The world reincarnates, each time a new talent!

Chapter 65: Beggars' Sect Leader Murong Fu (Please order the whole thing)

"After all, this matter is related to Madam Ma's reputation and the reputation of the deputy leader of the Beggar Clan. Naturally, I can't say it in public. If I damage the reputation of the Beggar Clan, Murong Fu will become a sinner.

Ning Yuan shook his head and said.

"Bitch, you knew full well that Quan Guanqing had harmed brother Dayuan, and Quan was willing to cover for him. I'll kill you!"

Bai Shijing suddenly became angry and raised his palm to kill someone.

Fortunately, Ning Yuan stopped him, "Elder Bai, please calm down. Madam Ma did not do it voluntarily, but was coerced."

"We cannot place all the blame on Mrs. Ma."

"Mr. Murong's words are wrong. All the elders of the Beggar Clan are here. As long as she tells the truth, we will naturally make the decision for her. But now that she refuses to reveal a word, I think she has already colluded with Quan Guanqing. "

Bai Shijing shouted angrily.

The other elders did not stop him.

Kang Min knelt on the ground and said with a sad face: "I know I am guilty and I am sorry for Dayuan. I am willing to go with Dayuan to preserve his reputation."

Come on, Kang Min suddenly took out a dagger from his arms and was about to stab his lower abdomen.

"Mrs. Ma, stop!"

Ning Yuan gave a soft drink and waved the dagger away from Kang Min's hand.

Kang Min suddenly shed tears and said sadly: "Mr. Murong, I am sorry for you. I actually wanted to frame you before. Now I have no face to face you, so just let me die!"

"Mr. Murong, this bitch betrayed Dayuan and deceived us. Death is not a pity."

Bai Shijing also scolded from the side.

Ning Yuan shook his head, "The Beggar Gang is the largest gang in the world after all, and it should have the magnanimity to tolerate the world. Although Madam Ma made a mistake, it was not intentional after all, but was coerced. She was an ordinary female, and she was confused for a moment. , was threatened by a traitor like Quan Guanqing, and later because of his reputation and fear of misunderstanding, he did not dare to speak out, which ultimately led to this result.

Although her crime is unforgivable, she is the widow of Deputy Gang Leader Ma after all. If we kill her like this or let her die, the brothers in the gang may think that we deliberately forced to kill the widow of Deputy Gang Leader Ma. "

"If the cause of the matter is explained clearly, it will tarnish the name of the deceased Vice Gang Leader Ma, so Mrs. Ma must not have anything happen to her."

"Mr. Murong, you don't need to persuade me anymore. Elders, just say that my heart is for Dayuan, so I just follow Dayuan out of sadness. This way our family of three can be reunited."

Kang Min covered her belly, raised her head, and said with tears in her eyes.

"a family of three?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this and looked at Kang Min in surprise.

"Mrs. Ma, are you pregnant with Deputy Gang Leader Ma's child?"

Wu Changfeng and others said with moved expressions.

Ma Dayuan has no children. If this is Ma Dayuan's posthumous son, then Kang Min must not lose anything.

At least not now.

"It's Dayuan's. She's already several months pregnant."

Kang Min lowered his head and cried.

Of course she wasn't pregnant, she just found a random excuse.

Bai Shijing and others looked at each other and finally made up their mind, "Since you are pregnant, for the sake of the Ma family's bloodline, this matter can be suppressed for the time being. As long as you can give birth to the child safely and continue the incense of the Ma family, we can treat this matter as have no idea."

Kang Min cried softly and said nothing.

Bai Shijing then asked: "But, how should Quan Guanqing deal with it?"


Everyone was lost in thought.

"Besides, the brothers must be given an explanation for the death of Deputy Gang Leader Ma. Now that the true situation cannot be revealed, how should we deal with it?"

Bai Shijing continued to ask.

Everyone looked at each other, and Ning Yuan took out a letter from his arms, "Everyone, I learned something from the mouths of the four villains."

"What's up?"

Everyone looked at Ning Yuan.

Ning Yuan smiled faintly and continued: "From the confessions of the four evil men, the reason why the Xixia people found the apricot forest so accurately this time was because someone tipped off the information in advance."

