”

Exhaling the breath that was full as if the body had been drained of

strength ,

The moment your eyes met the ‘ monster’ .

“… Ha !”

blow .

He swung his sword to cut the ‘ strongest’ .


Waves from Min So-yeon’s sword split the horn rabbits .

Kwa-Gaga-Gaga-Gaga- !

The ground dug as if cut by something and the horned rabbits rolling around .

Admiration bursts out involuntarily at the tragic sight .

“… her… .”

If my memory isn’t wrong, it’s stronger than when my wife first exhaled a sword .

Is this really a blessed talent ?

My wife is an elite among the elite who have been taught by Jeong Nando since childhood .

He was truly a genius, able to master his powers and talents perfectly .

By the way… .

So-yeon has more potential than such a wife .

“… .”

I have a complicated mind .

If I had followed Nando Jeong and trained Soyeon from a young age… .

“… That’s not it .”

I clenched my fists and erased the thoughts that crept into my mind .

Meanwhile, another group of horned rabbits began to spring out of the hole in the middle of the vacant lot, and said ,

“ Oh .”

I quickly closed the hole using earth magic .

Kugugugugung –

“ Whoa … .”

As I went down the tree, Soyeon, who was dealing with the remaining horned rabbits, found me and approached me right away .

“ Soyeon-ah !”

Subtly twisted lips and a recalled face .

They look as if they are expecting a compliment .

… I can’t help it… !

I happily hugged her and poured out compliments .

“ It was really cool!! How did you do it all at once? Is n’t our Soyeon a genius !?”

“… Mmm, dusty… .”

Then Soyeon responded that she was shy and tried to push me away… .

It’s not too early

A child who has performed well needs proper praise .

I hugged Soyeon even more tightly and continued complimenting her .

“ I can do this today. You’ve done this much, what more do you do? Shall we go home right away? Let’s eat something delicious today !”

“… 👌👌👌👌 .”

So, I hugged Soyeon and showered her with praises for a while, and she was only released when her face was red as if she was ripe .

In the first place, the purpose was not for subjugation, but for training, so I thought that this level of achievement would be sufficient, so I went back immediately with only the parts… .

“… Let’s do a little bit more .”

Soyeon also said that the fire had caught on and that we should continue training .

“ Are you okay? Don’t you have enough mana ?”

I was worried that I might be overdoing it, but… .

“… I can do it .”

Soyeon showed a strong will, and drilled the hole that I had blocked herself .

So the training resumed .

Kwa-G-G-G-G-G-Gak- !

“… eww… .”

“ Would you like to rest? Or are you going back ?”

We decided to go home when Soyeon started showing signs of hardship, and said ,

“… too many… .”

“ Um… . Let’s just do this and go slowly .”

I caught too many horned rabbits, so I collected only some of the horns and left the vacant lot .

“… Why are you here? Is n’t it the other way around ?”

“ This is the right place to go .”

The road we came on is a shortcut, but the terrain is a bit tiring, and we can’t climb the hill where we rode the sled, so we have to turn around a bit .

While we were talking with Soyeon on how to celebrate today, we were walking through the coniferous forest… .

“… It is snow .”

Finally, the snow began to appear .

Seeing eyes means that we are getting closer to the normal terrain, and other hunters and monsters that are not horned rabbits also appear .

“ From here on, you will see people .”

“… okay ?” From gates of rank

D or higher, there are monsters who are the final bosses .

At the snowfield gate we entered, there is a monster called ‘The Yeti’, and since it is a monster that lives in a group, they usually subjugate it by forming a subjugation squad .

Of course, my wife and I subjugated just the two of us, but… .

It’s not a special case like us, and hunters who don’t have a humble affiliation often seek out subjugation teams, and the

place where such people gather is called a ‘shelter’ .

Perhaps if you keep walking like this, you will reach the shelter, and now that you have come this far, it will be okay to show Soyeon the shelter .

As I was walking little by little, I started seeing people subjugating monsters such as horned rabbits and ice wolves… .

“ That’s the shelter .”

“… that one ?”

Dozens of people gathered under the giant tent came into view .


When Min So-yeon and Yoo Ji-hwan were at the gate .

maiden’s house .

“ I don’t think that’s a bit… .”

Hye-sun Gong was disgusted with Su-yeon Kang’s opinion and rejected it .

“ Ha… .”

Kang Su-yeon, who sighed and shook her head as if frustrated, shot at Gong Hye-sun with a tone that she couldn’t understand .

“ No… , why do people turn away like this? That’s what happened just by thinking about it! All the kids these days say they’re scared, that’s a lie !”

Then Gong Hye-sun answered, shaking her head firmly, as if she couldn’t do it .

“ Ah, anyway… , go, river… . Oh no! Jihwan will hate it… !”

“ Huh? Who forced you to do it? Why don’t you just give me some medicine ?”

“ What’s the difference between being forced to do it… !”

Hye-sun Gong covered her head as if she did not want to even imagine .

“ If I suddenly became pregnant, then what would Jihwan think of me… . Oh no… !”

“ Ah, indeed! Is it because once you give birth, it is unconditional? Honey, don’t you want to hear it !?”

It has been three hours since we started planning the plan .

Their conversation was still running parallel .

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