The sword of the brave was finally drawn!

After seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned.

For a moment, the temple was terribly quiet, with only the sound of the brave sword being unsheathed.

Everyone was looking in the direction of Ai Ting, and they subconsciously held their breath to witness the birth of this great moment.


Under the witness of everyone, the brave sword that had been silent for thousands of years finally saw the light of day again.

This legendary sword in world history is not as fantastic as everyone imagined.

On the contrary, this sword looks so ordinary, just like the most common iron sword on the street.

But it deeply touched the hearts of everyone present.

Everyone knows that history is repeating itself before their eyes!

"Miss Ai Ting, you pulled out the Sword of the Brave!" Lambert's voice broke the silence.

Then, everyone started to get excited.

Except Ai Ting.

'I actually pulled out the Sword of the Brave? Why? '

As the Demon King and a foreigner, Ai Ting could not pull out the Sword of the Brave from all aspects.

Unless she is not from the Demon World, but from the Cecil World.

But it is obvious that Ai Ting cannot be from the Cecil World.

In the entire Demon World, anyone could be from the Cecil World.

Except Ai Ting.

Because Ai Ting is the first life in the Demon World, born before civilization, and is the standard of the entire Demon World civilization.

'Wait, there is another possibility. '

'The person who pulled out the Sword of the Brave may not be me, but...'

Aiting quickly thought of something, she couldn't help but lower her head, her eyes stayed on her belly.

Absolutely right, Ai Ting was very sure that the legendary brave was her unborn child.

‘My child is a legendary hero.’

The child of the Demon King turned out to be a legendary hero. This sounds so absurd, but also so reasonable.

Because this child not only has the blood of the Demon King, but also the blood of the Merlin family.

‘I remember that many years ago, in Alley Zero, the woman I killed said before she died that the secret of the Merlin family was related to the gods.’

Thinking of this, the Demon King raised his head, and her sight passed through the heavy sword of the hero and reached the existence in the sky.

If all this was set up by Him, then everything that happened now became reasonable.

‘But what exactly is the secret of the Merlin family that the woman said?’

At this moment, Ai Ting suddenly regretted it. If he had not been in a hurry to kill the woman named Liya Merlin.

This is also the first time that Ai Ting has felt such regret.

Obviously, before this, I have never had such emotions. Is it because of the child... At this moment, Ai Ting is unprecedentedly confused.

At this moment, Ashes' voice awakened Ai Ting:

"Lady, you have drawn the Sword of the Brave, and the world will be reborn in your hands!"

After hearing this, Ai Ting came back to her senses. She clenched the Sword of the Brave in her hand and turned to look directly at Ashes, her former enemy.

For a moment, Ai Ting wanted to throw away the Sword of the Brave in her hand and tell the world that she was not a legendary brave, but the Demon King.

For no other reason, just to prevent her child from being involved in this holy war.

But reason told Ai Ting that even if she did that, it would be useless.

She is a chess piece.

The child of a chess piece is naturally also a chess piece.

Ai Ting suddenly felt very sad, and she thought of Jian.

At this moment, Ai Ting suddenly understood Jian's crazy behavior and why Jian would fight against those irresistible existences.

'Why do I have so many emotions? Is this still me? '

The Demon King suddenly felt very strange. She was not like her now.

And Aiting knew that no matter what she was like, she could not fight against the will of the world.

So, after thinking about it, Aiting gave up the resistance.

Instead, she followed the guidance of the will of the Holy World, followed the torrent of fate, and took on the mission of being a legendary hero.

After thinking everything through, Aiting walked in front of the ash, came to the statue, bowed slightly, then raised the sword of the brave in his hand, and said in a deep voice:

"I will shoulder the mission I should shoulder and do my best to carry out your will!"


Two months later.

Starry Islands, Starry Sea.

On the boundless sea, a huge ship is sailing.

If there is a dwarf in

If so, you will definitely find that this huge ship is actually the [Conqueror] that the dwarves have long trampled.

At this moment, a man and a woman are sitting on this semi-artifact.

The man has a simple face and keeps muttering "I want to be a father".

The woman has a calm face, looking at the sea, her black hair swaying in the wind.

This man and woman are Lambert and Eting who set out from the Black Sand Continent.

After confirming that Eting is a legendary hero, according to the guidance of the oracle, the Temple of Light gathered the power of the entire Cecil civilization to help Lambert and Eting embark on the journey to kill the Demon King.

According to the oracle:

"When the legendary hero walks along the path that the gods have walked.

When the mermaid song reappears in the Starry Sea.

When the artifact appears and the ring of gods and demons sees the light of day again, it is the time when the Demon King descends.

The Saint of Destiny will guide the legendary hero to destroy the Demon King."

No one knows the path that the gods have walked, only Fuyao knows.

Many, many years ago, that was also the path that Fuyao walked.

According to the route given by Fuyao, Ai Ting and Lambert embarked on the path that the gods have walked.

It took them two months to walk through the entire Black Sand Continent and destroy countless demons.

The Starry Sea is Ai Ting's second stop.

After the fall of the Mermaid Kingdom, the Starry Sea has long lost its former vitality.

Under the calm sea surface, there are countless mermaid skeletons.

These mermaid skeletons are like seaweed, swaying on the bottom of the sea.

And in the deeper abyss, there is the Eternal City that has turned into ruins.

Deep in the Eternal City, Aiting and Lambert only saw a mermaid skeleton.

This mermaid skeleton sat on the throne, holding a blue weapon in both hands, as if telling the former glory of this country.

"Is this the legendary Trident of Poseidon?" Lambert murmured.

Aiting knew that this was indeed the legendary Trident of Poseidon.

Aiting also knew that the name of the mermaid skeleton in front of him was Kadis before his death.

Because Kadis was killed by Aiting.

Not only Kadis, the former mermaid king, but also the entire mermaid country was destroyed by Aiting.

But now, Aiting, as a legendary hero, holds the sword of the hero and saves the dead here.

Sometimes, fate is so absurd.

Aiting knows that such absurdity will not stop.

More absurd things are waiting for her later.

She has no way back, she can only move forward and finish this absurd life.

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