The time has passed quickly.

It is now 4660 years since the advent of God.

Five hundred years is a very long time for ordinary people.

If we go back to the ancient times when magic power has not yet come to the world, five hundred years may have witnessed the rise and fall of several dynasties.

In the past five hundred years, the legendary stories in the wall of protection can fill a large library.

For super magicians, five hundred years is just their lifetime.

Generally speaking, the life span of a normal super magician is about five hundred years.

This means that the life of Jimmy, the contemporary king of the Shia Empire and the first magic scholar in the Cecil world, is about to come to an end.

The same is true for Ashes, the most powerful master of the Temple of Light in history.

These two sages who have exhausted their energy to support Cecil civilization are about to reach the end of their lives.

There is great terror between life and death.

Even Jimmy, a scholar who has been obsessed with magic all his life and regards magic as more important than his own life, is afraid of death.

He has been pursuing the unknown all his life.

He is also afraid of the unknown.

And death, for the world, is the biggest unknown.

It is precisely because of this that Jimmy entered his old age.

No longer obsessed with fighting against the demons, but began to immerse himself in the magic of prolonging life.

In order to fight death, Jimmy almost broke his bottom line several times.

"It turns out that I am just an old man who is afraid of death."

Jimmy once thought that he had already put life and death aside, but when death was approaching, he suddenly realized that he was no different from others.

He is also a human being.

If you are a human being, you will die.

If you will die, you will be afraid of death.

"I really don't want to die like this, I haven't reached the end of magic yet."

Jimmy felt so reluctant, especially after he saw the changes in Xia in the past five hundred years.

In these five hundred peaceful miles, with the full dedication of Jimmy and Ashes, Xia's magic civilization has gradually reached the peak of the current world.

This is the peak of civilization in the third-order world.

In five hundred years, with the efforts of countless magicians, Xia gave birth to many new magics.

In addition to powerful combat magic, folk magic, life magic, auxiliary magic, etc. that are beneficial to ordinary people have also been derived.

The divine veins have also been integrated into the magician's system. The divine veins who have long had no way to go have also taken a new path with the help of magic.

In the 4336th year of God's Descent, a divine vein named Senna invented a magic pattern that can be engraved into the body of the divine vein.

The divine veins can therefore resonate with high-level magic.

After that, the divine veins also have a new name-melee magician.

Jimmy also gathered the efforts of many magicians and compiled the most powerful spiritual meditation method in the world today - "Jimmy Meditation Method".

In addition, there are also magic works such as "Jimmy's Magic Conjecture", "The Nth Possibility of the Fusion of Divine Art and Magic", and "The Divine Vein Advanced Magic Pattern Atlas" that are enough to be passed down for thousands of years.

These magic masterpieces have also derived many new magic systems and professions.

The magic civilization of the Cecil world has gradually become systematized, and a unique magic system that belongs only to the Cecil world has been born.

A magician's secondary profession was also born for it, including magic material master, enchanter, enhancer, pharmacist, magic brewer, etc.

Some magic-related products have also been born, including magic pets, magic riders, magic puppets, giant magic arrays, micro magic arrays, scrolls, etc.

Today, the wall of blessing has become a real magic world, a world built on magic power.

And all this is completely inseparable from Jimmy's efforts.

For the sake of Cecil civilization and Xia, Jimmy spent all his training time on building Xia.

Jimmy's magic realm also stagnated because of this.

Sometimes, Jimmy would wonder, is it really worth it?

"Maybe this is the price I paid for my journey on the path of magic."

Jimmy was originally a young man from a small town. When he was in despair, magic shone into his life like dawn.

It also illuminated Jimmy's life.

He tried hard to grasp this light, and also devoted his life to this light.

"This may be what the Cherubim teacher said about equivalent exchange."

"Compared to ordinary people, compared to the ordinary person Jimmy Rusxiu who should have lived a mediocre life, my life is already wonderful enough, isn't it?

? "

"At least after I die, my traces will be left in the world, and the magic of this world will also be marked by me."

Jimmy kept murmuring, as if he was trying to comfort himself, or to convince himself to face death bravely.

But no matter how Jimmy tried to comfort himself, he felt that something was missing.

Finally, these thoughts came together into one sentence:

"I really don't want to die."

It was at this moment that in the darkness, the still shadows suddenly moved, and finally turned into a woman.

A woman in a black robe with an ageless face, she slowly walked to Jimmy and chuckled:

"I have a way to keep you alive, and live for a long time."

Jimmy saw who was coming and was instantly furious:

"Traitor of the Temple of Light, Saint of Destiny Cocoon, why are you here? "

In today's world, except for the seven demon kings of the demon clan, no one can appear quietly under Jimmy's nose.

Unless this person is a titled magician, that is, the holy order in the mouth of the demon clan.

Jian ignored Jimmy's rage and smiled:

"I came for you, to break you free from the shackles of fate."

"This is a potion, a potion that can help you live forever."

"A potion that will transform you into a demon clan."

Speaking of this, Jian's voice became ethereal, and she continued with a smile:

"The potion is here, how to choose is up to you."

"You have paid a lot for Cecil civilization, and it's time to think about you and Jimmy Rusxiu himself. "

After saying that, Jian's figure disappeared into the darkness.

Jimmy was left staring blankly at the potion in front of him, his face full of struggle.


A day later, Jian's figure appeared outside the wall of protection.

In front of her was the demon army that had returned to the Black Sand Continent.

"Are you so sure that the old man will drink the potion and become one of ours?"

Five hundred years have passed, but the first demon king Ai Ting is still so young.

This is also the advantage of the demons.

The demons are an immortal race.

In terms of comprehension, they may not be as good as humans or other civilized races in the Cecil world.

But in terms of lifespan, the demons are far ahead of all the civilized races in the Cecil world.

"He will. In the face of death, staying alive is the instinctive choice of everyone."

"Even if he doesn't drink it, we will only lose a bottle of assimilation potion. ”

Aiting really likes the word ‘we’ in Jian’s words.

“Doesn’t the Cecil world want the Saint level? We help them break through to the Saint level.”

“The premise is that they must first become our people.”

The Saints gave Cecil civilization five hundred years to grow, and finally the harvest season came.

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