"What? Someone betrayed the Beggar Gang?"

Wu Changfeng immediately widened his eyes and shouted sternly: "Who is it? I must kill him with my own hands to eliminate harm to the gang."

"That's right, our Beggar Gang will never allow such a person to sell his goods for glory to live."

Chen Guyan also said firmly immediately.

Ning Yuan threw the letter in his hand to Bai Shijing. After Bai Shijing opened it, he immediately showed a look of shock and anger, "It is indeed him."

"Who is it, let me see?"

Chen Guyan, Wu Changfeng and others also took it immediately.

They all saw one name.

"I dare to ask Mr. Murong, are the four villains telling the truth?"

At this time, Elder Xu suddenly asked.

"Elder Xu can't trust me?"

Ning Yuan raised his eyebrows, and without waiting for Elder Xu to speak, he added: "I have imprisoned the three evil men in Yanziwu. If Elder Xu doesn't believe it, you can go and ask."

"After all, the Beggar Clan incident actually had nothing to do with me. It was the Beggar Clan people who deliberately wanted to frame me and got me involved."

"Mr. Murong's words are serious. How can I not believe Mr. Murong's words? How should I handle this matter?"

Elder Xu looked at everyone.

In the end, it was Bai Shijing who raised his head and said with a stern face: "In order to prevent him from telling Mrs. Ma's affairs, I think it's best to strike first, not giving him a chance to defend himself, kill him, and then announce his various crimes."

"Okay, I agree. There is no need to talk nonsense with this kind of person who deceives his master and destroys his ancestors and betrays his ancestors. If the brothers in the gang don't understand anything, I will tell him personally."

Wu Changfeng also stood up and said.

"Since the next thing is your private matter, I won't bother you."

Ning Yuan said goodbye.

But Bai Shijing quickly blocked the way, and then said to everyone: "The sky cannot be without the sun, and the country cannot be without a king. If our Beggar Clan loses its leader, I am afraid that people will be in chaos, and the disciples below will also fight with each other over who should be the leader. If this happens If you take different sides and fight against each other, you will only end up hurting the harmony of your brothers.”

"I believe that the leader should be selected immediately to stabilize people's hearts."

"And Young Master Murong has a reputation as a chivalrous person far and wide. Now he has saved us and others, and he has no sect of his own. He is a suitable candidate. I propose that Young Master Murong be invited to be the leader of the gang."

Bai Shijing stood at the door, speaking righteously.

After speaking, he looked at the others, "What do you brothers think?"

Bai Shijing has the best relationship with Elder Chuan Gong, and they had discussed it last night, so Elder Xiang immediately stood up to express his agreement, cupped his hands at Ning Yuan and said, "I agree with Elder Bai, please ask Mr. Murong to take over as the leader of the gang."

"We, the Beggar Clan, are people of all kinds. As long as we have justice in our hearts, even people who are not members of the Beggar Clan can be the leader of the Clan. I agree with that."

Wu Changfeng also said immediately.

Three elders expressed their opinions one after another, and it was difficult for others to refuse.

Ning Yuan quickly declined, "Although this junior has a false reputation, he is not from the Beggar Clan and has no merit at all. How can he become the leader of the sect? You all are so proud of me."

"Heroes don't ask where they come from. Mr. Murong, please don't refuse anymore."

However, Wu Changfeng began to persuade, "If you don't agree, you are clearly looking down on us beggars and beggars!"

Wu Changfeng looked solemn and said loudly.

Others could only agree at this time.

The three powerful elders have all agreed. Their disagreement will not only bring shame to the three elders, but also bring a bad impression to Murong Fu.

No matter what, their lives were saved by each other. If they don't give face at this time, it will make them appear to be ungrateful and ungrateful.

What's more, the Beggar Clan's sovereign cane and dog-beating stick are now in charge of Elder Xu, the most senior elder, and the two elders Bai and Xiang.

Now that the law enforcement and martial arts elders have agreed, Elder Xu cannot continue to refuse.

"Since the elders think so highly of Murong Fu, Murong Fu will shamelessly take over the position of leader. As long as I am here, I will make the Beggar Clan prosperous and dominate the world!"

Ning Yuan took a deep breath, clasped his hands into fists, and said solemnly.

