The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7351: ask my opinion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

The intersection area of ​​the outer layer and the middle layer of this place of origin, for most monks, is nothing more than a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, but for Beiming, it is like its amusement park.

Even, Jiang Yun could feel the excitement emanating from his whole body.

The huge body sometimes went east, sometimes west, wherever it went, the dark beast immediately scattered and fled like a frightened bird.

Beiming just chased after it happily.

Rather than saying that Beiming is merging with the dark beast, it is more appropriate to say that he is playing.

Jiang Yun didn't stop it either. However, it ran back and forth like this, which made Jiang Yun unable to calm down, so after a while, Jiang Yun simply left Beiming's body, and just told it to come back early after merging with similar dark beasts, and let it go


After being chased away by Beiming for a long time, Jiang Yun couldn't see a single dark beast within a radius of ten thousand miles, and Jiang Yun was also very happy.

After watching Bei Ming's figure gradually recede, Jiang Yun sat down cross-legged on the spot, arranged a dream for himself again, and began to continue to absorb the water of the Great Dao in the Stone of Origin.

Originally, his purpose of absorbing the water of the Great Dao was just to improve his strength as much as possible.

But now, after seeing that picture with no beginning and no end, he is interested in whether there are more pictures like that hidden in the water of the great road.

Therefore, he wanted to absorb all the water of the Great Dao as soon as possible.

As traces of the water of the avenue were continuously integrated into the guardian avenue, Jiang Yun could clearly feel that his strength was improving little by little.

But at this time, he had to start thinking about how to take the next step of his practice.

According to his original understanding, as long as he unites yin and yang and breaks through to the original Dao realm, which is the Tai Chi Dao realm he named himself, then it is possible to become a transcendent powerhouse and truly stand on the pinnacle of cultivation.

But now, he has reached the original state, but not only has he not become a transcendent powerhouse, but also has no way forward.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun still found nothing, he shook his head helplessly and said: "Forget it, let's continue to figure out what Senior Ye Dong asked the Ten Blood Lamp Spirit to teach me!"

"Perhaps, that is the key to making me a transcendent powerhouse!"

Although the six ways of destroying the world performed by the Ten Blood Lamp Artifact Spirit at the beginning seemed to be just a kind of magical power, Jiang Yun learned something from it.

From then on, no matter in the illusion of dreams or on the way here, as long as Jiang Yun absorbs the water of the great way, he will inevitably deduce his own comprehension repeatedly in his mind.

Now, Jiang Yun is also immersed in his mood again, and continues to deduce.

At the same time, General Jin Chan has also reached the edge of the intersection.

Seeing that there are obviously fewer dark beasts ahead, Jin Chan will show surprise on his face, and he said to himself: "Although Ye Bai said that Jiang Yun can control dark beasts, there are too few dark beasts." right?"

"Could it be that the dark beasts here have been subdued by him?"

"If that's the case, then I still have some trouble trying to catch him in the intersection area!"

Even though General Jin Chan was not afraid of the Dark Beast, he had entered this intersection area before and left safely.

However, thinking that Jiang Yun can control the Dark Beast, the intersection area is tantamount to becoming Jiang Yun's home field.

Once I go in, if I meet Jiang Yun and Jiang Yun controls all the dark beasts to deal with me, then I need to consider self-protection instead of dealing with Jiang Yun.

Therefore, after pondering for a moment, Jin Chanjiang gave up his plan to enter the intersection area to catch Jiang Yun, but sat down cross-legged outside, waiting for Jiang Yun to appear.

He didn't believe that Jiang Yun had the ability to pass through the intersection area safely and directly enter the middle level of the land of origin.

What's more, Meng Jue said very clearly that Jiang Yun had to go to the middle of the moon, so even if Jiang Yun could go to the middle level, he would definitely come back.

Jiang Yun naturally didn't know that Jin Chan would be waiting for him outside, but continued to immerse himself in deduction.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed, Jiang Yun slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly looked up.

In the boundary gap, there is actually no distinction between up, down, left, and right directions at all, so the so-called up that Jiang Yun is looking at at this moment is just an endless darkness.

However, looking at the darkness above his head, Jiang Yun's eyes gradually lit up, and he murmured: "Senior Ye Dong's six ways of destroying the world seem to be tailor-made for me. Average!"


Just when Jiang Yun said these two words, the guardian Dao seal he left in Bei Ming's body suddenly sent back a feeling of fear, which interrupted his subsequent words.

The appearance of this emotion made Jiang Yun slightly startled.

Beiming, as the lowest level of life form, possesses almost an innate ability to fear nothing, even has no natural enemies. How could he be inexplicably afraid?

Could it be that in the depths of this intersection area, is there any unknown existence that can threaten the dark beast?

Although he was puzzled, Jiang Yun had waved his hand away from the dream, stood up, and rushed towards Bei Ming's position.

No matter why Bei Ming was afraid, since Bei Ming had already been subdued by Jiang Yun, of course Jiang Yun would not ignore its safety.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun saw Bei Ming after only traveling more than 100,000 miles.

In the past five days, Beiming's body has grown by more than half of its original size.

And such a huge body was standing there, trembling constantly, so that the surrounding cracks trembled together, like an earthquake.

"What's wrong with you!" Jiang Yun stepped onto Bei Ming's body and asked.

It was naturally impossible for Bei Ming to speak, but after hearing Jiang Yun's voice, his body shook again, and he responded with actions.

Its huge body turned around in an instant, and instead of continuing to move forward, it rushed towards the back, which is the direction Jiang Yun and it came from.

Jiang Yun didn't ask again.

Because, at the moment when Beiming turned his head, he turned his head suddenly, and saw behind him a darkness much larger than Beiming's!

At a glance, Jiang Yun immediately understood!

Obviously, that piece of darkness is also a darkness beast!

The dark beasts in the chaotic domain are all individuals, and they will not actively merge with each other at all.

It was driven by Jiang Yun's guardian seal that Bei Ming learned to integrate the same kind.

However, in this place of origin, dark beasts of the same kind have already appeared!

Bei Ming encountered this even bigger dark beast, just like the dark beast that was scared by it and fled around.

An instinctive fear made it clear that if it met the other party, it would become the one to be fused, so it felt scared.

Jiang Yun, who understood all this, came back to his senses after a brief surprise, and stared coldly at the huge dark beast behind him.

Any life will evolve.

Even if the dark beast is the lowest level of life form, it is no exception.

Not to mention that the dark beast has learned to merge with its own kind, and it may even become a big monster and a monk in the passage of time.

The dark beast in front of him not only learned to fuse with the same kind, but also clearly possessed a simple consciousness.

Just now, it was under the oppression of its will that Bei Ming was extremely scared, but he didn't dare to move, and could only wait for the other party to come and fuse him.

Thanks to Jiang Yun's sudden arrival, it had the courage to escape.

Jiang Yun stared at the dark beast, and suddenly said slowly: "Bei Ming is my pet beast, if you want to integrate it, you should ask my opinion first!"

While speaking, Jiang Yun had already raised his hand, and a large number of dao patterns spread out, and began to form a guardian dao seal.

Jiang Yun's family has a shortcoming of protecting their weaknesses.

For Jiang Yun, since Bei Ming had been subdued, of course he would not allow it to be bullied by other creatures. Now, Jiang Yun is going to subdue this dark beast, and then let Beiming merge it!

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