The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 1374: Still one person

In addition to Jiang Yun, the other five people in the hall at the moment, including Wang Yuanzhong and Zhan Qiu, all flashed a stunned color.

Jiang Yun does not know this old man, but a few of them are familiar.

This old man is called War Tianli, don't look at his skinny, but people, as their name, are born with divine power, cultivation is also the road of strength, is a real physical strength.

Working with people, almost never use the technique, all by the power of the flesh.

However, Jiang Yun just had a punch, and he was also using the pure flesh force.

And the two played against each other, although the old man did not use all his strength, but Jiang Yun was only a few steps back, it was enough to make everyone marvel!

The blessed monk of the four heavens, the strength of the flesh, but can harden the punch of the war, this is enough to show that the strength of Jiang Yun is indeed amazing!

Especially Wang Yuanzhong and Zhan Qiu, they have seen the confrontation between Jiang Yun and Jiao Yu. They know that Jiang Yun uses the sword and the sword spirit, so they always think that Jiang Yun is just a sword repair.

However, I never thought that Jiang Yun’s physical strength would be so powerful.

Naturally, this also makes their evaluation of Jiang Yun higher in their hearts.

However, they know where, although the war force did not use all the power, but Jiang Yun is not.

If he shows the diamond pattern, under the full force, even if he can't say that he can overcome the power of war, but at least it has the power of a battle.

In fact, the reason why Jiang Yun actually took the initiative to fight against Tianli is actually to see it. Nowadays, people sitting here, even including Wang Yuanzhong and Zhan Qiu, think that their strength is not strong.

Although I am used to low-key, but since I have decided to go with them to the body of the ghostly beast, to walk for a while, then we must show our own strength, in order to avoid more trouble.

Therefore, after seeing that War Tianli is a physical repair, he will not hesitate to shoot.

Zhan Tianli sneered and said: "It is indeed some brute force, but it is not amazing!"

Although the words of Zhan Tianli still carry the meaning of contempt, but in the eyes of Jiang Yun, it is already less disdain.

In this regard, Jiang Yun is only a faint smile.

Although the physical strength of this battle force is indeed extremely strong, but in Jiang Yun's view, among all the physical exercises he saw, there were at least two people stronger than him.

One is the wilderness, the other is the moon!

Needless to say, the wilderness is not strong, the three physical body blessings are extremely powerful, and the moon is like a fire, don't look at her as a woman, but a brute force is also very amazing!

"Ha ha ha, well, everyone is not ignorant!"

At this time, Wang Yuanzhong finally laughed and said: "I just finished my words, now I will introduce to you again, the true identity of Jiang Daoyou is one..."


However, Wang Yuanzhong’s opening was still waiting for the words to be finished, but was interrupted!

From the open door of the hall of the royal family, there are eight white light suddenly shot, the goal is Jiang Yun.

The shadow of Jiang Yun’s eyes flashed, and it was seen that the eight white lights were white wires with eight arms.

On top of it, it is full of rich demon.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly understood, cold smile, raised his hand, did not use the refining pen, but with a pen, in the air, extremely drawn a demon print, toward the eight silk thread, 狠狠Take it.


At the same time as touching the silk thread, the seal was immediately swollen.

It is clearly visible, and like the numerous tentacles stretched out, the eight lines of silk are entangled in a densely packed manner, and the hard life stops at a distance far away from Jiang Yun’s body.


With the fall of Jiang Yun's voice, a young woman emerged from the door, and a tight purple dress perfectly showed her sleek and backward body, and the appearance was gorgeous.

However, the most eye-catching thing is that the coix in her eyes is not one, but has a myriad of ghosts overlapping, as if there are countless ones.

At this moment, these eyes are watching Gu Yun deeply!

Jiang Yun is also looking at each other, while the cold and cold channel: "Jiang's identity is a refining demon!"

In fact, there is no need for Jiang Yun to open up. When I see the appearance of the woman in purple, and the eight lines of silk that stand still in the air, the battlefield and other people are already well aware.

The purple woman is a demon, she must have sensed the atmosphere of the refining sorcerer that came out of Jiang Yun, so people have to shoot first.

And Jiang Yun also bluntly sealed her attack directly with the seal.

After Jiang Yun’s voice fell, the purple woman’s gaze finally looked at Wang Yuanzhong’s words: “Wang Yuanzhong, what do you mean? Since you called me, why do you want to be a refiner?”

"It turned out that Zidaoyou is here!" Wang Yuanzhong smiled and said: "Zi Daoyou also wants to be angry first. We have some strange creatures in this place. Only the refiners can deal with them, so we specially invited them. Jiang Daoyou."

"Jiang Daoyou, let me introduce you!" Wang Yuanzhong did not give the purple woman a chance to speak again. She has already looked at Jiang Yundao: "This is a friend of Zizhu. She must know her identity."

Jiang Yun nodded with no expression, and Zizhu also snorted, turned and went to find a seat and sat down.

Then, Wang Yuanzhong took Jiang Yun and walked to the other two people sitting here, pointing his finger at the old man: "This is a long ion friend, master of the array!"

Finally, Wang Yuanzhong pointed to the middle-aged man: "This is a Ge Songdao friend, proficient in the drug path!"

Although these two people also had disdain for Jiang Yun, but after seeing Jiang Yun's two consecutive shots, so that Zizhu and Zhan Tianli did not take advantage of the cheap, the attitude towards Jiang Yun naturally changed.

Jiang Yun was also polite to say hello to the two men, then sat down and silently swept the four people in front of him, and said in his heart: "Proficient in the power of the flesh, proficient in the formation, the drug path, the demon, the demon The family, plus me, such a team is definitely Zhan Qiu specially sought."

"That means that they enter the world of the beast, not just to break into the turbid wasteland."

With Jiang Yun's sitting down, Zhan Tianli once again said: "Wang Daoyou, we are all here, now you should tell us, where are you going, and what is the great nature?"

It turned out that although they came to the Wang family at the invitation of Wang Yuanzhong and Zhan Qiu, they did not know where they were going.

"Don't worry!" Wang Yuanzhong smiled slightly: "There is still one person. After the person arrives, we will naturally inform you of everything."

"Who else?" The celestial force showed the impatient color: "On the basis of those of us, where can't we go between this world? I said Wang Daoyou, you are older, the smaller you are!" ”

Regarding the ridicule of Zhan Tianli, Wang Yuanzhong did not take it for granted: "The courage is small, but this person is related to the success or failure of our actions!"

Wang Yuanzhong said this, not only other people are confused, but even Jiang Yun feels curious, who is it, can let Wang Yuanzhong give such a high evaluation!

However, Wang Yuanzhong apparently intended to sell the customs, and kept silent, so everyone could only wait.

After nearly a minute, Wang Yuanzhong suddenly smiled and said: "Come on!"

The voice just fell, and someone came in from outside the gate.

And seeing this person, everyone is confused, because they have never seen this person.

However, after entering the hall, this person simply ignored anyone, but looked straight at Jiang Yun!

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