"Okay, once everything is clear, we will notify the entire gang. However, we just held a gang leader succession ceremony for Qiao Feng not long ago. This time, it will probably take more time to prepare."

The elder Chuan Gong said a little embarrassedly.

"Elder Xiang, I am not a person who loves fame and ostentation. The ceremony is not important. I can simply inform the gang."

Ning Yuan said disapprovingly.

After all, he just wanted to see if he could gain luck by sitting in the position of leader of the Beggar Clan.

"It won't be too late to discuss this matter later."

Elder Song said.

As the door to the hall opened, Quan Guanqing was called in.

"Want me to come in?"

Quan Guanqing's face was full of doubts. Although he felt strange in his heart, he didn't think what would happen, so he walked in directly.

But as soon as he entered, he realized something was wrong and saw everyone staring at him eagerly.

"Elders, what's the matter with calling your subordinates down?"

Quan Guanqing asked, clasping his fists.

Several people had already reached an agreement, looked at each other, and suddenly took action.

Quan Guanqing's expression changed drastically and he immediately shouted: "Elders, why did you attack me? What did I do wrong?"

Quan Guanqing shouted in disbelief.

However, when several elders joined forces, he was unable to fight against them. He just blocked the two people in front of them and was already hit in the back.

Bai Shijing didn't give Quan Guanqing a chance to continue speaking, for fear of upsetting Ning Yuan, he slapped Quan Guanqing in the back of the heart, killing Quan Guanqing on the spot.

When Elder Xu saw this scene, his white beard trembled a few times.

There was a moment of fright.

"Now we will announce that Quan Guan is cleansing the rebel gang."

Bai Shijing immediately opened the door and walked out.

Then the candidate for the position of gang leader was announced.

"Brothers, after my unanimous agreement with the four elders, Elder Chuan Gong and Elder Xu, in order to stabilize the hearts of the gang, I have decided to invite Mr. Murong to be the new gang leader of our Beggar Clan and take charge of the overall situation of the Beggar Clan."

Bai Shijing stood on the wooden platform and said loudly.

"He actually chose Murong Fu as the gang leader!"

"All the elders agree. It seems that the matter is a foregone conclusion."

"That's fine. Mr. Murong is a top expert no less than Qiao Feng. And since he serves as the leader of our Beggar Clan, the power of our Beggar Clan will not be weaker than before."

"But Captain Quan actually betrayed us. I really didn't expect that he would collude with Xixia and even murder Deputy Gang Leader Ma just to dismount Gang Leader La Qiao. It's really insidious and despicable."

People in the audience were talking a lot, but no one directly opposed Murong Fu's appointment as gang leader.

After all, a group of people were killed by the Xixia people last night, many of them died, and everyone present had their lives saved by Murong Fu, so we must bear this feeling.

"I'll wait to see the gang leader!"

As Ning Yuan took the dog-beating stick from Elder Xu, the Beggar Clan disciples below immediately shouted loudly.

"Brothers, I, Murong Fu, have been invited by all the elders and brothers to assume the position of leader of the Beggar Clan. I will do my best to help the Beggar Clan develop and grow, so that all brothers can live a good life!"

Ning Yuan held the dog beating stick and said loudly.

"The gang leader said it well!"

People in the audience echoed.

Afterwards, Ning Yuan held a banquet in the apricot forest.

Invite all nearby Beggar Clan disciples to come for a dinner.

So lively.

It wasn't until late at night that everything ended.

"Mrs. Ma is pregnant and a woman cannot stay in the gang forever. Why not live in Yanziwu temporarily."

Ning Yuan invited Kang Min to Yanziwu.

Kang Min naturally would not refuse.

Although Bai Shijing's face looked a little ugly, he did not dare to say more.

"The gang leader is so kind!"

"Yes, the gang leader treated the widow of the former deputy gang leader so favorably. I won't drink anymore until I get over it!"

People around him praised him one after another, but Ning Yuan smiled and said nothing.

After leaving the matter to Bai Shijing, he also left Xingzilin.

He has no interest in the affairs of the Beggar Clan.

Let me report the results. The first order was 370; the current order is barely 400! I beg all readers for your full order support and help Xiaopoujie maintain an average order of 400.

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